INFJ seriousness and relaxation

People tell me (when I'm alone since I tend to space out) I look really serious all the time. Could be. I just have a :l face more often than not. But if I think if I'm serious or not, it'd have to depend. I'm relaxed when I'm alone, that's for sure, but if there's something that needs attention, I would definitely be serious about that (though procrastination sure gets in the way).

As for whether or not I worry a lot, that too, would have to depend on whether or not there's something worth worrying about. For example, during school days, I do stress a lot about that so yes, I worry a lot.

At the end of the day though, if and when I'm alone, I do know how to let go of that tension so I'm back to my normal, optimistic self. Most of the time.
I rarely smile in public, so this leads to the misconception that I'm serious all the time; I may be perfectly happy, yet look extremelly tense. This may be because
1) I have nothing to smile about
2) I'm not thinking about my physical appearance and my default face is :|.

I can relax in school very easily by letting my thoughts play around with the ideas being presented (or drifting off). I can also relax around people as long as they aren't engaging me in conversation :m066:
I rarely smile in public, so this leads to the misconception that I'm serious all the time; I may be perfectly happy, yet look extremelly tense. This may be because
1) I have nothing to smile about
2) I'm not thinking about my physical appearance and my default face is :|.

I can relax in school very easily by letting my thoughts play around with the ideas being presented (or drifting off). I can also relax around people as long as they aren't engaging me in conversation :m066:
This too, I have a lot of problems smiling, and when I do its usually forced, required for the specific situation and my smile tends to be very artificial fake, I really avoid doing it, this of course only adding to the misconception of me being completely serious which is partly true but hey I'm not always that way.
I am not a serious person, but not good at hiding irritation. I joke a lot, and use humor to lighten the mood at home, work, and in public. Sarcastic humor can be a great tool :)

It is hard to relax sometimes, though it gets easier over the years (alcohol helps too, less brain cells=ignorance=bliss?). I have trouble obsessing on a topic sometimes, like a wind up toy, till the hubby puts his foot out and I run into it (metaphorically). Relaxation doesn't come naturally, no... Meditation does help though. I read a good book recently that helped further the peace agenda into my mind. Cheers!
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I'm not really serious, I'm just on my toes most of the time.. watching what I say/do/ etc. Or I'm lost in thought and watching my environment (as usual). Like BlackRazor and Raccoon, my default facial expression is also not really a smiley face and sometimes worsens if I'm out for a long time, in public and so on.. I don't know why but I always look more pissed off lol even though I'm not at all and just tired.

I relax when I'm not in my head.. washing the dishes, watching a movie, anything where my attention is somewhere else. But lately I do it on purpose just by laying about and thinking nothing for as long as I can. There are also times at school when I'm working where I don't think at all but just follow 'intuition' I guess. It's great, I try to do it more often. Seems I don't always need to use the left side of my brain
The thing for me is... Usually in order to feel completely relaxed I need everything to be 100% harmonious... I get stressed and worried about the littlest things and can't usually relax until the smallest thing is taken cared of. They're the rare moments when everything seems to be so good I feel like exploding on the inside - I'm so happy and satisfied. But like mentioned... It's usually extreme. I'm not as worried and stressed all the time, but I am worried and stressed most of the time.

I just... I need things to feel and be "perfectly" in order to feel relaxed, there's nothing that wouldn't come through my filters.

I feel most relaxed in nature.

I also monitor myself way too much probably in public, which makes me want to escape most situations and be alone..
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There was a thread not too long ago about INFJ and guilt. Along that same line, are INFJs by nature more inclined to take things seriously or have a harder time letting loose?

Would you describe yourself as a serious person? If so, what is the source of your serious nature?

Do you worry a lot?

How about relaxation, would you consider yourself as a fairly relaxed person or do you experience a lot of tension/uptightness?

For me it comes from politeness. I want to be polite then others are not and makes you not want to be. For me the seriousness comes from the situations I have dealt with in my life. There is a time for play and fun and I will join in with the right people. Most of the time I am not with the right people. I worry but not a lot it makes no difference to worry to me. It's wasted energy.

I am relaxed when I am doing what I want to do. Being alone relaxes me it lets me focus on myself and I have time to get rid of bad thought patterns. Then I head back to town to take some more abuse.....