- infj
- Enneagram
- ....
I always thought it was weird the way you guys kept harping on the people not being Fe enough, I have Fe, but its not so pronounced like it is for an ENFJ who is unable to separate them self from it most of the time. I can switch off when I need to and go into my happy place, I spend most of my time analyzing random crap in my head, from every conceivable angle. I live in Ni, is it feasible to say you live in Fe? Because I go from analyzing to feeling, not the other way around. Would you say you go from Feeling to analyzing? It might explain the disconnect I see in most introverted NFJs, they feel, they love, they connect they bond, buuuuuuuttttt....they don't have to if they dont want to, its easy enough to ignore or switch off. I doubt an ENFJ could do that as easily, considering the direction their energy goes. outward.
In my life I have met MAYBE 2 or 3 INFJs total I have met quite a few ENFJs which I believe are much more abundant.
In my life I have met MAYBE 2 or 3 INFJs total I have met quite a few ENFJs which I believe are much more abundant.