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- 1w2
I have a weird relationship with horrific or shocking films. *Warning~ unfiltered feeling throughput* 
I hate horror films. I've been traumatized by many when I was kid and I'm very sensitive to those kinds of things. I find over-glamourised or fetshised violence morally ambiguous (still haven't figured out my true stance of it yet). Slashers, serial killers, monsters, gore fests, exploitation, vampires, ghosts or supernatural... it all scares the shit out of me. I really don't like entertaining the notion, even inside the contextual reality of a 90 minute film, that such things exist.
...but I can't get enough of watching very shocking/violent/disturbing but realistic/non-horror films. I'm really masochistic in this regard.
For example, the new wave of extreme french films in the past ten years like Irreversible, Baise-moi etc. Film makers such as Larry Clark, Michael Haneke, Gaspar Noe, Takashi Miike etc etc, who make films based on extremely shocking aspects of social life, digging into the deepest, darkest parts of sex, crime, corruption- the absolute black holes of morality in humanity. All those kinds of films in one way or another were shocking because they offer a glimpse into the terrifying state of select social, psychological, politcal and economic tornadoes that exist in every society that give birth to really screwed up behavior in individuals and groups! They feel very real, very close to home.
So I know that vampires and monsters don't and never will exist but they fundamentally scare me on a totally different level then non-horror films do that I mentioned above. Here is my reason why, it's mostly irrational and illogical but's it what I suspect is behind the motivation:
Anyway that's my thought process for it. It probably didn't make any sense and I realise about 1% of people on planet earth are going to relate to this, lol, so...
What is your relationship to horror and shocking or disturbing films/books/media?
Were you traumatized or very disturbed by something you saw or read when you were young? Describe your experience and how it made you feel

I hate horror films. I've been traumatized by many when I was kid and I'm very sensitive to those kinds of things. I find over-glamourised or fetshised violence morally ambiguous (still haven't figured out my true stance of it yet). Slashers, serial killers, monsters, gore fests, exploitation, vampires, ghosts or supernatural... it all scares the shit out of me. I really don't like entertaining the notion, even inside the contextual reality of a 90 minute film, that such things exist.
...but I can't get enough of watching very shocking/violent/disturbing but realistic/non-horror films. I'm really masochistic in this regard.
For example, the new wave of extreme french films in the past ten years like Irreversible, Baise-moi etc. Film makers such as Larry Clark, Michael Haneke, Gaspar Noe, Takashi Miike etc etc, who make films based on extremely shocking aspects of social life, digging into the deepest, darkest parts of sex, crime, corruption- the absolute black holes of morality in humanity. All those kinds of films in one way or another were shocking because they offer a glimpse into the terrifying state of select social, psychological, politcal and economic tornadoes that exist in every society that give birth to really screwed up behavior in individuals and groups! They feel very real, very close to home.
So I know that vampires and monsters don't and never will exist but they fundamentally scare me on a totally different level then non-horror films do that I mentioned above. Here is my reason why, it's mostly irrational and illogical but's it what I suspect is behind the motivation:
Supernatural or horror film's scare me more because if there was a reality where things like that could exist, then that would pull from under me, a fundamental sense of safety in current reality. I realise this is totally irrational, I just can't word it any other way. It's a very complex set of emotions for me.
Whereas with films that are shocking because they are examinations (or at least, representations) of human nature in it's most weird/distorted way can be reasoned with. There is a why/when/where rationale to problems and transgression taken by the characters/institution/government.
In horror films, there is no control over the evil. In non-horror films, to me, there is. There are reasons for everything. For me, I have a strong sense of "how things should/could be to improve things" and shocking non-horror films are a way for me to come to terms with the unbearable aspects of the world and people and figure out solutions. Or at least, desensitive myself to them.
Anyway that's my thought process for it. It probably didn't make any sense and I realise about 1% of people on planet earth are going to relate to this, lol, so...
What is your relationship to horror and shocking or disturbing films/books/media?
Were you traumatized or very disturbed by something you saw or read when you were young? Describe your experience and how it made you feel