I'm starting to believe I'm INFP too ...

it is not about the groups
it is about self discovery

I have walked my entire life believing I'm this person but always feeling wrong about it. And thanks to the MBTI, thinking about personalities and digging into how people "work" I discovered I am a totaly different person.

I have felt my entire life as being strange, now I know I'm not the only one
I have a huge problem with blokked energy on all levels of my life. I just started to notice this bloks and thanks to MBTI I know why I bloked myself. And that has a huge impact on the quality of my life. It is like I finely can start living my life as I was ment to do.

So in the end, the labels doesn't matter, it is the journey that counts

And I'm so thankful of all of you guys, I'm so glad I met you all!! :hug:
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Morgan, I think I can relate a lot with what you said, and other people too. But maybe that's the hook? Any type system attracts people (like us) who need to find identity, a sense of belonging, and that they are not actually some odd exception.

But maybe all people *are* indeed "odd exceptions", because there are just no norms for what we should be, and we are victims of a very repressive popular stereotypes?

Dunno, sorry for messing with the direction of the thread. Hope you don't mind.
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Aw, I love hugs. :]
This may sound really odd, but for some reason this whole thing is making me really excited. Like, you know- figuring out my type finally. I was confused, but now I feel like I really know. It's like I know myself better, or something.
Ehh, is it weird that this makes me uber happy?

I was gitty too.
something in me is fighting against the idea of being a "dreamer"
I CAN"T be a dreamer!!!

I thought the exact same thing.

I thought the "Dreamer" was something I could outgrow. I like the creativity it gives me, but at what cost?
On this journey of self discovery I don't thank MBTI so much as I thank this forum. Through this forum I have discovered I am not alone. I am not weird. OK, maybe weird but I have a flock! And that has been a huge stepping stone.
Finding out all of this information isn't the end, it's just another beginning.
On this journey of self discovery I don't thank MBTI so much as I thank this forum. Through this forum I have discovered I am not alone. I am not weird. OK, maybe weird but I have a flock! And that has been a huge stepping stone.
Finding out all of this information isn't the end, it's just another beginning.

Exactly this is what I am most thankful for, not finding out my type..but coming to this forum..finding people who are understanding, people who think like me, people who I can talk to and share without field, this is the place where I can release my most inner thoughts I would never release with anyone else.
While everyone is in an "I love this forum and everything about it" mood, I just wanted to say that joining this forum is one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. Because I feel so comfortable here. I feel like I understand and am understood. I can relate to the things people on here say on so many levels. I have only ever met one person I can do that with in real life.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm in a very loving mood, and right now I love ya'll. Hahaha.

*group hug* (:
haha, me too!

he is pritty good isn't he

this is the INFJ way:
When INFJs are trying to decide on their type, they tend to start out with a type that just doesn't seem right for some reason, and begin to research the reason why. Feeling overwhelmed by all the details, they slowly rule out any possibilities one by one, until they're down to the last few difficult distinctions. At this point, INFJs are likely to realize that there is no type that completely defines them, and that the MBTI is far too archetypal to be accurate, rather than trying on other types because their Ni has ruled out so many possibilities. Then, INFJs tend to have an 'aha' moment while not thinking about any of this stuff where they realize what it means and how INFJ is the best description of the 16 types. Once this happens, they seldom look back. Ni and Fe reach a spontaneous concordance. Ni honed in on the answer, and Fe accepted it as part of how things are and should be.

That describes my last weeks ;)

PS: I'm beginning to like this forum :omnom:
I thought the exact same thing.

I thought the "Dreamer" was something I could outgrow. I like the creativity it gives me, but at what cost?

now THAT is eerie!!!That is exact what I'm thinking. Being a dreamer feels great, at peace at last. But it has a great cost, it is like I can't function in the real world being a dreamer, I don't get thinks done and I have no interactions with the world.

Isn't there anywhere a "how to be a succesful dreamer" manual or something?
this is a good one too:

INFPs are usually very intense and sensitive people, and feel seriously threatened by criticism. They are likely to treat any point of view other than their own as criticism of their own perspective.

They should consciously be aware of their tendency to discard anything that doesn't agree with their values, and work towards lessening this tendency. They should try to see situations from other people's perspectives, without making personal judgments about the situations or the other people's perspectives. In general, they should work on exercising their iNtuition in a truly Extraverted sense. In other words, they should use iNtuition to take in information about the world around them for the sake of understanding the world, rather than take in information to support their own conclusions. The INFP who successfully perceives things objectively may be quite a powerful force for positive change.

