INFJ teenagers?

As a teen, I know I was very introverted, and while I was friendly to everyone, I don't know if you could say I had many close friends, though I did have a solid group I hung out with during high school. I was a great student, but had no public speaking ability.

The reason I know this is because I submitted a speech to become the student speaker at my high school graduation (we did our validictorian part a little differently). The teacher in charge said mine was the best speech he'd read that year, but my very soft voice got in the way of my audition for the role.
It was around when I was 14 years old when I suddenly gained a gazillion inhabitions about myself. I don't really know how it happened, but I realised one day that they were there. I think the fact that I changed school districts going into 8th grade, meeting all these new people, kick started it. I also sexually "woke up" around this time, so that added to it. This is really where my introverted nature started.

I was quiet, and slow to approach anyone. Yet, I would talk alot if someone approached me in a friendly way. I also felt the need to define myself so people could see who I was, since I was bad at expressing myself. I would exxaderate stories, my tone of speach, and opinions on things. My friends alwasy said to me "Pie (my nickname in highschool), you hate everything" because I would remark that I didn't like something if I heard someone say something counter to how I felt. I also exaderated and made up eccentricities about myself because I felt people weren't seeing who I was.

Once I turned around 17 I calmed down alot in that respect and was more true to myself and stopped throwing my weight around so much. This did cause me to feel more unsure of myself because I had removed alot of the overinflated lables I had given myself. Yet, this caused people to gravitate to me ALOT more. Eventually I got put up on a pedastal that I didn't want to be on, and I eventually excepted it. It eventually got to my head and I was way over confidant in myself. I got knocked down when I was 18, and I am very glad that I was, as I needed it.
As a teen, I know I was very introverted, and while I was friendly to everyone, I don't know if you could say I had many close friends, though I did have a solid group I hung out with during high school. I was a great student, but had no public speaking ability.

The reason I know this is because I submitted a speech to become the student speaker at my high school graduation (we did our validictorian part a little differently). The teacher in charge said mine was the best speech he'd read that year, but my very soft voice got in the way of my audition for the role.

I'm not a very good student, I mean I try hard and some, or most, of my teachers like me, but my grades aren't good. I try hard, but I fail, it's really frustrating :m070:

I mean, I'm still a teenager, but I want to compare how I am now as an INFJ to other INFJs experience. Plus, I want to be able to tell who an ENTP is because they sound pretty cool.
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Perhaps you had a mild case of avoident personality dissorder. I think a saw somwhere that its one of the more common personality dissorders for infjs. And I don't think its possible for infj's to be schizoids because they have so many mixed up emotions inside

I actually believed that I had avoidant personality disorder for a very long time, but it turns out that it I was too young to be diagnosed as such. Personality disorders are very long lasting and very severe. What I think is that I would have developed avoidant personality disorder if I had not gotten help and actively forced myself into situations where I could interact with people and try not to give in to the fear of rejection. But yeah, there was a period of over half a decade where I met all of the criteria of the disorder.

Its also possible it could have been depression presenting this way, as well. I find when I'm depressed I avoid social interactions even more than I normally do. :P

That is the idea that I have accepted. I definitely was depressed (and stil am sometimes), but at least I am much better off that I could have been if I had done nothing.

I'm not a very good student, I mean I try hard and some, or most, of my teachers like me, but my grades aren't good. I try hard, but I fail, it's really frustrating :m070:

I mean, I'm still a teenager, but I want to compare how I am now as an INFJ to other INFJs experience. Plus, I want to be able to tell who an ENTP is because they sound pretty cool.

That sounds frustrating. I'm guessing INFJ's have significantly varying experience, but there might be some common themes. Usually, if someone is ENTP, they'll get along well with you. I'd recommend reading some type descriptions, and its likely you know or will meet sometime an ENTP. There are several ENTPs on the forum here.
Technically i'm still a teenager. ^^"

But, as for me i've been told i'm not a typical teenager. I just keep to myself mostly and stay indoors. I don't communicate with people much really, and speak only when absolutely necessary or not to be rude. Basically, speak when spoken to. But, like people have said before every teenager is different.
I actually believed that I had avoidant personality disorder for a very long time, but it turns out that it I was too young to be diagnosed as such. Personality disorders are very long lasting and very severe. What I think is that I would have developed avoidant personality disorder if I had not gotten help and actively forced myself into situations where I could interact with people and try not to give in to the fear of rejection. But yeah, there was a period of over half a decade where I met all of the criteria of the disorder.

That is the idea that I have accepted. I definitely was depressed (and stil am sometimes), but at least I am much better off that I could have been if I had done nothing.

