INFJ's getting older.

I know that i do feel a little differently in the last two-three years. i'm not sure if life is getting easier, but one thing i don't feel is the push to be or act younger than my age. I hate it when someone says, "you should feel this or that because you are young . . .". Not necessary to tell someone how they should feel about their age. We don't always feel our age or meet the expectations of those in our age group.

i think there is a stereotypical perception of how you should act or behave if you're in your 20s/early 30s. Supposedly, you're not very settled, etc. I, like many here i think, never fit any stereotype of my age group growing up. I was always more serious than the average person - probably too serious and pensive (lol). My lifestyle hasn't really changed that much in the last 5 years. So, the changes i've experienced are much more internal than i think it is for others. There is more personal growth and development but it's not visible kind. My personality has relaxed a bit, and i'm more easy going than i used to be.

And I don't see things changing that much unless i got into a relationship or had kids. i don't expect the next 5-10 years to really be that different unless i move or situation changes.

So, it's not really how old but the responsibilities you're balancing. i think maybe it's the experiences which ultimately change you when you reach a certain age.
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Billy, I think you are right on the money. It comes to the point that you realize it isn't worth wasting your passion on more or less meaningless things. You refuse to spend your power on things you cannot fix. It isn't that they can't be fixed, but you can't force others to follow your lead. You therefore learn to fix those things that you have control over (yourself) and accept that others have to fix their own problems. It becomes a kind of self-preservation. I don't see this as a negative thing, or a matter of giving in to the world, but more of a realization that if you don't take care of yourself, nobody will. Myself, I realized that anger is the most destructive emotion of all, and if I don't watch myself I will be angry all the time. This causes ulcers, headaches, high blood pressure, and poor interpersonal relationships. Way to go, man!

Also we should consider this thing, negative thoughts welcome illness that may look hard to cure.