Some INFJs are textbook examples of the personality type, with a clear preference for Ni over Fe over Ti over Se.
However, no two INFJs are perfectly the same, and many of us have developed preferences and capacities in our cognitive functions that have allowed us to grow outside the standard pattern for our type.
Some INFJs have a strong Fe, making them seem more like an ENFJ - intense and bold, outgoing and charismatic.
Other INFJs have a strong Ti, making them seem more like INTJs or even INTPs - brilliant and amicable, insightful and intellectual.
Other INFJs prefer their introverted functions, making them seem more like ISFJs or INTJs - Deep and introspective, logical and profound.
Other INFJs have developed their shadow functions, making them seem like INFPs or even ENFPs - warm and fun, kind and open minded.
I think this excellent explanation by Von Hase explains why I may seem like an INFP.