Shai Gar
I don't get it. why do INFJs get along well with ENTPs?
ENTPs say what is on the INFJ's mind when the INFJ can't say it for fear of hurting someone's feelings.
INFJs love to live vicariously through ENTPs as they bring pwnage upon the world.
too bad, so sad, if you guys won't fill this INFJs physical needs, I shall have to...
Ha!! You and all your Steinbeck references. I love it.Such a generous selfless boy you are, Taking one for the team like that. I WAS KIDDING. NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS. Besides, I am to infj men what Lennie Small is to rabbits. Epic Fail.
Generally, I'm on the look out for something genuine, and a fuck buddy seems antithetical to that -- almost like a place to get stalled out in the sense that if you have a fuck buddy, you probably don't (shouldn't) have anything genuine going on with anyone else (granted the special case of an open relationship.)
Casual sex definitely happens from time to time (or just false starts that burn out in a few days,) but for some reason, casual sex consistently with one person I don't love feels like making Seven Eleven my favorite coffee shop. Even if I don't have any other coffee shops to do my INFJ thing at, I'm not going to sit on the curb at Seven Eleven to read for an hour every day, especially when there could be a fantastic little indie place with interesting people and enthralling art just a few clicks down the road.
That's just how my brain processes it. It doesn't take too many intuitive leaps to see how lots of no-drama easily attainable sex could be awesome, but I get the sense that for INFJs, or at least for me, sex and love are irreparably tangled.
EDIT: Missed the post above this. Hypothetically, a fuck buddy sounds like the perfect solution for turning a very shy INFJ girl into a very shy, utterly devastated INFJ girl.
Back on topic.
I am asking on behalf of a very shy INFJ girl who wants to know.
Not myself.
who here among you are single?
I am curious as to whether you would take on a fuck buddy or not...
I am "single" at the moment, although I don't think that will last for much longer. Would I take the girl I'm currently seeing for a fuck buddy? More than likely, yes, but I think I'm already emotionally attached, anyway, so I dunno.
Basically, I'd have to be bored and jaded to take on a fuck buddy (and I qualify for both), but in my experience there is almost no such thing as "no-strings-attached" sex. In 99% of these situations, someone is going to want something more and wind up getting hurt.
I don't get it. why do INFJs get along well with ENTPs?
*Thanks God for the MBTI being useful for a change, in this case being immune to Shai's advances*
I am INTP, thus, this thread does not apply to me.
Also, I am a bit of a whore....
I'll be leaving...>.>
*Thanks God for the MBTI being useful for a change, in this case being immune to Shai's advances*
I am INTP, thus, this thread does not apply to me.
Also, I am a bit of a whore....
I'll be leaving...>.>