We don't know what he does that he isn't posting about. He does see her in person and has mentioned she is uncomfortable with his behavior when he sees her in person. I was trying to illustrate that tolerance for a behavior like obsession/potential stalking is opening the door to criminal behavior. He comes here* for reassurance that he can continue on this path. I was also trying to illustrate that being young is not an excuse to get away with being predatory.
Girls are held accountable for being abused, being raped, having unwanted pregnancies, etc: Is she pretty? Did she flirt? What was she wearing? She is "slutty". It was god's intent. While apologists say things like, "Boys will be boys," and, "He's just a kid!" People with real potential to harm are given slaps on the wrist, let off for good behavior, given second chances, etc, and girls and women die because society repeatedly lets boys and men off the hook. There is an attitude that men and boys can behave a certain way – in a predatory way – and that is allowed and women and girls must tolerate it, or that it is romantic, because boys will be boys and a guy who doesn't give up will eventually win the girl. If no harm comes from it, which happens sometimes, everything is OK. The woman is called 'extreme' or 'paranoid' or 'dramatic' for being worried or upset. If harm comes from it the woman is critically hurt (attacked or raped) or even killed. Even if the woman is raped she is the one on trial, not the male.
So, to this boy, I say STOP. You are headed down a path that is very dark. Leave her alone. If you don't leave her alone, I hope you get arrested. I care more about her safety than your age or your feelings.
*Unless he is a troll, then he's just a jerk using the classic dichotomy of male as predator/female as prey scenario for kicks, which is not acceptable, either.