Muir, I'm not naive to the realities of the world (I very strongly protested against ID cards in Britain when I was younger and I've explored my fair share of conspiracy theories (and have certainly not discounted them all)), but I feel that you've grabbed a series of negative points and joined them up.
What points have i grabbed and joined up?
I don't disagree really here.
That's just as well because jim rickards knows what he is talking about!
The dollar basket currency is being undermined by China and such, but it's in everybody's interest that the spending power of the west remains strong. Power and wealth is shifting east, however that's not necessarily a bad thing, as it brings up their citizens quality of life. The key is that the value has to be reciprocated.
What needs to happen is a switch away from the current fascistic system where the wealth is funnelled upwards through a series of scandals to the few at the top. We need to see a more equal society as this will decrease the polarity and the tensions that result from it
The book 'the spirit level' explores the damage inequality causes in society
In China, there is too much bias towards using Chinese goods when there may be better ones available from other nations and in America, the government seems to take delight in fining foreign companies. It's important that free trade encourages the free movement of wealth - so that everyone, anywhere can benefit from the growing global prosperity.
Although I can say the same for the EU in some instances - Microsoft is a regular target. It's easy money, right?
Fines are a drop in the ocean compared to the amounts of corporation tax that is not being paid....its small change....millions? pffff! These guys are dodging billions
This is true, however there is equally a story in the news at the moment about the British government maintaining our commitment to overseas aid. We are also compensating the victims of the torture.
After many of the victims have already died. Its hush money and guess where the money comes from? It doesn't come from the corporate elements who were exploiting Kenya it comes from UK taxpayers money....yours and mine
That's how neoliberalism works.....the corporate cabal make the profits and we the taxpayers get lumped with the risk (see for example 'bank bailouts')
Its a big con and that is why the gap between the top 1% and the rest is growing
Yes, imperialism is not a fluffy, wide eyed kindness (I recall studying something about the Indian railway network and how it was carefully costed to ensure Britain got good value from it) but Britain did attempt, with the commonwealth, to continue to support former colonies after our empire ended.
No it didn't it sought to maintain crown influence over former colonies
As far as still exploiting, I don't condone or support slave labour, but as a consumer it's difficult to know whether an item was responsibly sourced. Price of goods does not equate necessarily good treatment of manufacturers. Because of globalisation, it's easy for a company to switch to a different supplier if costs go higher, potentially taking away jobs from countries that really need them.
This is a real problem that there is not enough awareness on the highstreet and the corporatocracy definately does its best to keep everyone in the dark and satiated with fast foods, cheap goods, and shiny distractions
My opinion is that a lot of companies now are pursuing 'ethical sourcing policies', fair trade and the like and I strongly support efforts in this area both as a consumer and possibly backed up with legislation (not ridiculous of course (e.g. everyone must be in a union) but fundamentally that products sold in a particular country must have been sourced from a workplace where it is not overly dangerous, working hours are reasonable and money is not completely exploitative (not sure how you would do this)).
I agree, i buy fairtrade, i buy local organic produce and i pay my trade union dues
However as we both know the unions have been under fascist attack in the Uk for a long time and the current tories want to change labour laws to make it easier for employers to sack people. So if you have a personality clash with your boss or they grope your ass and you refuse its 'goodbye!' There is also a scandal over how big corporations have been blacklisting people engaged in union activities
It's a similar story with corporate taxes. The legislation should ensure that companies pay a fair rate of tax - not ridiculous or punitative tax, but a fair rate. At the moment, in Britain at least, small companies have to pay their full tax, but big companies can filter the cash through tax havens and pay little. However I'm not a corporate basher, I just think openness and transparency are key - that way greed can still be good, but within reasonable confines.
Yeah tackling the tax havens is definately a good idea! What about starting with the city of london which has been the conduit for many big scandals including 'the london whale', bernie madoff and MF Global
How are we going to do that when most people in the UK don't currently understand what the city of london even is? Occupy London knew what it is which is why they camped there to draw attention to it. Its an awareness issue...once enough people are aware then things start happening as people begin to alter their behaviour
Yes, but there was a big campaign in Britain to 'Drop the Debt' several years back ( Debt levels in African nations were much lower a few years back, but they appear to have crept back up (*groan*):
I agree that debt is a terrible thing (hence why I support QE instead of debt as a philosophy relative to world population and such), but it does create money in the capitalism system we live and could be used for investment and such.
The trouble is, as westerners, we've only scratched the surface of African value. Sure they have natural resources, but there's a massive cheap workforce that could in a few years, progress like China through the Demographic Transition Model to a higher stage of development which would potentially increase their standard of living (although I worry may also undermine their majestic cultures/freedoms/communal spirit and turn them into us - and many western nations have high rates of depression and such I also wouldn't want to encourage too much deforestation/land grabs on sites of outstanding natural beauty.
