INFJ - what job do you do? Are you happy and fulfilled?

I am currently a data analyst, among other tasks i build dashboards for B2B clients of the consulting firm i work for. Not really an academic type, but managed to put myself in a good place. I changed careers about a year ago, before that i used to run a customer service on the operational side (handling call centers).
I found out when there's a routine in place and not much of challenge left, i'm kind of checked out. I believe keeping learning while keeping helping others grow at the same time is the thing that keeps me in a company. At the moment i'm a bit unsatisfied because i'd like to have more technical tasks with data, but the current job is not really about that.
Let's also talk about how gasoline prices dipped when people stopped commuting and the oil industry started losing money, and how the oil industry is raking it in right now. Going back to the office helps the oil industry.

Is this your job? Please say yes.

Just a lowly blue collar worker you know disposable people that the comfortable and the wealthy despise. I do hope that I don't end up as cannon fodder someday but not holding my breath.
I'm a Web/Graphic Designer. Now starting a second business in wedding photography. Wish me luck:)

There's times that I have all my plates spinning very well; I'm happy in my work and making some decent money. Then I might have a bout of anxiety and/or depression and everything crashes. After crawling out of it, I have to start all over again. I think I'm on the way up again at the moment though.
Still can't find the job that i like i worked in cafeteria and restaurants and food products stores but always hated them for the negativity too much socializing and extremely low salary I'm gonna try working as freelance in the future when things get better

Food service is to say the least one of the most toxic type of employment out there regardless of personality or ability if not for the customer but the office politics. I know white collar work to have this issue in most offices especially with management and HR doing dumb shit.
When we were younger, growing our hair, many years ago
We were told social security would take care of us so.
Every year, we would get a report of what we might get if we made it to 65.
Fifty years ago, it sounded good and partially reasonable.

We next learned about inflation, followed by tanking, OH my.
Strikes for more money from the big guys that promised it without strikes.
The end users suffer. The economy suffers. The public ends up paying.

We can shine our silver dollar our Dads gave us, then put it away as we are told what it is worth.
Tell me, what is it worth now compared to fifty years ago? Anyone know? Please do tell...
We get our new social security statement and it looks like less money. Well, it is. It is being driven over.
Port strikes from ILA, strikes from the railway wanting more, but for who?

Insurance rises, and we lost so much in 2008's Global Finance Crisis.
When is my next social security statement"? What will it look like then?
Did anyone invest our social security to keep up with the world?

The total amount borrowed from social security was $17.5 billion. The Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund borrowed the money-$5.1 billion from the Disability Trust Fund and $12.4 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund.
Gee, it wasn't advertised on my cell phone or computer. Was it on the radio, I wonder? Don't mind, as I'm playing Solitaire.
Georgia and LSU is coming up rapidly. Put Santa Claus in your front yard for the children.
The people watching over us that we are paying? Few could stand in front of a judgment seat. What about me? What about us?

It could all be turned around so easily; so, so easily. They showed the air tower strikers that, didn't they?
How many know how much taxes they pay as a whole? How few know where it is spent? How few actually care?
I'd love to change the world, simply because I think I could find the right knowledgeable people to help with it.
The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old. Won't a few of you help watch over things?

WASHINGTON (UPI) – President Kennedy has donated to charity every penny of his salary while in the White House and in Congress, it was disclosed Wednesday.
Sounds like a man that had our interests in his heart. Anyone here seen my old friend John? Can you tell me where he's gone?
First, run the money-changers away from the churches. That done, is the government next? Maybe to those who think they run our government, only to their own pleasures and profits.

Return to us what is ours. It is not someone else's. Use the funds for what they are allotted for, not something else.

I am retired. We live on two social security checks. Partially disabled, I do not ask for disability. If this keeps up, I may have to try and go back to work: if anyone would hire someone partially disabled and close to seventy.
I will say, I have watched the ups and downs. My wife's is not 65, and her government aid on her health insurance just went up with an hour and fifteen minutes' phone call for next year. The lady is working from her home.
I retired last May. It should be cheaper, but it is more.

Relax and play with your phones and internet. The world is changing, along with those we put in office. I have lost a lot of my trust of a lot of politicians. I'll try to help. I've tried helping for decades behind the limelight. Never took a penny for it.

I was happy when they listened to reasonable suggestions, but they are all gone. I am nobody to them any longer. I hated the system, though I did nothing but try and help make it better. Where have all the overseers gone, long time passing?
Not happy I could do so little. Don't like the way I will leave the place. I see a perfect opportunity for change worldwide, though who will offer their time to do anything positive about it? Guess I don't like retirement, except spending more time with my wife and resting.

Surround yourself with the absolutely best people you can find for each category, and let them do their jobs with overseeing. People working for themselves in government? Fire them. Look: SHINEY.
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