this is true, the Ukrainians call it the "Terror Famine". I really think that the reason what happened in Germany resonates is that Germany was a modern European state with institutions we recognize even today. ps how many Ukrainians does the average westerner know? I only know about it because I know a Ukrainian family. Same with Armenia. I have known dozens and dozens of Jewish that I am not alone in the US.
yup, Holodomor would be what its called in ukranian.. I am not sure about how many ukranians do westerners know, I myself only moved to the west 7 years ago, was born in one of the former soviet republics (I have a birth cert from a country that doesnt exist lol), There are really a lot of ukranians in the UK, the trouble is that if the average brits see a white person speaking with an accent - the person is "polish" in their eyes and no amount of geography lessons can help there

I get that a lot too, but im too tired to argue anymore, if some acquaintance asks me hows life in poland - I tell them about life in poland

Back to the topic - I know quite a few ukranians, because I recognize them, not all want to be recognized though, because not all are there legally... But I frequently visit a eastern european food shop thats owned by a family from ukraine, very warm people... at one point when I lived in London I worked at a hotel where about 95% of emploeyees were ukranian

Handy I can speak russian, otherwise it wouldve been really tough

BUT! None of them ever told me about Holodomor, they were actually all very surprised that I know about it - I bumped into this info when I was chain-watching all the "conspiracy" movies

Soviet story it was called, I think.