[INFJ] infjs dont share all there insights?


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ok so i read that infjs dont realy share all there insights.or just the ones that resonates with there fe,or how it would affect others....but i read that sometimes the infjs insights can be very detached and strange especialy when getting into that ni and ti detachment....so guys could you give some of your insights that you wouldnt realy share with others of fear that it might affect others?i wont judge just share them....ok im talking more about insights on life,science,theories ideas?
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ok so i read that infjs dont realy share all there insights.or just the ones that resonates with there fe,or how it would affect others....but i read that sometimes the infjs insights can be very detached and strange especialy when getting into that ni and ti detachment....so guys could you give some of your insights that you wouldnt realy share with others of fear that it might affect others?i wont judge just share them

I don't know much about Ni and Ti detachments, but I do know there are certain things I've learnt not to share with others, because they won't necessarily appreciate it. Maybe the observations and inferences are seen as an intrusion into privacy. I once had a friend, whom I felt was wary of how I could see into things - into her - and advised me when I visited her home, not to share my thoughts of how a family member is. And even now I recognize when people feel comfortable enough with me, for me to empathize with them and share my insights, and when they want me to stop. Almost like there's a line or a boundary that when I was younger, I never knew existed.

I don't know if that's what you're asking about, but thought I'd share.
I don't know much about Ni and Ti detachments, but I do know there are certain things I've learnt not to share with others, because they won't necessarily appreciate it. Maybe the observations and inferences are seen as an intrusion into privacy. I once had a friend, whom I felt was wary of how I could see into things - into her - and advised me when I visited her home, not to share my thoughts of how a family member is. And even now I recognize when people feel comfortable enough with me, for me to empathize with them and share my insights, and when they want me to stop. Almost like there's a line or a boundary that when I was younger, I never knew existed.

I don't know if that's what you're asking about, but thought I'd share.

not nessacarily,im asking more on insights you've had about life,science ect?or theories
"I don't know much about Ni and Ti detachments, but I do know there are certain things I've learnt not to share with others, because they won't necessarily appreciate it."

Well said heiots, With me from an early age (5 yrs), I found out that my insights were definitely not welcomed. And after so much abuse I learn't to keep them to myself. Now at the age of 60, I only share them with Loved ones if they are in danger.
not nessacarily,im asking more on insights you've had about life,science ect?or theories

I don't think I've had any "out-there" insights about life or science that would freak the majority out. Not like "the earth is flat" or anything similar. There would be one or two or maybe a minority who might cringe at my code of living, but I don't think that's what you're asking. My insights are mostly interpersonal, and this could be phrased better, but I'm the kind who focuses on the one rather than the whole. Maybe someone else would be a better fit to give the answers you're looking for.
Sometimes it's hard for an INFJ to distinguish between insights and daily random thoughts. That's probably the reason why we don't share them, and because Ni intuition is internal process, too. Not to mention a lot of them are either hard to explain or sound counter-intuitive for most, sometimes both.

How about, nothing other people said is ever about you. It's only their projection to you, who happens to be passer-by?