INFJ - what job do you do? Are you happy and fulfilled?

Oh, definitely. I agree with you, stepping out of your comfort zone can help you to grow as a person and to learn more about yourself. We don't develop unless we step out of our comfort zone because we may fear failure and taking risks. It helps with confidence too when learning more about yourself and maybe gather new skills.

Though, too much is too much and it's also healthy to know own limits. : )
For sure, mainly for people who drain an ambient's personally. Sometimes we can strive between insecurities and new scenarios, even more when they don't appear much as something we'd enjoy doing.
Just make sure you don't disconsider an appealing opportunity only due to its formally known details, does it make sense? However, feeling confident and sure about what you've chosen makes things totally different as well... if that's the case
For sure, mainly for people who drain an ambient's personally. Sometimes we can strive between insecurities and new scenarios, even more when they don't appear much as something we'd enjoy doing.
Just make sure you don't disconsider an appealing opportunity only due to its formally known details, does it make sense? However, feeling confident and sure about what you've chosen makes things totally different as well... if that's the case

I'm feeling confident with my choices when it comes to my career.
I must be the only one here that can’t complete college due to not being able to pay my bills by working full time and taking on a part time class load. Even with just the part time class load it’s very hard for me to have enough time and energy to give the proper amount of attention to my classwork without automatically feeling overwhelmed. I’ve had 4 brain injuries throughout my life so I’m sure that has something to do with my constant battle with having enough mental energy for what most people are able to tackle. I also need to carve out time on the weekends for my daughter. I don’t do well on lack of sleep either which is what I hear a lot of people are able to do to push through time constraints with. It just sucks because I really want to do college, I just don’t know how. All the blue collar jobs I’ve had leave me longing for death…
I no longer do the previous related post, I now underwrite appraisals and loans.
Identifying issues in appraiser's methodology and calculations to ensure the property we are purchasing on a loan through Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac,
is of best use and follows the guidelines set by our investors.
I hate my job, because it’s not challenging and I have been doing it for a long ass time.
I like the people I work with. They make it fun and worthwhile. And since I’ve been here a long time, I have flexibility and that’s cool.
But if I didn’t have fiscal responsibility with another person, I wouldn’t be here.
I had to take this job because at the time, my conviction would come up on my background check and that prevented me from being hired at even McDonald’s (true story).
So when I got this job and the guy didn’t even do a background check, I felt lucky and so I’ve stayed loyal to this place even with no advancement opportunities.
I must be the only one here that can’t complete college due to not being able to pay my bills by working full time and taking on a part time class load. Even with just the part time class load it’s very hard for me to have enough time and energy to give the proper amount of attention to my classwork without automatically feeling overwhelmed. I’ve had 4 brain injuries throughout my life so I’m sure that has something to do with my constant battle with having enough mental energy for what most people are able to tackle. I also need to carve out time on the weekends for my daughter. I don’t do well on lack of sleep either which is what I hear a lot of people are able to do to push through time constraints with. It just sucks because I really want to do college, I just don’t know how. All the blue collar jobs I’ve had leave me longing for death…

Hi Lost. I read you post and I want to share some insight, in order to try to give you a little different perspective, if I could. Look, I'm not criticizing or judging you. My intent is to put some light to help you. So...

I must be the only one here that can’t complete college
Look! You're not the one. I'm self taught. And the parrot in the corner house speak English better than me!
You are limiting the level you can reach by adopting a closed mind, a belief that surely is not aligned with the reality. I believe you can find alternatives and sharp yourself. The only limit in this terrain is the creativity. You don't need to use the same path that works for the majority of people.

I’ve had 4 brain injuries throughout my life so I’m sure that has something to do with my constant battle with having enough mental energy

I relate about you battle to have mental energy, In my case this battle is more related to sleep time, stress, anxiety, bad habits, etc. I understand you brain injuries, but I would try to find another causes for the lack of energy (even nutritional), or try to develop some habits that improve you brain energy. Sometimes the focus in a well known problem creates a blind spot from another ones or alternatives to overcome.

I also need to carve out time on the weekends for my daughter
All the blue collar jobs I’ve had leave me longing for death

Friend, I understand your pain. But look, you have a daughter! How can you long for death!? I know surely I'm being cliche but your daughter may be one of your reasons to fight, to win, to overcome!

Feel free to message me if you wanna vent or talk about these things.
Hi Lost. I read you post and I want to share some insight, in order to try to give you a little different perspective, if I could. Look, I'm not criticizing or judging you. My intent is to put some light to help you. So...

