- INFPishy
My SJ skills win this time. Every relationship is co-dependent to some degree. You're drawn to people that fulfill a need that you have. You fulfill each other's needs. That's the deal, that's how it works. And if you're fulfilling each other's needs a LOT, then you're pretty co-dependent on each other. There's nothing inherently wrong with this. Now there ARE problems when some needs fulfilled by someone else should be fulfilled by yourself, but co-dependency PER SE is not necessarily bad.
And your need for alone time / space is personal to YOU; I don't think a generalization can be made from this.
OK so I think a lot of people would misunderstand the whole "co-dependency" thing. The reason why I'm so precise in my explanation is because oftentimes people would just oversimplify, and conclude that "co-dependency=bad". This is not inherently true. If 2 people in a couple both have low-self esteem and all these insecurities, then they're likely to be co-dependent. Co-dependency is NOT the problem, and not to be fixed per se. It's just the result. The problem with the misconception of "co-dependency=bad" is that it can be used to justify shitty ass things. Like "You are co-dependent on me, fuck off". It can be used to improperly justify keeping your distance from someone, or not helping each other out.
Yep, someone who just doesn't want a committment for personal reasons will use the argument that their partner is too co-dependent to explain why they are breaking up when the real reason is that they don't want to make a personal committment to that particular someone. And I do agree that co-dependency is quite misunderstood.