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How dare you insinuate that I am anything but concise in my refutation of fundamentalists!
Conciseness is overrated. Sometimes you need to take your time and revel in the ownage for as long as you can make it last.
How dare you insinuate that I am anything but concise in my refutation of fundamentalists!
Do you suppose non-Christians might also object to racial segregation and taxation without representation?
secondly, I believe that all people seek their freedom. However only Christians find it.
Christianity equals freedom?????? Isn't EVERY parable and story in the bible about following gods will, no matter what? Isn't Christianity all about following gods will exactly as he says it, without hesitation or question? That's not freedom, my friend. Freedom is actually being able to choose what you do, without having/needing anybody (including divinity) tell you what to do.secondly, I believe that all people seek their freedom. However only Christians find it.
Ugh! This one is irritating, for two reasons.civil rights movement,
Please, oh please, explain this one to me.the united states (partially)
Haven't seen any evidence of this one yet. Still waiting, but I'm always disappointed.salvation
I'll grant there is a lot of truth to this.the American deep south
Okay, how am I a result of Christianity? I can see, how in your worldview, I am a product fashioned by God, but that's different than being a result of the religion itself.
Unfortunately this is not true, in either respect. A great number of people prefer to find solace in easy, absolutist answers rather than face the great uncertainty that is life. Doubt is not a pleasant state, but certainty is an absurd one.secondly, I believe that all people seek their freedom. However only Christians find it.
Freedom from what?
oh, because going to church every week for 18 years, and reading sizable chunks (sadly, I can't honestly say whole, but I'm close) of the bible isn't enough?This is proof that you know nothing of Christian doctrine.
Ugh! This one is irritating, for two reasons.
One, there were a number of secularists working on the Civil Rights movement long before people like King came onto the scene.
A. Philip Randolph comes to mind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._Philip_Randolph
People like this, and the important contributions they made to the Civil Rights movement, are airbrushed from history because of the fanatical focus on Martin Luther King, Jr., to the exclusion of all others. This is not to downplay King, only to point out that he was not the one and only face of the Civil Rights movement.
Second, if the cherrypicking that some Christians would like to do. "Oh, look, there were Christians that supported Civil Rights." Wow, so what? There were plenty that opposed it as well, and many of them based their opposition in their Christian faith, quoting passages from the Bible. Before that, Christianity was used to justify slavery for millions of people. Who is to say which is the more faithful Christian? At the time, the interpretation of the Bible seemed perfectly reasonable to most people. It's only as our innate sense of decency gradually began to rebel that people started to re-interpret the Bible to fit with their inherent morality.
Please, oh please, explain this one to me.
First, to bring out the Treaty of Tripoli, as signed by John Adams: "As the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion..."
Second, I note that a number of the "founding fathers" were not Christian (Jefferson, Franklin and Paine were Deists for sure, others may have been as well.
Thirdly, while I gladly admit that a number of the country's framers were Christian, this is nowhere near sufficient to argue that the United States is a product of Christianity.
Haven't seen any evidence of this one yet. Still waiting, but I'm always disappointed.
Okay, how am I a result of Christianity? I can see, how in your worldview, I am a product fashioned by God, but that's different than being a result of the religion itself.
Unfortunately this is not true, in either respect. A great number of people prefer to find solace in easy, absolutist answers rather than face the great uncertainty that is life. Doubt is not a pleasant state, but certainty is an absurd one.
what do you find your self a slave to?
1. Archaic Judeo-Christian "ethical" rules which constantly keep certain freedoms from being exercised by myself and others.
2. Reactionary conservative Christo-political groups which work hard to take away many freedoms, encourage war with countries that espouse different religious values, etc. These people stopped stem cell research for really no reason other then religious disgust...those cells were showing extreme promise in many fields of medical research. And that's just one example...
1) I never called myself christian, I only said I know a good bit of christian teachings and dogma. I know there is a whole lot more to being christian than going to church and reading (like, you know, actually believing what you hear, which I don't [and I also understand your frustration. I too get pissed off "christians" who don't really believe or participate as they're supposed to as christians. I would prefer them call themselves agnostics, and for the percentages of members in a religion to actually represent believers {sorry, but it is my dream to see the church dwindle and pretty much disappear, and the first step to this is for people to identify correctly.}.].).Going to church doe not make you a christian, reading the Bible does not make you a christian. Though I am glad that you have read, from what you say is a great deal of the Bible. The only question I would ask is whether or not that Great deal is NT, OT or both?
Secondly why did Christ die on the cross?
1) what archaic rules do you speak of and how do they hinder you?