Look! You're not the one. I'm self taught. And the parrot in the corner house speak English better than me!
You are limiting the level you can reach by adopting a closed mind, a belief that surely is not aligned with the reality. I believe you can find alternatives and sharp yourself. The only limit in this terrain is the creativity. You don't need to use the same path that works for the majority of people.

I relate about you battle to have mental energy, In my case this battle is more related to sleep time, stress, anxiety, bad habits, etc. I understand you brain injuries, but I would try to find another causes for the lack of energy (even nutritional), or try to develop some habits that improve you brain energy. Sometimes the focus in a well known problem creates a blind spot from another ones or alternatives to overcome.

Friend, I understand your pain. But look, you have a daughter! How can you long for death!? I know surely I'm being cliche but your daughter may be one of your reasons to fight, to win, to overcome!

Feel free to message me if you wanna vent or talk about these things.

Thank you for the support. A lot of my anguish in life probably stems from my diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder =\
For me, i have been out of an official job since working as a door to door kirby salesperson. (well canvasser.) this was back in 2009...
I was hit with so much discrimination and sorrow, i ended up quiting and the distributor said "good riddance."

In 2018 i finally got on SSI for (officially) ASD, (unofficially) Dysthymia and Agoraphobia. (this is where my agoraphobia comes from.)

I learned what type of people live here... and that is what i got out of this job.

Nowadays one could say i am also a Pianist Composer... but i don't make any money off of it... othef musicians, marketers, etc. say... START LOCAL! no screw that... i already know they will judge me negatively regardless of how good my music is. So there is no point.

it's ironic how the turning point of my life keeps coming back... 2004-2013... were my most defining decade. Yet also my most heartbreaking... i don't like going back to that epoch of my life... lol but at the same time i learn things i overlooked when i return. lol
Thank you for the support. A lot of my anguish in life probably stems from my diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder =\
I relate to your post. And I am surprised to find your troubles may be tied to BPD because it may explain my own troubles and those of other BPD‘s I have known.

I remember back in high school being shocked to hear of so many people having an after school job. How? (Well, of course they weren’t INFJ.) And I know college would be impossible for me to attempt while working a job. I get overwhelmed and overstimulated so easily. I just need so many hours every day to think so much about everything I absorbed. Every day it took me three hours to calm down after a long day at work. I’m grateful to be currently unemployed. But I worry how I will find a manageable job. I need harmony, peace, balanced energy and stimulation, creativity and cooperation (if applicable).
I relate to your post. And I am surprised to find your troubles may be tied to BPD because it may explain my own troubles and those of other BPD‘s I have known.

I remember back in high school being shocked to hear of so many people having an after school job. How? (Well, of course they weren’t INFJ.) And I know college would be impossible for me to attempt while working a job. I get overwhelmed and overstimulated so easily. I just need so many hours every day to think so much about everything I absorbed. Every day it took me three hours to calm down after a long day at work. I’m grateful to be currently unemployed. But I worry how I will find a manageable job. I need harmony, peace, balanced energy and stimulation, creativity and cooperation (if applicable).

Yeah it seems like an impossible task yet somehow a very large portion of people are able to work almost twice as hard as me. That has a tendency to fuel my low self esteem and then I get stuck in my head and yeah it’s literal hell. I’ve probably had 20 jobs in the last 15 years because I become burnt out so quick. I wish the best to you
I just had an epiphany about careers today.

I'm finishing studies in a people-based career which definitely suits me over say an engineering based career (believe me I tried). I seem to attract STJ's around me everywhere I go that just destroy my creativity. I have a view that intuitives should generally be higher up in hierarchy because we are planners and forward thinkers as opposed to those who do "doing" type jobs that attract ST's, and I'm likely to find more intuitives higher up. When I say this I mean no pretentiousness I just think we suite higher jobs generally based on our attributes.

Then I realised that what I have picked out to be my career is just he best possible job for me as a "doer". I didn't even realise this. Maybe I should just aim for the top and this would be the best of both worlds, work in a company that focuses on people based problems but work in a role where I manage and plan (which require forward thinking). I also get the benefit or some interaction with people but more solitude than the "doer" type job. Eureka! Only countless failed careers to figure that out.

