Did anyone NOT introvert inside themselves after traumatic events or abuse? Anyone do the opposite and act out vs w/draw?
Ok, so here I get to talk about what's been on my mind a lot lately, namely, my past and how that has affected my gray matter. Some of this might be tangentially related to the quoted part, but I promise I get to it eventually...
I come from a family of very disturbed people, my mom has always struggled with severe and untreated depression, her mother was emotionally abusive, while my dad's side of the family has a very dark legacy of sexual abuse. His father violently molested him and all his brothers, and his brothers, in turn, became violent molesters themselves. My dad never touched me, but his brother did. From the time I was three until, roughly, the age of six he would get me drunk and then rape me. He took pictures and videos. Meanwhile at home, while my dad didn't rape me, he wasn't exactly the most stable person himself. He would often lock me in the basement, which terrified me, often for vague or poorly defined reasons. Everyone on his side of the family was emotionally abusive to me, they called me stupid, "retarded", strange, the "bad" kid.
Through it all, for awhile, I feel like I managed to cling onto "me". I was shy and quiet and sensitive, I was a frequent pants-wetter, and I cried very often and very easily. Movies and books frequently made me cry, so did anger and rage and sadness from other people. Even if my parents didn't express these emotions outright, I usually picked up on it, and considering that my dad was angry a lot and my mom was depressed a lot, I spent most of my time upset and distressed, which only served to make me more shy and just generally terrified of people. I only had one friend, and we still have an almost psychic bond. Her own father was physically and sexually abusive, and I used to help her hide from him, and it still absolutely destroys me that I never called the police or did anything to save her.
Perfectionism? I had that. If I ever felt like I did anything wrong, no matter how miniscule, I'd start crying and banging my head against a wall.
Then when I was 8 something... changed. A bully at this after-school program I went to raped me, and after that I... went really crazy. I started attacking my peers. I remember drawing graphic pictures of myself killing, harming, and/or castrating people. I started talking about killing myself. My head-banging evolved into a pattern of self-harm, not just about doing things wrong, but because I felt so angry and bad and gross, and became more than just banging my head. I tried to kill myself twice. The second time, I had just turned 9, and that was when they sent me to an institution.
So I was in a place where I became more introverted, and then I was put in a place where I became more.... I'm not sure if extroverted is the word, but I was definitely externalizing my feelings more. Not sure what, exactly, it was about that rape that made me change so hard and so suddenly, but.... there ya go...