Infj or infp once again


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I think I'm an infj, but my thoughts always stray to "what if im an infp since I identify with so many infp traits besides infj ones". I know you all are sick and tired of answering this same question tons of times but i just need to really settle down and stop wavering. I have researched on cognitive functions for months every single day and got obsessed with mbti and though i identify with the infj one more, there still is the infp part i think im so much like as well.
I always reassure myself that i use critical thinking alot, and am always analyzing, but a strong feeler and set high perfectionist standards for everything including myself. But who's to say infps cant be like that as well? Each time i settle down into INFJ i will suddenly come across something about INFPs doing the same things so it kinda made me very confused that both can do same things and how else to differentiate. I do know INFPs and FJs are introverted intuitive feelers hence the same likes and dislikes sometimes. And that the functions have nothing in common. Please dont say that you see me wavering and being indecisive so i must be INFP, that doesnt work well on solving the problem for i dont believe being indecisive is soley an infp trait. I cant be INTP as ive seen the cogfuncts and behaviour due to my friend being one and it is through her behaviour and thinking that i found my type by accident. Before being infj i was infp, even then i was self doubting myself as infp as well. Infps are self doubters but those with a strong Ti can be too.It's like i know everything about infjs and think im one but once in awhile there is an annoying thought that i might not be one. (FYI im a rather undeveloped infj and enneagram 4 type which is most like infps) Please guys could you ask questions that can really make me settle down. Thank you in advance.
Try doing a cognituve function test, e.g. keys2cognition, which says how much you value and use each function. It also considers any thoughts as to what you think you are, or if you're between two types. It then says which type you most likely are.

I also made a thread unter online tests, there you can also find a link if you don't want to google it.
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I think I'm an infj, but my thoughts always stray to "what if im an infp since I identify with so many infp traits besides infj ones". I know you all are sick and tired of answering this same question tons of times but i just need to really settle down and stop wavering. I have researched on cognitive functions for months every single day and got obsessed with mbti and though i identify with the infj one more, there still is the infp part i think im so much like as well.
I always reassure myself that i use critical thinking alot, and am always analyzing, but a strong feeler and set high perfectionist standards for everything including myself. But who's to say infps cant be like that as well? Each time i settle down into INFJ i will suddenly come across something about INFPs doing the same things so it kinda made me very confused that both can do same things and how else to differentiate. I do know INFPs and FJs are introverted intuitive feelers hence the same likes and dislikes sometimes. And that the functions have nothing in common. Please dont say that you see me wavering and being indecisive so i must be INFP, that doesnt work well on solving the problem for i dont believe being indecisive is soley an infp trait. I cant be INTP as ive seen the cogfuncts and behaviour due to my friend being one and it is through her behaviour and thinking that i found my type by accident. Before being infj i was infp, even then i was self doubting myself as infp as well. Infps are self doubters but those with a strong Ti can be too.It's like i know everything about infjs and think im one but once in awhile there is an annoying thought that i might not be one. (FYI im a rather undeveloped infj and enneagram 4 type which is most like infps) Please guys could you ask questions that can really make me settle down. Thank you in advance.
It's possible that you're an INFJ with traits from your own personal life that make you connect and relate to INFPs, without necessarily being one. Check out the thread by anagum, you will find some useful questions there.

Ultimately though, I think only you will be able to find the answer. I can't give you a verdict based on one paragraph I've read from you, even though you do give detail. Study the functions in depth, and you will sooner or later find your answer ;)
Try doing a cognituve function test, e.g. keys2cognition, which says how much you value and use each function. It also considers any thoughts as to what you think you are, or if you're between two types. It then says which type you most likely are.

I also made a thread unter online tests, there you can also find a link if you don't want to google it.

Try doing a cognituve function test, e.g. keys2cognition, which says how much you value and use each function. It also considers any thoughts as to what you think you are, or if you're between two types. It then says which type you most likely are.

I also made a thread unter online tests, there you can also find a link if you don't want to google it.

I just tried but its difficult for my puny brain to understand the sentences, but i got isfj which is a far cry from the INFs. I did consider isfj before but Im not a sensor.
I just tried but its difficult for my puny brain to understand the sentences, but i got isfj which is a far cry from the INFs. I did consider isfj before but Im not a sensor.

