INFJs and western astrology

INFJs only please - what is your zodiac sign?

  • Aries

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Taurus

    Votes: 13 10.5%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 15 12.1%
  • Leo

    Votes: 14 11.3%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Libra

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • Sagittarius

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • Capricorn

    Votes: 12 9.7%
  • Aquarius

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Pisces

    Votes: 12 9.7%

  • Total voters
Astrology is a load of shite that lingers on from when people thought alignment of the sun and/or moon had an influence on their character. The only way the sun and moon have an influence on ones character, I think, is if you relax under the sun on a summers day or look up at the starry night sky and feel the sense of perspective it offers.

Otherwise, it's just a gimmick and a contemporary bandwagon people enjoy jumping on.

Whoever told you that was extremely mistaken.
Just a quick look found this reference, granted it is not academic. I will look into this some more. The story I heard was from a therapist who is a Jungian scholar, it was a remark she made in passing and may have been misimformed. That said, Crabby, I am sure you have some knowledge on the subject you might like to share?

"Astrology, one of our oldest personality theories, classifies character in terms of the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. Greek medicine classified people in terms of bodily secretions and gave us our words phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholic. The tarot cards relate personalities to the four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, or our modern clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds.
Jung began to realize that the four categories in each scheme are fairly consistent, representing four basic human ways of understanding reality. Freud, Adler, and Jung himself had been emphasizing only one of the four -- the one that corresponded to his own way of approaching reality."
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"Astrology, one of our oldest personality theories, classifies character in terms of the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. Greek medicine classified people in terms of bodily secretions and gave us our words phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholic. The tarot cards relate personalities to the four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, or our modern clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds.
Jung began to realize that the four categories in each scheme are fairly consistent, representing four basic human ways of understanding reality. Freud, Adler, and Jung himself had been emphasizing only one of the four -- the one that corresponded to his own way of approaching reality."

See also : Roback, A. (2007). A Bilbiography of Character and Personality. This book documents about 5000 different personality assessments that sort people into four basic temperaments. Astrology is just another example of one such assessment.
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sun virgo
moon Taurus
mercury Libra
venus Cancer
mars Aries
asce sagittarius
jupiter gemini
saturn sagittarius

sun in virgo and moon in taurus v.s ascendent in sagittarius is what i think creates introverted intuition in myself and mercury in libra and venus in cancer is where extraverted feeling comes from

i also study astrology ALOT! very interested in seeing other infj charts. thank u
Sun: Sagittarius
Moon: Aries
Rising: Leo
Mars: Libra
Venus Scorpio

Those are the ones that are pretty obvious to me. I'm gonna regret flying my freak flag, but there ya go. I have come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ was a Pisces (annoying freak but loveable). Don't ask me how I know that because I don't.
I study astrology, ALOT. Here are my stats:

Ascendent: Libra
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Scorpio
Chiron: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Gemini
Mars: Cancer
Juipter: Gemini
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
North Node: Picies
South Node: Virgo

And my natal chart (for aspects):


We have a lot in common O_O.
I have North Node in 5th house too, mercury and venus in 8th house, moon in scoprio(I tihnk it's a INFJ thing) and I also have an 8th house stelium(venus, neptune, uranus and mercury).
I've been trying to pinpoint the exact time of my birth for accurate natal chart reading and so far it looks like i was born from 7am to 8 am on Oct 7th according to my mom.

Saturn is currently visiting my 1st house of Libra and its wrecking quite a ruckus in my life as its highlighting everything that is out of balance in my 1st house right now. Anyone experienced the realistic slap of Saturn recently?
Rising Sign is in 20 Degrees Leo
Sun is in 06 Degrees Gemini.
Moon is in 07 Degrees Virgo.

I would say the descriptions for each of these are quite accurate for my personality. Though I think if you combine all three you would get a better idea of how I am as a person. But I can see where the Virgo in me comes out but also where the Gemini and Leo showcase themselves.