Think of a situation in your life in which you weren't sure how to behave. Now try to understand how one or two other people would see the situation. Don't compare their behavior to your own, i.e. "she would know better than me what to do", or "why is it so easy for her, but so hard for me". Rather, try to understand how they would see the situation. Would it be seen as a problem, or as an opportunity? Would it be taken seriously or lightly? Try to determine their point of view without passing judgment or comparing it to your own.
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now THAT is eerie!!!That is exact what I'm thinking. Being a dreamer feels great, at peace at last. But it has a great cost, it is like I can't function in the real world being a dreamer, I don't get thinks done and I have no interactions with the world.

Isn't there anywhere a "how to be a succesful dreamer" manual or something?

I am looking for it, LOL.

For me, playing with my intense feelings is like playing with fire. I HAVE to suppress them to some extent, because if I don't then it is simply too much for people to deal with. However, I think we have a tendency to take the suppression too far, and in turn we bottle everything up while we present a calm/placid demeanor. Then when we finally blow up everyone else is like W...T...F...

Every time I even think about allowing my feelings to take a hand at the wheel they open the car door, push my logic out, and go for a fucking joyride. WHEE!!!

I embrace my logic and I try to give it as much reign as I can. My feelings are like an irresponsible child that I have to constantly watch and tell to behave.
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Hehe, I like enfp can be shy attitude: we should not become prisoners of type. When I read the type descriptions I can find pieces of me in any of them. Parts of OP could also apply. It only works at the level of averages.

Back to the topic: my own impression is that you're closer to J. You've mentioned that you tend to please people - that's a very sure sign. Ps hate to please and are very stubborn about it. Intruding into the feelings of another person is a very rude thing to do even if you have the best of intentions. It's not that they a worried on how other people will react to them but rather how this intrusion will go with their values. It might become clearer if you look at Te/Ti difference: Js value independent thinking very much and would prefer to come to conclusions themselves rather than being told by other person. Similarly Ps like to feel for themselves and resist when someone tries to influence.

Other strong sign of J/P difference is whether you're a start or an end person. If you ever went on a long and tiring fieldtrip with your friends or colleagues, when did you feel better: during the first or the second part of it? Js become more alive and agitated towards the end.
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Back to the topic: my own impression is that you're closer to J. You've mentioned that you tend to please people - that's a very sure sign. Ps hate to please and are very stubborn about it.

I absolutely adore pleasing others that I care about. In my past that has been my family, my teachers, my friends, and my lovers. That is not something I ever had to work on either, I had to tone it down because it can be unhealthy for me.
It's always ok to try things on for size. Be yourself, communicate with other INFPs - investigate additional INFP board and forums and see if anything "clicks." Mind you that's not always going to work because there will be all types on all boards, and you can't assume everyone is of one type. But you should be able to get an overall feeling for it, and that can tell you something about who you are as well. :D
I absolutely adore pleasing others that I care about. In my past that has been my family, my teachers, my friends, and my lovers. That is not something I ever had to work on either, I had to tone it down because it can be unhealthy for me.

I meant that there is a big difference in the style they use:) and I think that Ps do a better job at making other people around themselves comfortable. The most distinguishable feature is that they do not try to influence or take matters into their hands - they just are and that seems to relax others. Js on the other hand spend a lot of time thinking, rehearsing and worrying about encounters in their head. Pleasing for them takes effort while Ps do it more naturally.
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first of all, thanks for all the nice replies!

I meant that there is a big difference in the style they use:) and I think that Ps do a better job at making other people around themselves comfortable. The most distinguishable feature is that they do not try to influence or take matters into their hands - they just are and that seems to relax others. Js on the other hand spend a lot of time thinking, rehearsing and worrying about encounters in their head. Pleasing for them takes effort while Ps do it more naturally.
Posted via Mobile Device

So in fact you're saying that for INFJ's the world is more about thinking and thoughts while INFP's are more ruled by there feelings?

I'm still not shore about my type, doesn't really matter anyway. But when I read this site (http://www.personalitypage.com/INFP_per.html), how each type can grow. I can relate to the INFJ topics a lot, but the INFP "problems" hit me in my week spots very hard! Like taking criticism personal even if none was given, and that when someone disargue with my point of view, it feels like they disargue with my hole being. Or an other big one, that I don't see the world objectively, I see it colored by the glasses of my feelings. For example, when someone doesn't smile at me, my mind goes "she doesn't like me" while it good also be that this person has other things on her mind. And all of that points more at INFP than INFJ

So I'm going to wear the INFP glasses for the moment and see if knowing this type better will improve the quality of my life and make me understand myself better and helps me dealing with my problems.