If you could write your own tv series?

I'd make the plot of the series as convoluted as I could with several stories happening at once(that way only the true nerds of my masterpiece would get it). Furthermore, some episodes would actually expand on other shows that I've made requiring you to watch all of them in order to understand the true ending of the series.
If you could write your own tv series, what type of scenarios or situations would you write about? What kinds of characters would you write? What kinds of themes would you write about? Would you include personality theory in how you write the characters, or would you just go by natural personality?

... no copyright on things registered = easy theft.... Ah well, at least if someone puts up a more fleshed out idea that's any good, they'll see it get stolen and produced in time.

For me, It would be a Psychological Shooter in gaming terms, or in film-mans-terms, A Psychological Action packed Thriller series. Featuring Law-Enforcement, Politicians, Non-stereotypical yet exceptionally cruel and effective criminals as well as their victims. It wouldn't be a Detective, but more an on the scene thing like most swat related series, only one with an ever escalating situation where all things come to a blow and fucked up decisions need to be made that makes Fables choice between saving your sister, your dog, getting stinking rich or reviving everyone you don't care about a simple light joke by comparison.

I would include type theory simply by using actors of the same personality type as the characters in this series scenario but I wouldn't go out of my way to change event sequences for character development just to fit the type. I'd place the events on a timeline and ask people of said type how they believe they would come to such points and actions in real life and reverse engineer the dialog and bridge content from there.


Another series I'd make is something with a magic school in a medieval setting, and shit getting out of hand resulting in the cliche scenario of teens having to step up and do an adults job, only with a twist. The situation basically directs them in what is basically a near hopeless meat grinder for wizards and it takes a while for the main character to become clear amongst the teens.

It would be a magic themed Action/War series.

I'd pull the card of making it appear to settle around a couple only to have them die just as hard as the cannon fodder. Finally setting on one teen who defies the cliches (who all get killed just to make a point) by simply being himself. I think i'd choose an introvert who tries to solo his way through the objectives because he's the kid that gets bullied and stuff, resulting in him having honed his magic not to impress but to totally hack the playing field through his clever yet ruthless application of things.

For example, the popular and cliche types are more of a showy fireball to the face type where as the main character would no longer care about looking cool for others (unless its for himself) and blast superheated air instead that his enemies don't see coming. Or transfigures Aliens from Alien VS Predator, blood thirsty pokemon, dinosaurs or something else that is a bit of an easter egg instead of something normal to add to the fun factor.
If you could write your own tv series, what type of scenarios or situations would you write about? What kinds of characters would you write? What kinds of themes would you write about? Would you include personality theory in how you write the characters, or would you just go by natural personality?

I recently co-wrote the pilot episode for a series based on one of Moorcock's books. It's about the end of the world, cyclical conceptions of time and the characters are quite psychologically nuanced and complex, as well as funny and tragic by turns. It would be amazing if something came of it.
I would write about sociopolitics on the individual level.

So..... Your saying you would do a tv show about the bible? :D

I'd write characters who are willing to undergo great ethical sacrifice.

Power and success.

A combination of the plot of Prison Break and The Constant Gardener/Akira but with a slightly more romantic feeling. A team of human rights investigators does research about both corporate and government human rights abuses and tries to bring them to justice. The corporations and governments, often working together in ways they are not supposed to be, want the human rights investigation team stopped. There are sacrifices and moral/ethical dilemmas involved with the characters as they try to have normal relationships and families, in some cases being familymembers with corporate social responsibility and human rights people in companies and governments that believe the human rights team is going about it wrong. At one point, a couple members of the human rights team are investigating a government-corporate conspiracy in a city and things get dangerous, particularly as they are up against the likes of corporations larger than a lot of countries.