INFJ & Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD)

Thank you. I have been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder and bought and read the $70 Martin Kantor book about it as directed by my psychologist. This psychologist also diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder. All this was within 3 sessions so not that reliable - it was literally me taking the online Personality Disorder Test others on this site have posted about whilst he made a cup of tea in the other room. He also attempted to seduce me in a really creepy way so I abandoned “treatment” and trying to understand myself within the framework of personality disorders. Don’t know how useful the DSM labels are to anyone, or the label of INFJ for that matter. However I definitely would have AvPD, identify 100% with that summary so yeah for me personally there’s a link anyway!