In 10 years what technology do you see becoming the new norm in our society?

It's all driven by profit, isn't it? Saving cost while increasing efficiency. Good for business, good for consumption, but...wait, there's something missing. I can feel, but I can't tell. Or it's just my nostalgic soul refuse to embrace a changing future?

Things change....but the question is: what sort of change do we want?

I expect my generation to live long lives

This, the first and foremost essential thing now for technology to go to is biotechnology. Working for a cleaner environment for everyone in any sense. I really hope plastic generation is pulled back enormously as this currently is a major factor damaging the environment. I see solutions emerging (eg. alternative degradable bioplastics or materials that are degredable), systems that are trying to remove plastic from the environment, ... . But it's still a slow slope. I also think healthcare will keep on improving a lot in the upcoming years. And hopefully we'll finally see Nuclear Fusion properly coming from the ground in the upcoming years, so we can have energy generation at a minimum environmental cost.

and a topic that needs to and is being covered for many years. We have 2 nuclear power plants (Doel, Tihange) that are beyond their active operation cycle (a 10 year post-operation "grace" period). When they shut down, Belgium will lose around 40% of its power generation ( , it's lower in 2018 due to the shutdown of some reactor towers for maintenance), leaving a gap for the demand.

None of the political parties have given a proper solution to what we're going to do, they propose to a) "create gas power plants", which are too inefficient which means that a lot of gas fuel needs to be pulled from the environment, which is bad. Others propose "more solar panels and wind mills", which are good on their own but not good enough as continuous power systems as they depend on wind/solar energy.
There are even some that propose to prolong the current nuclear reactors, which is just plain dangerous. There is one Party that proposed an experimental Thorium reactor, which is good but they are also in the pool of "extended the lifetime of the current reactor".

But there are intermediary solutions that can cover as much as possible in the meantime during the shutdown. A Generation 4 nuclear power plant (or even a thorium reactor) for example could cover the power generation gap for a certain period while we are further pushing more green solutions. It may not be the best solution but it's much better than the older Generation 2 reactors that we have now and a lot cleaner. Or we can use sea turbine systems that can take over some of the power generation. Or we can use a mix of the proposed solutions (gas/wind/solar/biofuel even/get it from nearby countries). Anything at least to shut down the current reactors ASAP and generate enough power the best we can for the environment.

Energy generation is a difficult topic to cover as it's just not about generating energy but distributing it properly over the whole (European) net, which requires heavy monitoring and a lot of paperwork to maintain these within Europe. But it's bothersome that none would take a step further and look for any other solutions than what's beyond currently available as a "quick fix" and now we are still stuck with what we have and will probably take on a less favorable solution in the end. The elections are this month and I don't have an idea who to vote for now. They are covering other topics in their campaigns. It's annoying as this is also an essential topic that needs to be covered in time. These are essentially systems that can pull out CO2 from the air (they do not have to be near any power plants as it seems CO2 is distributed evenly over the whole atmosphere) and can convert these in carbon-neutral fuel. This would be a nice step forward to a more greener environment. Not that we need to remove all of the CO2 from the air, it's an essential molecule, but at least we can lower/balance the total amount CO2.
Oh boy - love to see that even 5 years back this forum still got side tracked just as quickly.

Tech, huh? Predictions aren't my thing. The one sure thing is anything I predict will NOT happen, something even cooler will emerge.


I expect my generation to live long lives

What do you mean by long? Centennials have become quite common. My great uncle lived to 102. Do you mean like 120s/130s?
I have my fingers crossed for teleportation.

Or an Amtrack that travels 3000 miles per hour in some safe tunnel.

Ok. That's unreasonable. 1000 miles per hour would be fine by me.

Cali already has (or had?) Something like this started. I doubt it'll happen within 10 years. But, cmon. I need to travel cross country quickly, and without having to deal with airports or bus stations.

Also, please make it affordable. in free? Lol.


In 10 years, we won't have debit cards. Our bank accounts will be linked to our person and there will be iris scanners at every checkout. This applies to our phones/computers when we make purchases online, also.

We will have to walk around with our eyes closed, or with sunglasses on in order to avoid scammers. Lol

So, there will be a high demand for service dogs. I mean, that's the best part of it anyway. Dooooggggiiiiesss everywhere.
Something that's an egregious violation of one's privacy, such as implantable chips that let you log into Facebook, pay for things and lets police scan you to verify your identity on airports.
Personal AI assistants that help manage your life and estate. Thinking a real Jarvis like experience from Iron Man. They'll start personal but might open up to multiple family members.
a buncha technology that will take over human jobs. A buncha tech that will isolate people, less and less human interaction needed.

Will the world consider a human life less valuable when people dont need people and can "rely" on their tech slaves? Will humans become slaves to their own tech?
I long to return to rotary telephones, newspapers..a time when people went to restaurants and talked to each other. Bed time was a time to unwind, and let go of the day. . if you needed directions you got a map or asked someone. If you wanted to buy something you went to a real store. You reached out with letters. . you played games with each other. I'm not technology's friend
Image recognition using machine learning. I want to walk into Bulk Barn and not have to watch people painfully do manual price checks, I die a little inside each time. I kinda want that right now to be honest. In 10 years I want all my grocery shopping habits constructed into a database, whats in my fridge scanned and tracked so I don't have to think about it. I then want them delivered to me. I also want to live in a world where I don't have to tip the delivery person. People realized they should pay them decently and their livelihood isn't dependent on my generosity.

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Something that's an egregious violation of one's privacy, such as implantable chips that let you log into Facebook, pay for things and lets police scan you to verify your identity on airports.

Yes, this is already a thing. And you know it's going to become the norm. I'm surprised it's not already voluntary but not voluntary at places like Google and Facebook.
Personal privacy is already a thing of the past though. Sad for humanity, but great for those who profit from human vulnerabilities.
Personal privacy is already a thing of the past though. Sad for humanity, but great for those who profit from human vulnerabilities.
This may be the major concern of current society, to be honest.

Fuck the climate,