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- 1w6
All I know is I'm always indredibly rigid in any social situation and have plenty of trouble with eye contact of any sort. Definitely some insecurity issues there.
I seem to have a similar issue.
All I know is I'm always indredibly rigid in any social situation and have plenty of trouble with eye contact of any sort. Definitely some insecurity issues there.
Depends on the situation for me.
Walking I tend to hold myself tall, straight, and walk with purpose. People say I have a very definite stride, as though I know exactly where I am going and know the way to get there well.
Standing Generally in a que or waiting for a bus/train I appear very reserved. I generally try not to draw attention to myself, I will often find something to lean against and then disappear into my own thoughts.
Standing Socially I tend to stand upright and strong. Although I stand slightly away from the group only engaging occasionally. Although I am uncomfortable in large social situations (parties, clubs) I don't use my group as cover.
Sitting Socially I aim for a chair on the edge of the group, I sit relaxed using the whole seat and resting against the backrest. Although I don't enter alot of conversation, I listen intently to as much as I can that is being said. I prefer to have something in my hands as I am always more comfortable standing in a social situation.
Facial Expressions Socially I can appear very nonchallant about new information. Gossip irritates me beyond description. I loath ignorance and I can seem very scorning or intolerant of that. I frown and show deliberate discontent when a person is lying and it is obvious, I interperate that behaviour as a negetive slant on my intelligence. I hate being humiliated or embarrassed or failing personally in public.
everything he said....
i noticed that all of us seem to have a 'purposeful' walk in some way. my friend has said that when i walk i look 'self-important'. i guess, arrogant can be another word for that. it's not true though. i just stand up straight when i walk. hahah
i noticed this part changed for me. when i was just starting college i was like this, but after a year of moving into the city for another school, it was no longer an issueAll I know is I'm always indredibly rigid in any social situation and have plenty of trouble with eye contact of any sort. Definitely some insecurity issues there.
There's always some kind of discomfort expressed in the body language of an INFJ. Like little shaking, trembling, sudden movements. So much energy hidden inside is being suppressed by strong will, that it creates almost the feeling of sfumato floating around the INFJ and blurring their body a little. This effect can be caught even on photos or videos. The face is never fully relaxed. Some movements are surprisingly harsh, and others are surprisingly soft - which doesn't necessarily match the context of the situation.
Quite often the body coordination and balance seem a bit off, and the INFJ could stumble easily. On the ESTP-shadow occasions, the head is kept high and firm, with lots of dignity, and the walk is determined and confident - like in gymnastics.
De mí se podría decir que siempre levanto las piernas a la silla, me parezco a L..
laito? de que anime es? toda buena persona de cultura sabe quien es L lkjsdlkjds pero no que el es intp? pero mas importante laito de que serie?