Ladies and gentlemen the only people you need to look towards are us, NTP's.
Why are so many INFJ's chasing after ISTP's?
Is it because we are that uncommon? Last time I checked there were plenty out there looking for an INFJ partner.
I dunno, ISTP's come across as a bit bland and safe, like Vanilla Ice cream.

Two of my brothers are ISTP's. The eldest only cares for facts, not theories. Bleh.

Why take a boring NT (rational) over an SP (artisan)?
My little brother was ISTP. We got along pretty good and we're pretty close. Never a problem, we just kinda understood each other. We were different in many ways but always knew we were in the same "karass", as Vonnegut might say. He never seemed to cut himself any slack though, which is a shame, he was always over analyzing and doubting himself. He never left a stone unturned. I admire his endless questioning of life, even though he may or may not have found answers. He was always up for some last minute adventures : )Smart guy though, for sure.

Ladies and gentlemen the only people you need to look towards are us, NTP's.
Why are so many INFJ's chasing after ISTP's?
Is it because we are that uncommon? Last time I checked there were plenty out there looking for an INFJ partner.
I dunno, ISTP's come across as a bit bland and safe, like Vanilla Ice cream.

Two of my brothers are ISTP's. The eldest only cares for facts, not theories. Bleh.
I mostly agree, but with ISTPs they at least get the introversion/extroversion preference right.

Why take a boring NT (rational) over an SP (artisan)?
If given the option, why wouldn't you?
Hey forum,

I have a twin sister who is an ISTP, so I guess I'll share my experiences concerning her. :)

Although we're both very introverted at times, we can become very silly when it's just the two of us, and we seem to rub off on each other when it concerns certain characteristics.

For instance, I'm always very self-conscious, and she always tries her best to let me know that I look fine. On the other hand, my sister is extremely shy in some cases, and I tend to be more outgoing with people. She's learning to be more open to others because of me.

We share a lot of similar beliefs/likes/dislikes, perhaps this has to do with us being family and all...but I believe it goes along with how we do come to the same conclusions about stuff. We like the same music, we dislike being in huge social gatherings, we share the same ideals, etc.

She's a pretty great sister and all, but she does seem to be more immature than me even when she's the older twin. She's really stubborn when she wants to be, and this makes drilling into her head some common sense really frustrating. She believes that anything you say to her is an "attack" even when it's just a suggestion, a concern, or an opposite opinion.

She definitely likes to live "in the moment" which constantly bugs the hell out of me, since I'm always thinking about what might happen in the future. She gets wrapped up in the moment a lot of the time especially when her boyfriend's around and they kinda ignore me... :m068:

I think the worst trait I dislike about my ISTP sister is the fact that she has total disregard for being punctual! She always wakes up late, is really slow in getting ready for school, and scrounges up everything she needs last minute.... :m133: ARRRGGGHHH!!! INFJ RAGE!!!

*clears throat* anyways...

Another thing that I've noticed about my sister is the fact that whenever she needs to release pent up emotions, she always vents to me about what's bothering her, or making her the happiest love-struck idiot in the entire world. (Just in case she ever reads this...:m095:)

Yet when I want to talk or vent (normally I'm the cool-cat in the family, I don't normally feel the need to talk about my emotions) it's an entirely different story. I get the feeling that she's not listening and I start to feel discouraged...How come I can listen to her, and yet she disregards what I want to talk about when it concerns my feelings? It's hard enough for me as an INFJ to try and talk about how I feel, and it's even harder to feel as if no one's paying attention to me. :(

My mom (even before we knew our MBTI's) coined the best way to describe the two of us: My sister wears her heart on her sleeve, and I'm a soul-searcher. I think it's perfect. We have a pretty good relationship, and yeah things can bother the heck out of us, but for the most part it's harmonious. :m023:

Hope this helps! -Sam

Ladies and gentlemen the only people you need to look towards are us, NTP's.
Why are so many INFJ's chasing after ISTP's?
Is it because we are that uncommon? Last time I checked there were plenty out there looking for an INFJ partner.
I dunno, ISTP's come across as a bit bland and safe, like Vanilla Ice cream.

Two of my brothers are ISTP's. The eldest only cares for facts, not theories. Bleh.