That sounds frustrating. I'm guessing INFJ's have significantly varying experience, but there might be some common themes. Usually, if someone is ENTP, they'll get along well with you. I'd recommend reading some type descriptions, and its likely you know or will meet sometime an ENTP. There are several ENTPs on the forum here.

It is frustrating, I look at a test I studied hard for, and sometimes I'm happy (but rarely) and sometimes I'm like :m100:

All right, thank you. I've seen some ENTPs, but it seems like some of them kind of scare me sometimes (I mean where I live, not on these forums).
If anyone's seen the film Little Miss Sunshine, the teenage boy in that, Dwayne- that was what I was like when I was 14.
I am a legit infj teen. I think when I first took the test in jr. high, I was a bit more extroverted...
but now I really do feel as though the infj suits me. Anywho
I'm not sure how much I count b/c I go to an all girls, wealthyish type school, so that is most definately a contributing factor.
-I am...currently in a large group but over this summer I've thought a lot about how I don't really have a voice in the group anywho
-Really miss having just one best friend I can trust (hehe very classic infj)
-Dislike my friends constant need to be the ones sought out, and not ever give back
-have a very dry sense of humour (sorry if I offend thee, I usually kind of tell ppl that as a disclaimer because I'm honestly never out to hurt people)
-I say honestly a lot, but in truth (oh goodness what is with me), I just don't lie. Once or twice to the parents out of cowardice, but when it comes to other ppl about themselves, I just don't feel as if they'll get any benefit from it
-often assume the "counselor" role with my friends
-prone to feeling lonely
-like the idea of parties, but never really seem to enjoy them all that much
-can easily be the dominating personality in very specific conditions, but if all the others are ES for example, I quickly assume a backseat role b/c being center of attention typically involves challenging my virtues/values which I detest
-I hate war and violence. end of story.
-I'm not particularly quiet, no, but I am definately an introvert in the sense that I have to expend a lot of energy in social situations (esp to seem less "cold")
-I see straight through ppl. Once my friend was telling me about guy troubles and I said "well, I don't think he has good intentions"
my mother was really impressed by that...idk it's nothing big for me though.

I love this forum.
for me, I love talking when I feel like I connect with people.

If I don't feel like I'm connecting, I kinda shut off. :/
I'm an INFJ teenager but I feel and act more like a 30-year-old =.=" whatever that is anyway.
It's like a constant struggle to keep up with all the other teenagers I'm surrounded by.

I had/have a friend ENTP (possibly an ESTP) who's just kind of changed a lot over the last few years, from a party-goer to very sensible, mature guy who's even planning to go to China for a year (and has a budget for it, at only 18! :o).
*raises hand* I'm an INFJ teen !
Eh, and I'm more eccentric than people think, lol.
I'm an INFJ teenager but I feel and act more like a 30-year-old =.=" whatever that is anyway.
It's like a constant struggle to keep up with all the other teenagers I'm surrounded by.

man do i get what you mean!

i used attempt to 'keep up' with all the other teenagers, or actually the ESXX types or you could say the society majority.

i have no interest in doing so anymore more than i need to get by unscathed.

i should mention i do enjoy many of the things stereotypical of the 'teenager' (e.g. having stupid fun, doing stupid things...i'm sorry i sound cynical), however i like them in small intense doses and usually prefer them with a different bent.
I doubt you can reliably spot INFJ teens. INFJs are known for being able to keep things inside, and I doubt most INFJs would want to stand out as different during formative years of peer pressure and social punishment of difference.
I doubt you can reliably spot INFJ teens. INFJs are known for being able to keep things inside, and I doubt most INFJs would want to stand out as different during formative years of peer pressure and social punishment of difference.

that is a very good point
INFJ teen.... well 99% of my childhood sucked, and so far 97% of teenage life has sucked.
In my childhood I often felt very lonely, misunderstood, not cared about, unloved, hopeless and felt like a failure.... I was constantly fustrated or secretly hurting. When I became a teenager, all of that just increased more and more, and still it gets worse.... I just internalise it even more now.
INFJ teen.... well 99% of my childhood sucked, and so far 97% of teenage life has sucked.
In my childhood I often felt very lonely, misunderstood, not cared about, unloved, hopeless and felt like a failure.... I was constantly fustrated or secretly hurting. When I became a teenager, all of that just increased more and more, and still it gets worse.... I just internalise it even more now.
I can very much relate to this. :hug:
INFJ teen.... well 99% of my childhood sucked, and so far 97% of teenage life has sucked.
In my childhood I often felt very lonely, misunderstood, not cared about, unloved, hopeless and felt like a failure.... I was constantly fustrated or secretly hurting. When I became a teenager, all of that just increased more and more, and still it gets worse.... I just internalise it even more now.

I feel your pain, it has gone this way for me too. But hang in there, things will get better
