But stu... it wasnt one instance. Are you seriously trying to pedal that idea? She has been hacking and coughing for a long long while now. Shes needed help up the steps for a long long while now.While it is not even vaguely cool to say that Putin is a better leader than O'Bama, I often misspell thread titles and would appreciate the editing.
And more to the point, it was a brilliant tactic to disseminate rumors that Mrs Clinton was unhealthy, she just had to have one episode of unwellness to seemingly prove the conspiracy.
As far as the episode of title change which @Eventhorazine refers to, I really think it should be changed back, (if it already has not) and an apology could be offered. I really believe he should be happy that those who volunteer to admin are as even handed and tolerant as they are.
No need to change it. So far as I was concerned it was dead and buried...until ruji brought it up again. My references to it are good natured fun with a teachable moment attached. I intended to change it myself.I had to do some digging and a search with the word "title" under the username Eventhorizon to find which thread had its title changed, and found that it was in this thread via a post of yours: http://www.infjs.com/threads/clinton-vs-trump-trump-vs-clinton.31733/page-14
Although, your post referencing it is on page like 3 or something like that. I hadn't gone that far back in the thread for a while. What did the title used to be? I couldn't find any log for the change.![]()
Ok if you insist. ..bias.call me biased, or stupid or whatever but the bullshit that was bandied around till now was just that.
But stu... it wasnt one instance. Are you seriously trying to pedal that idea? She has been hacking and coughing for a long long while now. Shes needed help up the steps for a long long while now.
No need to change it. So far as I was concerned it was dead and buried...until ruji brought it up again. My references to it are good natured fun with a teachable moment attached. I intended to change it myself.
It was the title. I misspelled one of the Clintons as Clinto. I even got a nice picture deposited for it.But... Now I'm curious, lol
It was the title. I misspelled one of the Clintons as Clinto. I even got a nice picture deposited for it.
So I have had health issues as many here know by now. As a result I visit the doctor more often than I like. Every time and ever different doctor always, ALWAYS, listens to my lungs. Even doctors I have never seen before. The idea Hilliarys doctors did not have reason to suspect pneumonia after diagnosing allergies is almost impossible to believe.
Of course pneumonia is a cover up in itself. Its damaging but not nearly as much as a diagnosis of Parkinsons or deep vien thrombosis. Loud noises activate seizures and there are more than enough videos of her that support the claim of a deeper far more serious medical issue.
What does bigotry mean to you?I wonder what Trump's bigotry is a cover up for.
Okay Dr. Eventhorizon.
Allergies can easily turn into a sinus infection/throat infection which can then easily become bronchitis and/or pneumonia.
Hay fever can actually cause a low-grade fever and fatigue...it’s not just a fun term.
Not to mention it could be viral pneumonia or bacterial, both with differing treatments and severity.
I’m sure giving all the interviews and speeches didn’t help.
If she is covering up her health records and you are so bent out of shape about it, why not give the same amount of credence and critical argument to Trump still not releasing his tax records?
And there are plenty of records besides the ones being audited.
What about Trump’s heal spurs or some bullshit that kept him out of the military draft?
Then he has the gall to make fun of POWs and gold star families.
4th on the list of most commonly prevalent diseases.
(I got my Doctorate from Trump U, so you know I’m book-learned)
What does bigotry mean to you?
Not wishing to interfere, but wasn't FDR in a wheelchair for his entire 3 term Presidency, when you know, he saved the USA economy after the depression and then took action to save Europe and the world from fascism ( we don't often thank Americans for it, but thank you, I for one am very grateful).
Just saying...
?What does sociopathy mean to you? What does meaning mean to you? What does you to you? What does.
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
"but what does intolerance mean?"
unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own.
"but what is acceptance really?"
the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
"Well Trump has not indicated a lack of acceptance. That is something you've made up in your own mind you stupid fuck"
Oh ok. My bad.
This is a thread discussing Hilliary. But if you want ti prop FDR up...Not wishing to interfere, but wasn't FDR in a wheelchair for his entire 3 term Presidency, when you know, he saved the USA economy after the depression and then took action to save Europe and the world from fascism ( we don't often thank Americans for it, but thank you, I for one am very grateful).
Just saying...
This is a thread discussing Hilliary. But if you want ti prop FDR up...
"He sanctioned the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans.
Anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States reached a fever pitch following the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. In California, for example, the governor, the entire congressional delegation, numerous newspapers and top U.S. Army commanders all called for Japanese residents to be removed so that they could not commit acts of espionage and sabotage. Some government officials had misgivings about what’s now considered one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history. But not Roosevelt, a humanitarian in many other respects, who told the War Department to do what it thought best. In February 1942, he signed an executive order delineating “military areas … from which any or all persons may be excluded.” About 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, two-thirds of whom were American citizens, were then forcibly removed to internment camps, their property sold off at bargain-basement prices. German-Americans and Italian-Americans were generally spared this fate. A few decades later, Congress issued a formal apology and awarded $20,000 to each surviving detainee."
Lets not forget the great effort that took place to hide his illness from the public. The funny thing here is that people were imprisoned for just the thought they might do what Hillary is known to have done. Espionage. Yeah, funny. Because this is typed I am sure the disgust doesn't really make it through.
The funny thing here is that people were imprisoned for just the thought they might do what Hillary is known to have done. Espionage