Impossible memories?


I like Nickleback
I cant help being curious about memories - whenever I try to talk with other people about stuff like that they just tend to shrug their shoulders, but I guess I can try here instead :) How far into your childhood do your memories reach? Is it visual memories, sound or feelings? And whats the oldest one?
Visual and emotional. The oldest I remember was my sister and I picking on my brother ... and my mother putting us in the corner. This was around age 5? I remember kindergarten was only half days. I would go to school in the morning and the bus would take me to a daycare after. I remember the the staff not being very pleasant, and the director wearing goofy glasses where the eyeballs shoot out from springs. This was the same year I fell off the metal balance beam and scraped my chin badly. I remember a certain pair of shoes I had, they were brown with a strange seam that went straight down the middle. I remember stomping on anthills with my friends and some big boys approached us, picked us up and threw us b/c they felt sorry for the ants (they got in trouble obviously.) When in kindergarten class, we were learning ABCs, the teacher had a little blow up character for each letter. I wanted all of them.
Visual and emotional. The oldest I remember was my sister and I picking on my brother ... and my mother putting us in the corner. This was around age 5? I remember kindergarten was only half days. I would go to school in the morning and the bus would take me to a daycare after. I remember the the staff not being very pleasant, and the director wearing goofy glasses where the eyeballs shoot out from springs. This was the same year I fell off the metal balance beam and scraped my chin badly. I remember a certain pair of shoes I had, they were brown with a strange seam that went straight down the middle. I remember stomping on anthills with my friends and some big boys approached us, picked us up and threw us b/c they felt sorry for the ants (they got in trouble obviously.) When in kindergarten class, we were learning ABCs, the teacher had a little blow up character for each letter. I wanted all of them.

Any flashbacks of anything (even if very abstract) <5 yo at all?
Visual, emotional, and sounds. I remember one memory at 3. I remember sitting in my Dad's office at his work and telling someone my address. For whatever reason I kept saying Kansas City, Missouri instead of the suburb of KC where I lived. I remember my Dad saying "Nooo, you don't live in Kansas City. Say it again." And I remember grinning with embarrassment and trying again but I said it the wrong way again. Lol. Crystal Clear memory.

I started kindergarden @ 4 years old. I remember a lot of it, mostly things I was doing in front of an audience like the talent shows and the school plays. I remember writing my name on the first day on the board, and I remember painting as Renoir in the school play. Not really understanding who that was, I associated the name with rain and I remember painting large drops of blue and green water. Later that year we had another play and I was assigned as the 'third little pig' in the three little pigs story. I was pissed. I wanted to be chicken little (I don't know why lol) I cried, and I remember my Mom explaining to me that the third little pig was a better part; he outsmarted the wolf and how it was much much better part than chicken little. That seemed to work, I remember stacking bricks for my house during the play and telling the pig that he couldn't get in, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin. (no wonder I didn't want to be that part. Not exactly glamorous) ;)

My oldest memory? My Dad carrying me upstairs to my room at night. I remember waking up in his arms for a second asking him if it was 30 o'clock. It's just a second or two and the memory is really fuzzy. I don't know how old I was but it's not as clear as the one in my Dad's office. I'm not sure I trust it because the memory is outside of it happening and not from my perspective. Maybe I was in my mother's arms and my sister was in my Dad's arm and she was the one asking if it was 30 o'clock...but I don't know.
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Any flashbacks of anything (even if very abstract) <5 yo at all?

Possibly one. I remember my sister playing with Barbies on the couch. I came up to her and wanted to play, but she told me I was "too little." I know I asked her over the course of many years, but it's possible I was around 2 or 3 at the time. Otherwise, nada.
Visual, emotional, and sounds. I remember one memory at 3. I remember sitting in my Dad's office at his work and telling someone my address. For whatever reason I kept saying Kansas City, Missouri instead of the suburb of KC where I lived. I remember my Dad saying "Nooo, you don't live in Kansas City. Say it again." And I remember grinning with embarrassment and trying again but I said it the wrong way again. Lol. Crystal Clear memory.