Ironically another self identified INFJ in my class already figured this out and is already heading straight for the top, though I think her top is space tbh.
I have a view that intuitives should generally be higher up in hierarchy because we are planners and forward thinkers as opposed to those who do "doing" type jobs that attract ST's, and I'm likely to find more intuitives higher up. When I say this I mean no pretentiousness I just think we suite higher jobs generally based on our attributes.

It's true, you will find more intuitives in the higher rungs of positions. Also the sensors which are more rare tend to be marvelous executors with unparalleled ingenuity.
You have to sort of pretend to be a doer/sensor in order to climb the ladder though.
My cup runneth over.
I wish that I was happy and I just don't like this world much at all at times mainly due to the usual societal problems that the overall culture just sucks for the most part be it the jobs as well many other things. Not happy at all that some types are at a real disadvantage while most others are only just managing to scrape by while the system just crushes everyone who isn't born silver spoon in hand. As for handling other personalities some are pretty nice, some are even cool, some are somewhat relatable, others ok when given the change while some just rub me the wrong way. What really hurts is the overall meta really doesn't allow old world types that prefer a slower pace of working where quality is the focus rather than just always pushing for raw numbers God forbid there be some introversion involved.

Anyway I guess that I belong to some long obsolete demographic that isn't up to living in modern society that is fast paced and excessively extroverted. This world is a bit much.
I wish that I was happy and I just don't like this world much at all at times mainly due to the usual societal problems that the overall culture just sucks for the most part be it the jobs as well many other things. Not happy at all that some types are at a real disadvantage while most others are only just managing to scrape by while the system just crushes everyone who isn't born silver spoon in hand. As for handling other personalities some are pretty nice, some are even cool, some are somewhat relatable, others ok when given the change while some just rub me the wrong way. What really hurts is the overall meta really doesn't allow old world types that prefer a slower pace of working where quality is the focus rather than just always pushing for raw numbers God forbid there be some introversion involved.

Anyway I guess that I belong to some long obsolete demographic that isn't up to living in modern society that is fast paced and excessively extroverted. This world is a bit much.

Totally agree with everything you said here. Never sacrifice your truth for a pay check (well, to the best of your abilities), if somethings bullshit, say it... or at least post it to us :P
What job do you do?
I am a trained commercial lawyer (property conveyancer) and was a director in practice with 3 male partners for 15 years. My children were still small. I project managed the building of our home ( my husband worked far away) and burned out.

I stopped working for a while and pursued a career in energy medicine and is a trained herbalist. It was difficult to combine the practice with children's needs and their extra mural activities. Since they left school, I completed my real estate license, opened up a small lawyer's practice at home and sell hospitality properties / farms in a well known tourist destination.

Are you fulfilled?
Yes. The type of real estate is specialized and draws on my experience and knowledge as a legal professional. I therefore do not have to "sell" - I can only inform. Also, the properties are beautiful - in incredible locations - so I travel a lot to look at them and discuss them with the owners. I am passionate about photography and make my own marketing material and websites for the properties. I have learned to code years ago as I worked for an attorney who programmed lawyer's software and the combination of having the technical background, creativity in marketing well and the travelling makes my job never boring. The properties are in nature - I would never be able to sell urban properties where not having the right bathroom tiles can be a deal breaker.

The "people-ing" is not too scary as I am considered a specialist and I work from a place of confidence.

I work in silence most of the day, do my own bookkeeping and that of my husband's business - who also work from home.

Sometimes I look at other real estate agents in awe with the loudness and confidence they exude and feel intimidated but I have trained myself to talk less and listen intently and now see that as a huge benefit in my work. When I did my training, I had to work in an office space with 12 other agents - all shouting at the top of their voices. I almost died.

I have clients who never leave me as they grow to trust my opinion and feel that I am not in it for the money but to really find them what they need. It is very satisfying to help them as they, many times, also make a shift in countries and start a whole new lifestyle. I can work with a client for years before finding him or her the right fit. I work one on one and never with an overwhelming number of people and I don't have to speak in front of people.

I have a small circle of trusted colleagues who work with similar properties and in similar ways and would therefore not describe myself as being part of the real estate business per se.

I have never really thought about the question of whether I feel fulfilled, but having the opportunity to answer the question in writing, I guess the conclusion I come to is that I managed to combine my interests into one thing that is fulfilling - but it took many years to get here.
What really hurts is the overall meta really doesn't allow old world types that prefer a slower pace of working where quality is the focus rather than just always pushing for raw numbers God forbid there be some introversion involved.