Yeah, It's quite wordy, sorry. Even I didn't know at times what they meant to ask. But it is still the best cognitive function test without having to go into socionics. I heard of another CogFx test somewhere in that realm.
While it isn't accepted in MBTI theory, research shows a large portion of the population changes their type in different times/situations. You might be better described as one or the other at different times.
Yeah, It's quite wordy, sorry. Even I didn't know at times what they meant to ask. But it is still the best cognitive function test without having to go into socionics. I heard of another CogFx test somewhere in that realm.
I should go and explore more on cognitive functions tests, thanks anyway Ginny
I think I'm an infj, but my thoughts always stray to "what if im an infp since I identify with so many infp traits besides infj ones". I know you all are sick and tired of answering this same question tons of times but i just need to really settle down and stop wavering. I have researched on cognitive functions for months every single day and got obsessed with mbti and though i identify with the infj one more, there still is the infp part i think im so much like as well.
I always reassure myself that i use critical thinking alot, and am always analyzing, but a strong feeler and set high perfectionist standards for everything including myself. But who's to say infps cant be like that as well? Each time i settle down into INFJ i will suddenly come across something about INFPs doing the same things so it kinda made me very confused that both can do same things and how else to differentiate. I do know INFPs and FJs are introverted intuitive feelers hence the same likes and dislikes sometimes. And that the functions have nothing in common. Please dont say that you see me wavering and being indecisive so i must be INFP, that doesnt work well on solving the problem for i dont believe being indecisive is soley an infp trait. I cant be INTP as ive seen the cogfuncts and behaviour due to my friend being one and it is through her behaviour and thinking that i found my type by accident. Before being infj i was infp, even then i was self doubting myself as infp as well. Infps are self doubters but those with a strong Ti can be too.It's like i know everything about infjs and think im one but once in awhile there is an annoying thought that i might not be one. (FYI im a rather undeveloped infj and enneagram 4 type which is most like infps) Please guys could you ask questions that can really make me settle down. Thank you in advance.

Analytical thinking, lack of decisiveness and self doubt can apply to many types, and certainly to both INFP and INFJ.

Here are some questions I would ask. Pick one out of each pair. :grinning:

Future vs. Past/Present focus
Do you tend to (sometimes unconsciously) use a broad spectrum of information, ideas and experiences to inform your thinking about specific future goals and outcomes, or
Do you draw upon your experiences and continually refine your values to formulate a framework of how to better understand and make decisions about the present?

Narrow (Deep) vs. Wide (Shallow) Interests
Do you enjoy exploring a few particular ideas or concepts very deeply, seeking a complete understanding of the people, things or ideas that particularly interest you (likewise "scattered" conversations disinterest or bore you), or
Do you enjoy exploring many different ideas at a "shallower" level, having one lead to another (and so on) almost indefinitely (as such do you get tired of just discussing one thing over and over, no matter how interesting it might be at first)?

Strong Instincts vs. Strong Beliefs
Do you readily trust in your insights on a near-instinctual level, regardless of external arguments that may contradict these insights, or
Do you readily trust in your own defined belief system to determine right from wrong and to guide you toward the best outcomes, regardless of external influences or rules?
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When I get stuck on this I just tried to determine by facial muscle use on myself lol.
This was a thought I had at work yesterday when pondering over my own confusion. (for me it was the opposite. I tested as an INFP until I learned more about INFJ, and started answering the questions based on how I behaved, vs how I felt/ thought about the questions.) Maybe rather than focusing on it being a flaw with one's self, it could be a flaw in the Meyer Brigg's system or specifically the tests?

I see statements like it is either Ni or Ne, Fe, or Fi, and if you use Fe, then you must use Ni in combination or Fi with Ne and not have it both ways. Such a statement can be limiting and cause further confusion for those who may actually switch between functions, depending on situation.

Also it doesn't factor in alter egos and acting. I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but if you're a chameleon, or on the constant road for self improvement, you will spot the things you don't like, wish to change them and then practice until that new trait becomes part of you.
(Kind of a concept I see in Emotions Anonymous, and various self improvement circles, is the idea to replace what you don't like with practicing what you want to see.)
Even if you aren't trying to self improve, there can still be the "public" self and the "private" self. The test doesn't really allow for that separation. You answer the test as you interpret the questions. The interpretation changes depending on what situation you're thinking about when answering.

I had a thought, what if the reason INFJ's are so "rare" is that they test as INFP or (in my situation INFP with a nearly balanced F/T going into INTP)? If this question (trying to separate INFP from INFJ) comes up enough times, maybe it is time for those making the tests to pay more attention to what is going on and causing the confusion.
Maybe it is time to rethink the INFP/ INFJ concept, figure out better questions, better analysis, and see if the confusion still comes up frequently.