I started kindergarden @ 4 years old. I remember a lot of it, mostly things I was doing in front of an audience like the talent shoes and the school plays. I remember writing my name on the first day on the board, and I remember painting as Renoir in the school play. Not really understanding who that was, I associated the name with rain and I remember painting large drops of blue and green water. Later that year we had another play and I was assigned as the 'third little pig' in the three little pigs story. I was pissed. I wanted to be chicken little (I don't know why lol) I cried, and I remember my Mom explaining to me that the third little pig was a better part; he outsmarted the wolf and how it was much much better part than chicken little. That seemed to work, I remember stacking bricks for my house during the play and telling the pig that he couldn't get in, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin. (no wonder I didn't want to be that part. Not exactly glamorous) ;)

My oldest memory? My Dad carrying me upstairs to my room at night. I remember waking up in his arms for a second asking him if it was 30 o'clock. It's just a second or two and the memory is really fuzzy. I don't know how old I was but it's not as clear as the one in my Dad's office. I'm not sure I trust it because the memory is outside of it happening and not from my perspective. Maybe I was in my mother's arms and my sister was in my Dad's arm and she was the one asking if it was 30 o'clock...but I don't know.

nice :) the 30 o'clock bit almost showered my laptop with coffee :D

I remember the most of my kindergarden time like it all happened last year or so, very clear memories there, they may be that way because it mostly wasnt a nice place. I think I went there from 3.5 years till 6, then it was school time. I remember the frustrations when mums friends used to come over and I always had to come and answer the question of how old was I - I was three, but in my language three is pronounced pretty much the same as "trees", but with a much sharper "R" and I used to replace it with "L" - and they always tried to train me to pronounce the "R" properly... then there are again memories of frustration, when I used to take my toys out to play, then pop into the kitchen to see what was grandma doing and when I was back to play - my toys were always tidied away.. :/ then when we go even further back - I think my uncle, aunt and their son (my baby cousin) were staying with us for some time for some reason, there is 3 years difference between me and my cousin, and I remember him crying in the pram and my auntie sitting on the sofa, knitting and rocking the pram with one leg. Once she went somewhere and I took her place on the sofa with 2 pens in my hands, pretending to knit too and rocking the pram with one leg... except I overdid it and pushed the pram over on its side :P No wonder he grew up so daft lol :D nah, im kidding about the daft part :) then I used to tease him by taking his dummy away and hiding it, and lots more of my maliciousness hehehe, I was kind of evil :P

then the oldest memories. The second oldest was me sitting on the windowsill and watching a thunderstorm. There was a really bright lightning veeeery close by, I remember the whole window light up with it and I think I fainted. Woke up in bed and remember lots of concerned murmurs, my grandma was very cross with my mother and everybody kept jumping around me. I asked mum about it when I was older, but she never gave me any answers as to whats gone on there.
And the oldest ever is more like a flashback, but very clear, I remember being stuck in an uncomfortable position in my baby pram and mum taking me out in the rain. I once asked mum about this one too, I even described her my pram in great detail, she sat there with her gob wide open, but then just shook her head and said that its impossible that I could remember anything of this kind, as she sold that particular pram when I was 4 months old!! :O no-one believes me lol
She didn't give you any answers to the lightening story? Ask her again lol because now I want to know ;)

Wow, I would imagine most of being an infant would be uncomfortable. That's amazing that you could describe that.

LOL I do remember that question about how old I was. I would look at them and show them with my fingers instead of talking. Lololololol.

My sister was evil just like you were! ;)
She didn't give you any answers to the lightening story? Ask her again lol because now I want to know ;)

Wow, I would imagine most of being an infant would be uncomfortable. That's amazing that you could describe that.

LOL I do remember that question about how old I was. I would look at them and show them with my fingers instead of talking. Lololololol.

My sister was evil just like you were! ;)

I cant ask her again, unfortunately - we are not on speaking terms at all ever since I ran away. Grandma died when I was about 5, so cant ask her either :(

I was evil, i think, because I was jealous :) I was the only child and when my cousin would come over, everyone would be obsessing about HIM, and not ME, because he was younger :D these are already conscious memories :) plus he was a little grass and never got punished for his misadventures, so I sort of made up for it, just to have my need for justice satisfied :D
Clearest memory I can remember is my 3rd birthday, before that I can't remember anything, it's like there isn't anything at all.
My earliest memory (I think) is when the family dog bit me when I was a toddler. Maybe at 2 years of age?
I have many fuzzy ones from that period of time.

