INFJs strong?

I consider myself average.
I tend to think God makes me strong because that is my faith. I've had many "how the hell did I just pull that off?" moments. I also value flexibility, it is crucial.

No kidding. Same here. Getting over relational shyness/hesitance is like pulling teeth. "Spontaneity" rare for me, except in the way I use words playfully. Otherwise, it only happens when God steps in. (If you're not religious, maybe "life force" might be a good term for it.) When I think of who I really am when I'm in my "center", I can be confident (as desired) yet emotionally expressive (when desired and toward friends I like).
I'm certainly not strong physically-- probably somewhere in the middle. Mentally, I am pretty with-it, but every once in a while I can lose my temper. Sometimes it's just best to walk away from a confrontation and remain calm than attempt to argue. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong, because when I get angry, I lose. I'm pretty sure it's the same for many other INFJ's.
why can't you be both?

i consider myself very strong, although i sometimes wish i could just be soft and vulnerable. just for a day even.
it's just not the way my life worked out. i am forged by my experiences to a great degree.
because i've been this tough in your face person my whole life no one allows/believes/wants to think that i can be weak or feel unsure or afraid.

today was a good example of this. i needed to be weak, i needed to be vulnerable, i wanted to fall apart even if just for a good cry. this is never received well. i just swallowed it instead.
Would you regard yourself as someone who is strong (not physical)?

Sort of. Someone else has already explained it better. INFJs, in my experience, can tend to be like this:

"unsteady but strong, like a wire cable that sways in storms but holds fast"
Honestly I think it comes from my mentality of 'if you're not going to do it, no one will'.

I relate to this. I get told I'm strong by others moreso than I think Im strong. I often think that if Im not willing to do something how can I expect anyone else to. I like to have control over my life and write my own story