Hehe, I think it's sweet that Hotkebob wants us to INFJs to look at NTPs. Too bad I'm about 20 years too old for Hotkebob :)

Well, I think with my ISTP I had more difficulty with T-ness than S-ness, but that would depend a lot on the person, if it even makes sense to think about it that way.
Why take a boring NT (rational) over an SP (artisan)?

There's so many of you out there! You guys make up 33% of the population (according to while we make up a measly 12.5%.

I suppose you could say us NT's are more exotic in flavor. :m027:
I'll have you know that I known as the Originator. No painting bowls of fruit here.
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This is an old thread but this might be a nice place for my first post.

I have an old ISTP friend who lives in a different country now. Still, he's like a brother to me and when we see each other it's always the same meeting of minds it ever was.

I'll summarise the data first and let it get more personal as I go, just in case any ISTPs S(e)e this! I think we represent great balance and growth for each other. We have each other's dominant as our tertiary so we both have to reach beyond our auxillary for communication. We also have an inverse relationship with our auxillary and inferiors so we have a mutual sensitivity to each other's weaknessnes and energy. This sequence and orientation means that not only can we both respect each other's faculties, but recognise them in ourselves too, and can learn to use them from one another. And both types love new ideas so it's an addictive process. But - and I dare say this might be why the theme here seems to be friends/silblings yay, partners nay - it's strenuous brain excercise.

We had that joke when we were younger that it would have been easier had we been gay or one of us a girl but when I think about it it might be exhausting. And energy is very important for INFJs and ISTPs who are fiercely independent and perfectionistic. I lived with him for a year or more in college and while we got to procrastinate together and analyse everything from varying perspectives, we both came to a point that we were exhausted with one another. We began to have fights that neither of us understood or wanted to have. I became very put down by his empirical thinking and I upset him with my withdrawal and short fuse. I feel that in a partnership both parties would have to make an effort to ensure that auxiliary and inferior interaction is managed very carefully.

Now the feely bit, which is very important to me at the moment because I've recently discovered that I might be 'in the grip'. I've had a strange few years with a very tempestuous relationship with an ENFP that ended while I was studying for quite a technical masters degree. I think this has landed me in a sensory/thinking trap that's been marked with a cooling of my response to art, an obsession with economics and politics, a distrust in my intuition, a disconnection from my feelings and others, and a self-doubt that I'm desperately trying to over-compensate for with the tone of this spiel!

I learned recently, from that abstract, that after extended periods of sensory exhaustion INFJs will actually turn to over-sensing. Indulging without enjoyment and unhappily trying to find factual data that will explain their plight to them. The irony wasn't lost on me when MBTI obsessing led me to this. INFJs and our stupid need to trap ourselves in paradoxes and contradictions! So, apparently the way back to intuition is to feel your way. So tonight, I miss my absent ISTP brother and I want to F(e) it at the world!

We both had fetishes for ideas when we were teens. We would naturally spend hours throwing concepts and theories around approaching them from as many angles as we could, sharing our tastes and views. It was mentioned about getting the same answers but working it out a different way. This is very true of us and we like to hear each other's methods. We would go to concerts together and have different but equally jolting experiences; we played in a band together which was a space of mutual learning and expression where I think we were in many ways each other's blind spots; he's a great chef and when we eat together I can indulge my senses while listening to his vivid explanations of why it's good or bad or where it came from, I admire his passion for food and data and he admires my love of music and abstract ideas; and maybe most importantly at times when we have something we need to get through we can map it out together in ways that clear the fog away for both of us.

He's an incredibly bright, thoughtful and loyal friend who shares the world of the mind with me. He never judges and works to understand me, I him, and he's probably the only person who gives me advice that actually lands with me. I love him to tiny pieces and I think I'll have to copy and paste this to him!
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One of my best friends was ISTP. We got along well though sometimes I felt like I had to figure out what's on her mind because she wouldn't tell lol. She was very bad at communicating how she felt. One time there was this guy flirting with me at a party, so out of boredom I flirted a bit back. Turns out later that she was about to beat me up for flirting with him because she was quietly in love with this guy. I had no idea, she was always so undemonstrative of her feelings.

In socionics these two types are in activity relations which are attractive but communication is a bit strained due to rational/irrational type differences (INFJ being irrational and ISTP being rational).