INFJ vs. INFP: Video case study of Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield

I thought this video was a bit overly simplistic. I was expecting it to go on and show more examples of behavior for a bit longer. Slight bias towards Fe was also evident. The only thing Fi would've had "over" Fe according to this video, would be genuineness.

Agreed, it would be more balanced if there had been extra material with Garfield demonstrating additional positive sides of Fi.

Do you have any suggestions for aspects of Fi you'd appreciate seeing illustrated in a future video?

I thought the Garfield sitting thing was a weak case for Fi being shown. Why would it be considered inappropriate to put shoes on the couch if his interview partner was doing so already?

From the YouTube comments on the video: "That's a good question. It is true that she has established precedence for sitting that way; however, putting one's shoes on the couch is normally considered to be such bad manners that a well-developed Fe user might still feel the need to communicate that he is aware of the breach of propriety. For instance, he might have said something like 'I'm going to let Carey be a bad influence on me and put my feet up too.'"

(Also, that clip is shown not as positive evidence of Fi, but as negative evidence of the absence of Fe. There's a difference!)

According to this video, I would probably come across as more Fe in most circumstances in my daily life.

I would say you are well-rounded then - as indeed your 'Develop ALL the functions!' tagline would indicate. :) Of course there are always exceptions, but do you think it is inaccurate to say that most Fi users generally behave more like Garfield than like Mulligan?
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Have you considered INTJ or INFP? They both share Te and Fi. And based on your description, these seem to be your dominant functions.

Not sure what to consider.
But I can read on them more I guess.
See if they sounds like me.
After taking I think three different test.
One really long, extensive and then a couple others, I just figured I'd go with what it said. Maybe should take them over.
I'm curious to hear your result on this test! :)

I just searched for a test.
Once again.
Not sure if this is a good test.

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Testâ„¢
Your Type
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(25%) iNtuitive Feeling(25%) Judging(67%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
You have distinctive preference of Judging over Perceiving (67%)

I was more INFJ on other tests. Maybe I'm moving away.
hmmmm There's no way I could see myself in Mulligan because there was too little of Mulligan and the video was too short, so of course, I can go all "I see myself in Garfield". Does the whole explanation imply that INFJs are insincere? It got me confused...
I'd never put my shoes on the couch, btw.
Lol, garfield definitely has warm articulation. He might even be a Xyy'nai.

This little case study pretty much goes mute at that point.

This was somewhat helpful, though I'm not sure how reliable it is.

Of the two, I'm probably more like Andrew Garfield. (his mannerisms,etc.)

I do try to be thoughtful and considerate, and ask what people would like me to do/what would make them comfortable/what's the approriate thing to do in given situation like Carey Mulligan did in this video, but it's more because I'm kind of oblivious to those things and I don't want to be too rude.

I strive to be aware of and respond to others needs, but it doesn't come natural to me.

Judging by this video and other INFJ videos I've seen, it really seems like INFJs have a more "caretaker" vibe than I do.

I guess I'm INFP.

Probably. ;)
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That felt like such an incomplete study... and NO shoes on the white couch!!! I would have taken them off, at least. I will wait to be told to sit on someone's couch, or ask where to sit.
The only thing is that they're actors. I felt the guy was acting out the role of the misunderstood genius who's had it hard growing up and deserves affection. I preferred the woman, and thought she was a lot easier to take. My preference is clearly Fe, as I think the Fi thing is just too self-absorbed. I'm not saying that Fis should be slaughtered en masse by a giant sword from the sky (my wife is one, I think) but I wonder about whether or not they take appropriateness to the setting into account often enough. I guess there's something to be said for being clueless about how others are going to perceive them. I think people should try to look and act normal so that they don't get picked on, and then of course they can be any way they wish. I think it's a good idea to wear a suit to work if that's what's called for, and in the right color code, but meanwhile be a funky anarchist or what have you, but not tell anyone. Play the game, people. Unless the game is communism. In that case, throw a fit at every juncture so that that ultra-conformist president of ours will back off with his attempts to legislate the Nude Jerusalem into existence.