[INFJ] 我来自中国,是来看看INFJ同伴


前一段时间,对人生没有方向,也没有目标。 虽然已经接受了“社会的阴暗”,但是没有动力的方向。列举了自己喜欢的东西,但是由于现实原因也无法去做,感觉人生已经固定了。 不知道国外的同伴,这辈子准备怎么度过
Reflecting back on my life (I'm in my 70s) I've found that we INFJs need several strings to our bow. One of these is some sort of way to make a living of course, but another is to explore our spirituality. A third is through our family, as much helping others through the hardships of their lives as much as sharing good times with them. A fourth is to have an intense interest in something that is entirely our own - a hobby for example - in which we can express ourselves. I worked in a field that was pretty analytical, so I chose private interests that explored more emotional and artistic things, such as photography.

These aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but if they blend then there may be a need for something else as well. For example, if photography had been a major part of my career then it would not have given me the contrast I needed in my private life.

It's very easy to become despondent because of the darkness in the air around us, socially speaking. We INFJs have a very deep inner life, though, and it's in there we can find light and hope quite independent of our surrounding world - and bring it out to bless others around us, maybe?
前一段时间,对人生没有方向,也没有目标。 虽然已经接受了“社会的阴暗”,但是没有动力的方向。列举了自己喜欢的东西,但是由于现实原因也无法去做,感觉人生已经固定了。 不知道国外的同伴,这辈子准备怎么度过
还有另一个原因会导致这种感觉:抑郁 --- 如果您有其他抑郁症状,您需要帮助来克服


Hey there ...
we all have our downtime in life; times we feel we lost, or the time we are discouraged by obstacles ... some have the ability to figure out the situation by themselves - those who have a Solution-oriented mind - and others need help from outside, a therapist for example.
there is also another reason for feeling like this: depression --- if you have other symptoms of depression, you need help to overcome it.

Since this is an international forum, to participate in discussions and get feedback on your posts, I suggest you write in English like others ... we all have our native languages ... and if you do not know any English, you can use Google Translate, as I did to write in your language (I am not sure if it is correct🤓)
Reflecting back on my life (I'm in my 70s) I've found that we INFJs need several strings to our bow. One of these is some sort of way to make a living of course, but another is to explore our spirituality. A third is through our family, as much helping others through the hardships of their lives as much as sharing good times with them. A fourth is to have an intense interest in something that is entirely our own - a hobby for example - in which we can express ourselves. I worked in a field that was pretty analytical, so I chose private interests that explored more emotional and artistic things, such as photography.

These aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but if they blend then there may be a need for something else as well. For example, if photography had been a major part of my career then it would not have given me the contrast I needed in my private life.

It's very easy to become despondent because of the darkness in the air around us, socially speaking. We INFJs have a very deep inner life, though, and it's in there we can find light and hope quite independent of our surrounding world - and bring it out to bless others around us, maybe?
"Thank you for your reply. It's great if the things you like can be used to make a living. However, I have the responsibility of supporting my parents. The social system designed by the government makes it difficult for us to escape from the rules they set. The first thing to do is to earn enough money to ensure material needs are met, so I can reclaim my time and step out of this game.

My genuine intention is to ensure that the people around me live harmoniously, and that I can live in that harmonious environment. However, the money needed to escape this game can only be obtained through exploitation, which is not something I want to do. Yet, to step out of the game, money is necessary. Life is truly paradoxical. If I decide to, I will first go against my nature to acquire resources and gain freedom, and then use time to make up for it later. I hope to exploit the wealth of the upper class to benefit those at the lower level.

I don't know what I'll be like when I'm 70, but for now, I want to pursue freedom first."
Reflecting back on my life (I'm in my 70s) I've found that we INFJs need several strings to our bow. Onf these is some sort of way to make a living of course, but another is to explore our spirituality. A

"I actually wrote this intentionally in my native language because I want to tell others around the world that, regardless of nationality or race, we all share common experiences in this world. I don't actually think that 'depression' necessarily needs treatment. When reality conflicts with ideals and it's impossible to change reality, feeling depressed is quite reasonable. Every time I feel depressed, it's a time to adjust my perspective or make decisions. Depression and pain remind me that I need to either change my environment or change myself."
Depression and pain remind me that I need to either change my environment or change myself.
I think in dealing with depression, neither we should change the world (if we ever could) nor do we need to change ourselves ... All we should do is accept the situation we are in and try to find the best solution to cope with it ... and for this, we need to become mentally strong (What is your self-improvement plan?) ... and I do believe that if depression becomes intense and affect our daily life, it sure needs treatment otherwise we waste our precious lifetime to gain nothing ...
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