The current plan is not to utilise the potential of african workers, the current plan is to obliterate the population of africa so that the land may be bought up by the cabal. They see it as acting as a potential bread basket for their new world order
Cabal bagman Bill Gates is currently stabbing synthetic poison into african children which will damage their immune systems and shorten their lives under the guise of 'immunisation'
Bills dad was the head of a racist eugenicist group called 'planned parenthood' whose main focus was on aborting black children
AIDs proved a useful bio weapon to cut the population. The conflict in the congo has been created and fuelled by the cabal whose power is dependent on keeping humanity divided
Debt is one of the weapons of the cabal who operate through their vehicles such as the IMF and the world bank
John pilger made a documentary using indonesia as a case study to show how this system works:
Again, I don't totally agree. Interest rates were much higher only a few years back and banks make a profit either way I believe. The motive for keeping interest rates low - I believe is to regulate growth and inflation to reasonable levels.
If you listen to Jim Rickards above he clearly says that he believes that what the fed is doing is wrong and on its current trajectory will destroy the dollar as a currency
One theory is that the cabal want to destroy the dollar as a currency and have created their own currency through the IMF called 'special drawing rights'
Their modus operandi is 'order from the chaos'. they intend to create a crisis which will lead to panic so that when they then offer their pre-prepared solution the panic stricken populace will jump on the bandwagon in their desperation to avoid the fear in their life; they will then gladly accept a new global currency from the central bankers
There is a good clip of Kissinger explaining the us approach to foreign policy in which he talks about a new world order. He talks about how countrys when they are put under pressure from the US for exmaple through black ops, sanctions and threats of destruction cannot live looking into the abyss for ever and will eventually come round to accept the unconditional terms of the illuminati:
Yes, this is a 'secret' meeting, but I do genuinely accept there may be a case, occassionally, for some private discussions and networking amongst powerful people. As long as they are not abusing their power or doing anything harmful to the world, I can tolerate it, though we don't know. I feel safer now with the current president and British PM than I have in a long time.
The 'torygraph' is a right wing conservative paper aimed at upper middle class people and landed people. It serves to create the necessary perception to guide that demographic in the direction that the illuminati pied pipers want them to go in
This may be true, however, rest assured, if I ever become a billionaire, I'll be following my own agenda as much as possible and I believe their is enough diversity in the world, to -mostly- prevent this sort of problem. However I do recognise the dangers of 'groupthink', governments getting involved with big data corporations like Google or Facebook and communities acting against individuals - e.g. I'm not a proponent of Rousseau's 'general will'. Individuals always should have basic human rights - right to speak, right to privacy, right to life, right to family and so on.
I take it you are referring to the news story that has just broken revealling how politicians have allowed foreign intelligence agencies to use Facebook and google to spy on the uk public?
I said they were doing that on this forum over a year ago and was called a 'conspiracy theorist'. Mark Zuckerberg is not a genius, he's a MOSSAD agent acting as a figurehead of a company doing their spying for them on the ignorant masses who are helping them form the biggest spy database on the planet
When google was driving around taking photos of every street in Britain for their google maps they were also trawling wireless Radio Frequency and capturing peoples email passwords and other sensitive information. This story did reach the mainstream press fairly quickly:
I have no knowledge in this area - I believe you could be accurate, but I have no proof. I watched a cool movie called 'The International' - it's about a corrupt bank that loans money for weapons and such. I think you might enjoy it.
Lets hope Bradley Manning gets off with a slap on the wrist. I advocate a 5 year jail sentance (or less). He's already served 3 years, so 2 more years and then release.
I think the corporate elements will be wanting to make an example of him
I was not aware of this. I think it is always important that legal aid exists and gives due protection to defendants. Trying to get value for money is not in itself wrong, but as long as people are not unfairly discriminated against based on wealth. e.g. a poor person is just as innocent until proven guilty as a rich one.
I think if you've got a lot of wealth (salaries over £37k) it's not unreasonable to ask people to pay towards their legal defence, but obviously it's also relevant to the actual wealth you have, not just what you're currently earing.
*Phew* I'm done. Ok. Your turn.
Edit: if you want to.![]()
The whole country is being turned into a two tier country where only the rich will be able to afford health care (see the attempts to privatise the NHS), education (see the creation of university tuition fees), security (police protect the rich and security is increasingly being sourced out to private companies), transport, legal representation etc
The rot in our system has been concealed for a long time but the money funnelling upwards is causing the decay of our system. Instead of fully trained police we now have 'community officers', instead of trained nurses we now have 'nursing assistant', instead of fully trained soldiers we have more 'territorial army', instead of prison wardens we get private security guys who lose prisoners or who kill people like the G4S killing of a person in the london olympics, instead of teachers we get teaching assistants etc
They're patching over the cracks but the system is decaying
They are freezing large parts of the population out of the game of capitalism which the media term the 'NEET' class ie not in education employment or training. These people feel they have no stake in society hence the london riots.
They are destroying the savings of the middle class and they are currently growing a new housing bubble that will decimate the savings of many more middle class people
Fascists don't like a middle class that can challenge them politically
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