Regular Poster
- Enneagram
- 1w2, 5w6
Hello, my people. I haven't been here in quite a while, and much has happened since then. This site has actually been very helpful in defining my identity. I felt free to express myself, and the resulting support and objective criticism was invaluable. But as with many things in life, it wasn't bound to last indefinitely. As school started, free time diminished and I slowly parted from this "safe haven." However, I had developed a greater understanding of who I am, and with this new-found knowledge, I even found someone to love.
Though I have acquired self-knowledge, I don't feel complete without my external reality. I need a means of sharing religious/spiritual beliefs. I don't appreciate labels, but reality is that it is through labels that we find each other. Without the concept of INFJ, this community wouldn't exist.
Currently, I do not have a definition for my beliefs, and in resignation, my belief could be allotted the term "Unitarian Universalism" or "Agnosticism." These terms, however, are so vague and all-encompassing that they offer no hope of ever finding someone who would share my ideals. To describe me better, one would have to use multiple terms; I'm very liberal, and therefore (among other concepts), I accept the LGBTQ community, am pro-choice, oppose the traditional roles of men and women. Basically, I favor freedom of choice and expression. I put an emphasis on intellect and the pursuit of truth (though I firmly believe we can never understand it in a rational sense). Ultimate happiness is found through altruism, empathy and love. I do not believe in a God or deity, though I am open to the concept of a common goal that mankind strives towards. There is no life after death, though we have an intangible presence that lingers on things that were dear to us, our creations, as well as the memories of others.
I'm open to suggestions as to what religion or faith this could possibly be, if one of this nature even exists. I actually agree with many aspects of Taoism, though the subjectivity of it is sometimes bothersome. I have looked towards the older Asian philosophies simply because I feel that as time progressed, we have become disillusioned with what it means to be HUMAN. We have overstepped boundaries, fabricated new ones, and withdrew from others in an attempt to define a world that has consequently become increasingly incomprehensible. If the truth is out there, it has been found long ago, in the most ancient of times when life was simpler.
Tell me, if you know: What is my belief/philosophy/spirituality? Is this affinity in any way relevant to the fact that I'm an INFJ?
For your answers, please answer the following:
1) A description of your religious/spiritual affinity or belief
2) Your personal justification and why it is meaningful to you
3) Religious/spiritual trends you have noticed among other INFJs
4) Any relevant information you know that could answer my question, if possible.
Though I have acquired self-knowledge, I don't feel complete without my external reality. I need a means of sharing religious/spiritual beliefs. I don't appreciate labels, but reality is that it is through labels that we find each other. Without the concept of INFJ, this community wouldn't exist.
Currently, I do not have a definition for my beliefs, and in resignation, my belief could be allotted the term "Unitarian Universalism" or "Agnosticism." These terms, however, are so vague and all-encompassing that they offer no hope of ever finding someone who would share my ideals. To describe me better, one would have to use multiple terms; I'm very liberal, and therefore (among other concepts), I accept the LGBTQ community, am pro-choice, oppose the traditional roles of men and women. Basically, I favor freedom of choice and expression. I put an emphasis on intellect and the pursuit of truth (though I firmly believe we can never understand it in a rational sense). Ultimate happiness is found through altruism, empathy and love. I do not believe in a God or deity, though I am open to the concept of a common goal that mankind strives towards. There is no life after death, though we have an intangible presence that lingers on things that were dear to us, our creations, as well as the memories of others.
I'm open to suggestions as to what religion or faith this could possibly be, if one of this nature even exists. I actually agree with many aspects of Taoism, though the subjectivity of it is sometimes bothersome. I have looked towards the older Asian philosophies simply because I feel that as time progressed, we have become disillusioned with what it means to be HUMAN. We have overstepped boundaries, fabricated new ones, and withdrew from others in an attempt to define a world that has consequently become increasingly incomprehensible. If the truth is out there, it has been found long ago, in the most ancient of times when life was simpler.
Tell me, if you know: What is my belief/philosophy/spirituality? Is this affinity in any way relevant to the fact that I'm an INFJ?
For your answers, please answer the following:
1) A description of your religious/spiritual affinity or belief
2) Your personal justification and why it is meaningful to you
3) Religious/spiritual trends you have noticed among other INFJs
4) Any relevant information you know that could answer my question, if possible.