I think I have managed to hold onto many very early memories because they were reinforced over the years by seeing photos.
If I remember correctly, the generally accepted age of memory formation is around 3 years of age. There are few reports of earlier memories, but they're generally contested as being formed after the fact.

Personally, I do remember two instances at the age of 1 that I can recall, but nothing much after that until 5 or so.

My parents were married one year after my birth and they took me along on their honeymoon to a white sandy beach in Florida. I remember seeing the white sands reflecting the sunlight, similar to being snowblinded. I remember being carried, in diaper, across the beach where a bunch of large jellyfish had washed ashore and people were standing around them observing them and I wanted to get closer to see also, but my mother would not allow it afraid that I might try to reach out and touch it.

I remember my father carrying me out into the water and setting me down on the shoreline as he stood a few steps further out waving at me when the tide knocked me over and I started to cry. He came and picked me up out of the water as he was laughing at the wave knocking me over and trying to comfort me.

To this day I am not a very strong swimmer and have a slight fear of the depths which I suppose is how that began.
I have some very vivid memories from when I was 2 years old, and I'm sure that is how old I was. I became self-aware as a toddler and increasingly so as I got older. I can remember spending time in daycare very well.

These are full memories (i.e. they have all the senses- they're just like memories i had last week).

I'm not sure what the oldest memory is- I can't sort out what happened when at that age.
Visual-- few memories from age 3, for instance.
My first memory, strangely, happens after a dream. (Literally, I woke up from a dream)
My oldest memory would probably be singing "Spread butter, spread butter, spread spread!" in my first language the whole car trip with four other annoyed listeners for at least an hour, winning the challenge from my oldest brother who at the beginning said I couldn't.

I'd like to think my stubbornness has translated into perseverance to this day.

The day my dad bought and set up my first Nintendo. It's a crystal clear image of him bumbling with the wires and manuals to try and figure it out.
Oh boy, my oldest memory. Hanging out in my crib before I learned to climb out of it :becky: It was all over for my folks when I figured out how to do that. After that playing on a blanket in my dads shop. Both of those are around 2 maybe 3 years old.
The oldest one I think is when I was between 1 and 2 years old, I still hadn't learned how to walk...I remember lying on my stomach, when my mom picked me up, I remember hearing my sister crying, she was in the same room
I have quite a few early memories but these two stick out more than most. In one, I was in a stroller being pushed by my mother to the grocery store. I was 2. I remember the intensity of the sun and looking down at my legs and seeing the salt water sandals on my feet. The colors in this memory are vivid. It must have been Summer time.

The other was also in Summer, at my grampas house. I was 2 here also. I was in his backyard squashing earwigs with my bare hands and feet because my mom squealed a bit whenever she saw them. I figured they must be nasty things if she was so freaked out by them and was proud of myself for "saving" her. What a brute of a child. :[ After that I played in the sprinkler. I liked carrying it around and spraying myself with it as if it were a hand held shower. I shrieked and dropped it and ran whenever I sprayed it under my arms because it was cold.
I'm not sure what my earliest memory is. It's either the time I tried to climb out of my cot, only to have it fall on me, the time I threw a diaper into the fireplace and almost burnt the house down, or the time I tried lifting our television and was nearly crushed to death when it fell on top of me. Ah, good times.
I'd escaped the house and was starting down the street. I was maybe 3 but I could already walk and run really well and knew how to unlatch the playpen and doors. I'd unlocked the side of the playpen and the screen door to the house was locked but I reached up with my tiny finger and could fit it in between the latch and the frame, and pushed the latch aside and opened the door.

Another time I'd unlocked a second story window and was standing in it, with it wide open, and there were people down below telling me "Go back inside baby! Go back inside!" I was just happily waving at them LOL. One of them came and knocked on the door to let my mother know what was going on. She wasn't very good at keeping track of me I guess.