INFJ Witch Trials


Into the White
I'll provide historic background information as time allows. This thread is based on the Salem Witch Trials that occurred in Salem, MA.

You can accuse any self-proclaimed INFJ of not actually being INFJ. No evidence is necessary. You can also accuse self-proclaimed non-INFJs of being INFJ.
[MENTION=4108]Radiant Shadow[/MENTION] is NOT INFJ

Tie him up and throw him in the river, boys. If he sinks, he's not INFJ; if he floats, he's an INFJ.
I formally accuse [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] of being INFJ.
@Radiant Shadow is NOT INFJ

Tie him up and throw him in the river, boys. If he sinks, he's not INFJ; if he floats, he's an INFJ.

I find your disregard for my health decidedly concerning, goodsir. You must not be an INFJ!


Let the Fluff Wars and pedestal-smashing commence!

(don't mind me. i'm just here for snarky commentary.)
An INFJ would NEVER just be "here for snarky commentary."

Definitely not INFJ.
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] is not an INFJ.

To the cross with thee, heathen! A true INFJ will be protected from such sacrosanct flame!
Sweet! What about a test that you have to die to pass?

-edit- one step ahead of me

Maybe we could tie them to a stake and set a fire underneath.
If they talk about their feelings while they burn, they're an INFJ.
An INFJ would NEVER just be "here for snarky commentary."

Definitely not INFJ.

Pfft! Who says we can't have a little fun?! Your puritanism clearly makes you a vile SJ! You will not stand in the way of progressive iconoclasm! *throws bar stool at subwayrider*
Although the SWT are not held on par with some of the larger tragedies in history, people were actually burned to death.
It doesn't seem much different from playing Holocaust. After all, it's still not unheard of for these things to happen every now and again, and wiccans usually face high levels of religious discrimination and isolation.

That is all.

(I know, I'll probably be burned at the stake for being a party pooper -- or would be, if it weren't for my INFJ morals, sense of righteousness, and seriousness when others are having a carefree time? ;))

Doesn't anything worth laughing about have a tragic undercurrent?

Thus do we laugh to keep from crying.

EDIT: by the way, you're not INFJ.

What say you, jury?
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Muir is the epitome of infj whatchu talkin bout!?

Noble kinsmen of the jury, I bring it forth unto thine attentions that she that I have quoted is, despite the
convincing INFP facade, for it's fooled this righteous community for longer than I have been a part of, in fact...

an INFJ.

What say thee?
@muir is not an INFJ.

To the cross with thee, heathen! A true INFJ will be protected from such sacrosanct flame!


I know what i am and that's what matters

I will not renounce. The charges against me and my order are false. You may reduce my physical body to ashes but my spirit will endure and the truth will ring out through the ages
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I formally accuse [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] of being INFJ.

The gall madam. While I don't fully identify with INTJ, Fe is completely alien to me. If I'm an INFJ, I must be in some serious denial.

I accuse [MENTION=4717]subwayrider[/MENTION] of being an being an ENTP. I don't see an INFJ of creating such a thread, they just don't have the sense of humor to do it.
[MENTION=5375]chulo[/MENTION] my friend, you already know because I told you but I have a bunker, so no trial there :hug: :lol:
Seriously, though...

I can see this turning into a serious thread. I actually want it to.
Seriously, though...

I can see this turning into a serious thread. I actually want it to.

Don't you think it's obnoxious to tell someone that you know them better than they know themselves. Especially when it's someone online whom you've never met. It's one thing when someone creates a thread or asks you about their type but it's quite intrusive to accuse someone of being the wrong type.