If you could study something completely unlike you, what would it be?

Physics. It's really cool, but too math oriented for it to be like me to study it. The amount of theory and mind twisting concepts are appealing, though.

Yeah, i'm kinda curious about theoretical physics but science was never a strong suit. :p
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Finance and Business. I have an extreme dislike for those two fields.

Finance is something I would never touch. However in Business, I would give Management and HR a shot, they look interesting, and they'd be a good asset when applying for a job in my field.
If you could study something completely unlike you, what would it be?



Because I find it a trivial activity I usually wouldn't expend much effort toward, yet I think it could be creative and interesting.
Physics! I am not mathematical enough to study it at the point. I am great with the practical applications, but the equations escape me. However, I find it very intriguing.
If I had it all to do over again, I'd play football and study physics.
The workings of the Stock Exchange & general economics.

Money, trade, contracts are all pretty irrelevant to me - but it would be kind of satisfying to know what half of the CBD is up to all day.
Medicine. Am still considering switching to that after getting my Psych degree.

As morbid as it sounds, I want to see if I am able to take the emotional pain of my patients dying on me.
Medicine. Am still considering switching to that after getting my Psych degree.

As morbid as it sounds, I want to see if I am able to take the emotional pain of my patients dying on me.

or the exhilarating feeling of saving a life? :D
or the exhilarating feeling of saving a life? :D

Have always thought doctors could only postpone death, so technically the term "saving a life" doesn't apply. Ever. Haha! But apart from the semantics, yeah, that. It's a noble cause, together with teaching. :D
I would develop a new weapon for the military.
Preferably a strangelet bomb or the like.
I'd get a degree in international business or something. Because big corporations seem to be calling all the shots and I'd like to have a more than cursory understanding of whats going on. Or maybe just economics.

However thats not like me because I don't have the patience for really technical stuff
Anything athletic or physical. Anything requiring erratic sleep patterns or diet. Anything requiring strong Ti, as my Te will devalue the shit out of it.
Skat, I've always thought you looked like a great defensive tackle or end. You have the look of a defensive player in your eyes! For me it would have been Acting. I wouldn't be an ass like many actors seem to be. I am really not as dry as my posts seem to be either, hehe. Also, and Electronics Engineer. I could have done that. I enjoyed math, but dyslexia made it more difficult than it should have been.
I'd study Chemistry because I hate it, even though it's kind of interesting.

Although I'd actually really like to study further astrophysics, calculus, mechanics, etc. I'm beginning to really appreciate those fields.
Foreign languages, WITHOUT any general linguistic/etymological understanding, just as brute force memorization of [strike]random[/strike] alphabetically ordered data. That would be awesome!
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Have always thought doctors could only postpone death, so technically the term "saving a life" doesn't apply.

Good point. How about "giving another chance at life", then? :D

lol, sorry. I have huge respect for doctors. I wanted to become one at one point in life.

Teachers are also crucial to society. Very very valuable.