It's very difficult for INFJs to be religious. We tend to see through the construct of religion. However, a lot of us are very spiritual, and some of us are very spiritually Christian.
i agree! religion, to me, is a language-system around an
experience that had the effect of a paradigm shift, a conversion, a significant change. the language is borrowed from the specific context in which the person, which has had the experience, lives - so in a way, it's arbitrary, which does not mean irrelevant. arbitrary means that, in another context, the religious language linked to the experience would be quite different.
in contrast to psychosis, those who did an experience of the religious kind are able to cope with life after the experience and are often doing it even better (according to their own evaluation, but somewhat this is also true when looking from the outside).
when religious language is relativized to this point, I can freely use it as the fingertip pointing to the moon, as buddhists say; a specific religious language is then like a way of saying the ineffable while knowing it cannot be said. the experiences are a spiritual path - and it's never given or granted, that they are
also something else than a process within our psyche.
so, I tend to think that infjs, when focused on their primary function Ni, ar not prone to be stable adherents of a specific "church" representig a specific religion. well, they might do so, but then, it would be based more on a role they assume to get along with the outer world (Fe).
there are other motives to be religious, like fear: chaos, hell, torture, judgment, revenge - i did not take this into account since this seems to me to be a projection of a sado-masochistic conflict within the human soul, in other words, a e6-pattern: to be ones own enemy - this is then projected to the outer world. this construct deals with power to counteract the supposed threat: the deity/ultimate reality will give power against the enemy if one becomes a subordinate of this deity (conversion by fear). in such a system, fear is not the explicit motivation - it's hidden under the signifier "love". love the one that will grant you liberation/bliss etc. if you don't love him/her, you will suffer. so you love your potential punisher out of fear (and fear and true love cannot coexist, as john, in the bible, puts it). but the power-game can also be one of participating in the deity's powers: if i do/think/don't do x, i shall be given powers from the deity, and I shall be powerfull (often called "blessed", "gifted").
what i describe here in an abstract language has been my way with religion. my starting point as a kid was a fundamentalistic christian church having as its basis the enneagram-6-pattern.