INFJs: Dems of GOP?

Typo: Dems OR gop

I have heard INTJ friends say that INFJs are the backbone of the Democratic Party while the INTJs are the backbone of the Republican Party. This doesn't mean that ALL INFJs are Democrats and so forth, but I do sense a tendency for F types to be left leaning and T types to be right leaning. Any thoughts on this?
in a broad sense i can see how one might think Fs are generally more liberal, but basing any sweeping claim on type is a terrible idea IMO.
I would think most INFJs or INTJs would be too smart to subscribe to such a narrow label as DNC or GOP... both parties are atrocious.
I would think most INFJs or INTJs would be too smart to subscribe to such a narrow label as DNC or GOP... both parties are atrocious.
regardless of the parties current conditions and candidates, i think that MBTI is too hazy/subjective a subject to be used to measure political affiliations. Political data would glean from other more hard data sources I would think. Socioeconomic, region, political history, etc.
Maybe an INFJ would go for his feelings and vote GOP, feeling that that candidate is the better for America; an INTJ might use logical and rationality to come to a personal conclusion that she believes the Dems. to be the better candidate for the US.
MBTI is simply too unreliable, subjective, and not a hard science or fact to be considered a reliable source for significant political data.
That explains a lot, because then that means that INTJs and INFJs are all stupid.
I think it's too broad; and may possibly be based on stereotypes.

Within the stereotypes / type description, I can see how that can be applied, but IRL it's far more complex.
Dems of GOP sounds like a good movie title
I think it is true that the Left is far more concerned with feelings, and tends to act in compassion in the short term without checking for long term results. The right tends to be more pragmatic, less concerned with their appearences and more concerned with creating the kind of economy that will bring long term prosperity to the greatest number of people even if in the short term it may seem uncompassionate.