INFJ Body Language

All I know is I'm always indredibly rigid in any social situation and have plenty of trouble with eye contact of any sort. Definitely some insecurity issues there.

I seem to have a similar issue.
I have a very strict walk, almost marching. It comes from four years of NJROTC.

my facial expression is usually blank, almost frowning.

I tend to lean in and rest on the table when I'm sitting, maybe rest my face in my hand.

my nephew says I make weird facial expressions, I have absolutely what he's talking about, but from what he says it usually happens when I'm thinking.
I walk with a purpose but not in a militant way. I've been told on multiple occasions that I walk funny, like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

People often assume that I'm upset about something based on my features. But really, that's just what my face default is. I'm probably peachy keen.
Depends on the situation for me.

Walking I tend to hold myself tall, straight, and walk with purpose. People say I have a very definite stride, as though I know exactly where I am going and know the way to get there well.

Standing Generally in a que or waiting for a bus/train I appear very reserved. I generally try not to draw attention to myself, I will often find something to lean against and then disappear into my own thoughts.

Standing Socially I tend to stand upright and strong. Although I stand slightly away from the group only engaging occasionally. Although I am uncomfortable in large social situations (parties, clubs) I don't use my group as cover.

Sitting Socially I aim for a chair on the edge of the group, I sit relaxed using the whole seat and resting against the backrest. Although I don't enter alot of conversation, I listen intently to as much as I can that is being said. I prefer to have something in my hands as I am always more comfortable standing in a social situation.

Facial Expressions Socially I can appear very nonchallant about new information. Gossip irritates me beyond description. I loath ignorance and I can seem very scorning or intolerant of that. I frown and show deliberate discontent when a person is lying and it is obvious, I interperate that behaviour as a negetive slant on my intelligence. I hate being humiliated or embarrassed or failing personally in public.

everything he said....

i noticed that all of us seem to have a 'purposeful' walk in some way. my friend has said that when i walk i look 'self-important'. i guess, arrogant can be another word for that. it's not true though. i just stand up straight when i walk. hahah

a quirk of mine is my always intertwining my fingers. whenever i'm in resting postion i'm always holding my hands together. it's not a protective gesture... it's more of a 'hold everything at bay' kind of deal.

when i smile i notice it doesn't even look like one, other times people tell me i look angry. other times i just have a blank facial expression..
i'm still pretty social though, and people aren't intimidated by me. XD

and i also curl up, sit in weird positions--
in class i like to have a foot under me. prop my foot up against another desk, despite it looking inappropriate... etc etc.
everything he said....

i noticed that all of us seem to have a 'purposeful' walk in some way. my friend has said that when i walk i look 'self-important'. i guess, arrogant can be another word for that. it's not true though. i just stand up straight when i walk. hahah

Yeah, it's true.
I like to curl up also. My eyes do give away my emotions. I have learned to control them over time. I also sit and observe people and life. I tend to look for people that I will have a connection with. I don't like looking very hard so if I come across them I know them when I see them. It does not take long for me to know if I will like you or not. Extroverts talk too much at times for me. They usually know when they are being shut down.
A while back I started paying attention to my body language and facial expressions. I was often surprised when I would realise I wasn't properly projecting what I was feeling or thinking. And I've trained myself now to have a 'pleasant' look on my face when I'm thinking. It has almost cut out the 'what's wrong?' 'I see the world is on your shoulders today!' etc. etc. comments, which is great.
i check mark all the things khloriael does too

All I know is I'm always indredibly rigid in any social situation and have plenty of trouble with eye contact of any sort. Definitely some insecurity issues there.
i noticed this part changed for me. when i was just starting college i was like this, but after a year of moving into the city for another school, it was no longer an issue

after finishing college though and some other courses/a job/etc, i find myself doing it again... the eye contact. and it's worse than before
There's always some kind of discomfort expressed in the body language of an INFJ. Like little shaking, trembling, sudden movements. So much energy hidden inside is being suppressed by strong will, that it creates almost the feeling of sfumato floating around the INFJ and blurring their body a little. This effect can be caught even on photos or videos. The face is never fully relaxed. Some movements are surprisingly harsh, and others are surprisingly soft - which doesn't necessarily match the context of the situation.

Quite often the body coordination and balance seem a bit off, and the INFJ could stumble easily. On the ESTP-shadow occasions, the head is kept high and firm, with lots of dignity, and the walk is determined and confident - like in gymnastics.
There's always some kind of discomfort expressed in the body language of an INFJ. Like little shaking, trembling, sudden movements. So much energy hidden inside is being suppressed by strong will, that it creates almost the feeling of sfumato floating around the INFJ and blurring their body a little. This effect can be caught even on photos or videos. The face is never fully relaxed. Some movements are surprisingly harsh, and others are surprisingly soft - which doesn't necessarily match the context of the situation.

Quite often the body coordination and balance seem a bit off, and the INFJ could stumble easily. On the ESTP-shadow occasions, the head is kept high and firm, with lots of dignity, and the walk is determined and confident - like in gymnastics.

Yup I'm very frigidity I have a hard time not moving a little bit just sitting still.
I look down, avoid eye contact, lost in thought, clumsy, deep and nervous...I try to put a kind, nice face, and smile about everything..but it's very mechanical..lacking idea on how to express myself a matter of fact most of my actions are all mechanical/fake.
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Time to open this back up,

Body language - Flow State v.s Non Flow state

Flow state - Perpetual drifting and seamless thought transitions, that shows my most "unfocused" but majestic form.
Non Flow State - What everyone sees (or perceives) 99% of the time.