2)"Christo-political" don't play politics. Bible doctrine does not encourage war, does not take away freedoms,and does not speak on stem cell research. The fear of stem cells is (a) political (b) ignorance (c) preservation of a sacred life.
(C) is the only one I'm concerned with, though to my knowledge most stem cell growth is coming from petri dishes, so long as you not taking the life of a unborn child it does not bother me, which goes back to (b)
Christianity's outdated rules have been used to deny/remove rights from groups such as gays (the most recent scam), pagans/perceived pagans (witch hunt anyone? it is said in Exodus to not suffer a sorcerer to live), atheists (such as atheists not being allowed to claim conscientious objector status for the longest time..."godless men cannot have morals"), blacks (the bible has been used to justify slavery) and so on.
And I would predict your response to be, "Well, those people were misinterpreting the bible, it actually says 'X.'" Sorry, that doesn't fly. If your holy book can not be translated unambiguously then there is an enormous problem. I don't understand how a book "inspired by God" could be so misunderstood...you would think God would be a better writer.
The problem with religion is it really has no objective, unambiguous standard to adhere too. If scientists have a dispute, they turn to the scientific method to solve it. If mathematicians have a dispute they turn to the rules of logic. Even philosophers have an objective standard to turn to: which is also logic. Showing your opponent's position to be contradictory to itself or in contradiction to a very obvious and intuitive "axiom" means his argument must be edited or even dropped.
The only thing Christians have freedom from is an objective, unambiguous, reasonable standard to live by. You have thousands of different bible interpretations. To compound things, you have all these religions claiming absolute and unchanging truth. As in...it is already discovered, we can't be wrong about it, and we won't change our minds given new evidence.
It's unhealthy. To me it's obviously unhealthy. Statistics even support this. US population of Christians is about 70%. US population of atheists is between 8-16% depending on how you define "atheist." US prison population of people who claim Christianity as their religion: right on target, about 70%. Prison population of those who call themselves atheists: about 0.16%...at the most generous (to the opposing side) estimate, atheists are underrepresented in prison populations 50 times less then they should be.
Numerous studies have been done showing an obvious correlation between societies with high religiousity and high dysfunction (higher crime rates, more war, more suicides, etc), and a correlation between high non-belief and much lower dysfunction (lower crime, war, suicide, etc).
I'm just ranting by now, but I find it stupendous to even assert only Christians find freedom. If you're talking about freedom from objective reason, freedom from need to follow logic, freedom from introspection...then maybe I'd concur.
I try to stay out of these things but you hit a button.It is what frightens people the most about religion in general, the standard. the thought that you don't answer solely to yourself or your peers but instead to a almighty being who has the power and the right to judge you and find you guilty because of the holy nature of the being.
I try to stay out of these things but you hit a button.
No, it isn't the 'standard': it's the hate.
Hey Gays: Change or GOD will fry you. He will fry you long and fry you hard.
And by the way, The Bible says I should kill you now, but I won't. Aren't I nice? Oh and by the way, God Loves You!
Hey Witches: Change or GOD will fry you. He will fry you long and fry you hard.
And by the way, The Bible says I should kill you now, but I won't. Aren't I nice? Oh and by the way, God Loves You!
You can't believe in God unless God causes you to believe and if you don't, you fry forever.
Fry Fry Fry.
That's why. Not hard rules. Your God is frying my mother right now according to you. She was a good person but she wasn't a Christian: she's frying forever, And Your Religion Says She Deserves It.
PS I like you. I think you are a good person. But I sincerely detest the religion you hold because of the burning forever based on religious beliefs. I like the love parts. I believe in those. But I will not convert because of the above.
I believe in God, but I do not believe in the God that proposes eternal punishment for people with good hearts. And yes I know about Lutheranism vs. Calvinism vs. Wesley's Methodism vs Etcetera. And I have in fact read the KJV from cover to cover, and I did it in less then a month. I have an entire shelf of my library devoted to Christian Theology. I've read Grudem (Yes Reformed Theology I know) and Ryrie and Sproul and Stott and Lewis.See I love you, you are a part of my beloved family. Just as your mother deserves Hell so do you. And so do I. In fact every poster on this board and person on this planet deserves nothing less the the unrelenting wrath of God.
Yet he has told us that he loves us. His rebellious, murderous, deceitful and destructive children. And he loves you.
I can't make this anymore real, I beg you listen to me I deserve to have bean left dying in a ditch while God moved to any other person. Yet he stopped for me, he cleaned my wounds and said you are forgiven.
You don't have to hurt, things don't have to be this way. there is a God who loves you, who will provide for you. A God willing to die for you.
Let him show you, let him cut through the darkness that has encompassed the world. He has come to make you righteous not by your own hand but by his grace.