I am who I am.
- Enneagram
- 9w1
I am speaking not just of hs failure to maintain a decent, peaceful planet, but also his utter failure to do anything interesting or long lasting in the peroid prior to said planets creation!
Oh, yes, of course, I pursue only the glory of god and redeeming of humanity through purification of the soul yada-yada-yada.
If you call a bunch of explosions and a few space rocks 'loads' then I can't say I'm impressed.
He can do anything...and he sits and plays with galactic patterns?
Thats not being mysterious, thats just plain laziness.
Well a bunch of self-replicating organisms isn't exactly impressive either.
Still my only beef with your post was the timescale, which exists for around 13 billion years, not eight million aeons (which would be eight millon infinities and therefore impossible).
I see you haven't met the multi-verse.
Perhaps we are doomed to disagree on everything?
I should make very good friends with such a person.
I was tempted to say something like this too. I know I'd chicken out though."Shit."
Then I'd kick him in the shin.
Sounds like you're copping out. C'mon lets argue some more about a subject that neither of us could possibly comprehend.
Still aeon means forever which equates to infinity. As infinity is without beginning or end you cannot quantify it.
Uh, no?
Aeon is similar to 'age' in one meaning...
(Lemme check with Microsoft word)
Yes, I definately copped out with that one.
Ah, here we are.
Geologically, it is
:a division of geological time comprising two or more eras
If we take 'Era' as being a century, seeing how we tend to define era's and their cultural impact by their century, I don't see how 26 million era's is impossible given the size of the universe and the longelived nature of god!
Or, if we take it as the informal
a period of time that is boringly or dishearteningly long
I could have been using a figure of speech to say 'rather long time' in a vague manner to get my point accross.
Silly git.
I am using it properly sir, now do yourself a favour and read all of what I've written, and don't reply to you understand.
Then we switch opinions, and I do the same for you.
This is how we INTP's tango.
Constant challenge of the self and the ability to consider many possibilities:}