Walking - In flow state - I'm sleep walking wide awake, if I care and if I don't care, I look at you directly in the eyes, and then through you.
Walking - Not in flow state - I'm too busy to look at you, I'm looking down or purposely looking above you or your group because I don't have time to engage.

Sitting - In flow state - I'm asleep, next to you or furthest away in the crux of a couch (if available), quietly vibrating akin low lion noises.
Sitting - Not in flow state - I take chair facing the door, back to a wall, with vision of everyone and everything coming in and out of the room or place.

Sleeping - In flow state - I'm wide awake, but my brain is set to silent mode. In the moment breathing and harmonizing with the surroundings (resting).
Sleeping - Not in flow state - I'm not comfortable until the pillow is frozen cold, my blanket (even in winter) is cold, room temperature has to be 69F exactly otherwise I'm not in flow state, otherwise I'll eventually doze off.

Talking - In flow state - I'm not talking at all, I'm pecking small phrases out of my mouth that are mostly inquisitive thoughts. Every answer ends like a thought provoking question.
Talking - Not in flow state - I'm not saying anything important, at all.

Flirting - In flow state - 4 Layers deep into the other person's psyche, saying, listening and brilliantly gesturing soft-sweet tones of seemingly short, endless conversations ultimately causing the target to become entranced into a dream-like swooning.
Flirting - Not in flow state - We don't do this. It's a waste of time. Either 120%-200% or nothing.

It takes tons of experience and shifting your internal perspective and gaze to activate this flow state in my opinion. One would argue you need to be in the best mental shape, physical shape helps, spiritual state is a plus, and financial state is required.

That's just to get it to activate (see references to an Anime called Naruto and one of the ninja's eye ball abilities that require X, Y and Z to fully use/master said skill)

To get it to become a constant, I believe is ones life work if I had to put it on a pedestal. If I had to bring it into context for people who don't think outside of the box, it's like being in-tune with yourself so much that everything becomes effortless, without thought. One would say Zen-like.

Anyways, Iykyk.

- I sit like a a chair, on the ground, driving, etc. and that throws people off
- I know I can say a lot with my eyes.
- I've practiced social distancing way before covid, unless I am very comfortable with someone.
- When I'm uncomfortable (large crowds, new people) my hands are suction cupped to my body in some way lol
-If people are in unavoidable conflict my eyes start darting around wildly, I think I'm looking for something else to focus on idk. Which is probably why I wear sunglasses inside, outside, night, day just in case lol

I'm not sure these are INFJ things though they are probably ASD things..
De mí se podría decir que siempre levanto las piernas a la silla, me parezco a L.No importa mucho donde esté, la verdad es que siempre trato de verme relajada y con amigos y familiares que estoy no mucho de respetar el espacio personal, otras veces trato de aislarme mentalmente de mí mismo A mi alrededor me gusta mucho el calor, así que como varios aquí suelo abrazarme, me dicen mucho que me veo como un salvaje que no sabe "etiqueta" o los modales en la mesa pero estar cómodo es más importante para mí y luego cuando salgo a la calle a veces la costumbre se me queda conmigo, mi mamá suele mirarme extraño porque soy muy cercano a la gente, me gustan los abrazos.


Of me you could say that I always raise my legs to the chair, I look like L. It does not matter much where I am, the truth is that I always try to see myself relaxed and with friends and family that I am not very respectful of personal space, others Sometimes I try to mentally isolate myself from myself. Around me I really like the heat, so as several here I usually hug me, they tell me a lot that I look like a savage who does not know "etiquette" or table manners but being comfortable is more important to me and then when I go out on the street sometimes the custom stays with me, my mother usually looks at me strangely because I am very close to people, I like hugs.

Translation added by Asa, moderator
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lol eso es muy yo
lol that's very me

Translation added by Asa, moderator
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De mí se podría decir que siempre levanto las piernas a la silla, me parezco a L..

Todos queremos ser L. Es la personaje que mas paresca a nosotros. En otro tiempos, Laito. El anime explica a la mente de los INFJ y como tenemos dos modos de pensar.


We all want to be L. She is the character that most resembles us. Once upon a time, Laito. The anime explains to the INFJ's mind and how we have two ways of thinking.
Translation added by Asa, moderator
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[QUOTE = "Calamity Dragon, post: 1361208, miembro: 19525"] Todos queremos ser L. Es el personaje que mas paresca a nosotros. En otro tiempos, Laito. El anime explica a la mente de los INFJ y como tenemos dos a modos de pensar. [/ QUOTE]

laito? de que anime es? toda buena persona de cultura sabe quien es L lkjsdlkjds pero no que el es intp? pero mas importante laito de que serie?


laito? What anime is? Every good person of culture knows who Lkjsdlkjds is but not that he is intp? but more importantly, what series?

Translation added by Asa, moderator
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laito? de que anime es? toda buena persona de cultura sabe quien es L lkjsdlkjds pero no que el es intp? pero mas importante laito de que serie?

Perdon, esque soy 1/4 Japones y me olvido que los palabras no son los mismo. Laito = Light Yagami haha.

L = Mentalidad pensativo y sera detectivo.
Light = Mentalidad de justicia y sera diplomatico

Creo que el INFJ tiene los dos lados de la mente que se usa inspiracion como de L y de Light.
Estoy hablando de Death Note


Sorry, I am 1/4 Japanese and I forget that the words are not the same. Laito = Light Yagami haha.

L = Thoughtful mentality and will be detective.
Light = Justice mentality and will be diplomatic

I think the INFJ has both sides of the mind that use inspiration like L and Light.
I'm talking about death note

Translation added by Asa, moderator
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Agregue una traducción (a través de un traductor de Google u otro traductor) al final de sus publicaciones.
