If you were a super hero....

*Wants to start debate, but suddenly his will to do so vanishes!*

You have thought it through. That's all I wanted to know. :thumb:

Hehehehe. Nice. I like you! Also, your hydrokinesis idea is really cool. I love water. If I had to pick an element type power, that would definitely be it. You really wouldn't need another power. You could just create spheres or jets of water and ride around in them. If you had control over the water, you wouldn't even cause property damage, because you could keep the water from getting anything 'wet'.:angel:
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Second power: the ability to speak to people with their understanding, also. Back to work on the third and last power and the costume would be that of an average every day person.
Ooh, I'm going to kind of copy just me for my third power - the ability to speak with and understand all forms of life. At the root of it, I'd guess it's a sort of telepathic-empathic kind of thing (other animals don't have language as complex as we do, but they certainly feel and communicate emotional states, etc).
I hereby second Von Hase to compose such a manual. All in favour?
A pattern is taking place in the infj. Did we ever figure differently?
I'd have x-ray vision ;), I'd have invisibilty and the abilty to read minds
and i'd wear this:

:m054:... you know you like it XD
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I would want the most ridiculous absurdly impressive yet worthless in the ways of crime fighting/villainy superpowers.

1.) The ability to produce classical music through my vocal chords.
2.) The ability to grow flowers out of my pores.
3.) The ability to make scenery look like a painting in any painting style. (I'd prefer to use abstract or surrealism.)

I would wear armor made from the bones of a dead goddess. I would ride on a triceratops.
My name would be a sound no creature could vocalize, but it would sound like wind howling through a large piece of hallowed out drift wood. My last name would sound like ice shifting on top of a half frozen lake.
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If you were a super hero and you only had 3 powers what would they be?
Conscious control of hormones in my body
Super Speed
Super Strength

What would your name be?

And what would your costume look like?
Track suit with hoody and sneakers
I can't decide between two sets of powers:
The ability to become air (with my body dissolving into air and either throwing my consciousness to be one with the air [conveniently, if I were to stay somewhat in this state, I could hear a distress call from anywhere, but I could also turn it off], and being able to re rematerialize anywhere with air, by keeping a separate conscious and controlling the air around me, or by maintaining my shape, nut only o my own perspective, thereby "flying")
Access to all knowledge, known and unknown (like having instant access to a library of everything)
My name would be [CENSORED], which is Wind of the night (VindurNott) translated into [CENSORED]. (why is this censored, you may ask. read my Intro thread OP, its my Magickal name)
My costume would be black, very loose flowing robes, with a cloak (not a cape, a cloak)

The second set:
Time-Space-kinetic (the ability to take the fabric of time-space and to distort it)
My name would be TanaiMaginjo
I would wear a full leather, black outfit (kinda like the film Blade, but less super-hero like)

I'm kinda leaning towards the first set.
Access to all knowledge, known and unknown (like having instant access to a library of everything)

I actually thought about this a couple years ago. And I think it'd drive me quite insane to know all the secrets of human history - I mean, all the lies, deceptions, etc. It would be really cool to know all kinds of secrets, our real past, etc, etc - but it would also tear me apart if I had to know all the crap that happened too.
If i was a hero...my superpowers would be...able to control light and control ice, and to be super fast.

My name would be...Emirii (emily in japanese...i think) or have no name at all i'll be a mystery for everyone.

my costume would look like ....a ninjas....ooor what ichigo wears in the anime show Bleach
And would you happen to be packing Zangetsu too? And stay away from me with that Ice Control! I'd be in trouble if the temperature dropped! (Ooh, it'd be even worse if you had Hyōrinmaru!)
If you were a super hero and you only had 3 powers what would they be?
1. Ability to see the future
2. Ability to communicate in any language I wanted (including aliens and spirits)
3. Ability to create force fields

What would your name be?
TK would be fine.

And what would your costume look like?
I prefer a more edgy style. Long trenchcoat, kickass boots, a gothic corset, tight-fitting vinyl pants, with a choker collar. I'll still sport my fro, so I guess I'd look like a more feminine version of Morpheus from the Matrix, lol!
Hyōrinmaru actually would be freaking awesome xD i want that sword...that kid has all the powers i want lol
Of course i'll have a sword with me what samurai wouldn't? xD
Oh I forgot to do my superhero name! I'd be the Roaring Willy! :mlove2:
Third power: miracles.