The problem is that type doesn't 100% represent anybody, despite the claims many make. I think people usually are comforted at being told who they are-- it's why we have astrology and mbti and any other mode of personality classification. So I personally think its a mistake to take mbti very seriously, or anybody who really talks about it. That's because you have to study it for yourself to determine if it holds any merit in your self evaluation and even then, with a grain of salt. It is entirely worthless in understanding others. It's the lazy way of doing it.
So if this offends you, maybe consider that this person's opinion doesn't matter. They don't know you, and besides, you transcend a theoretical classification, anyway. We are all much much much more complex than mbti could ever truly describe.
At the core, we're ineffable.
Samadhi. I had to look that up. I'm not saying things such as introversion and etc., don't exist.Above the abyss yes, but below it we live in a world of duality
There are patterns that are discearnable
There are enough people who will testify that they feel tired after socialising and need to recharge that we can note a pattern and call them 'introverts'. There are enough people that can testify that they are energised by socialising that we can note a pattern and call them extroverts and so on
It doesn't mean that within those patterns there isn't going to be diversity there will be but the over-arching patterns still exist
People think differently. Some think in concrete terms, some think in more abstract terms. We have enough people testifying to that that we can descearn patterns and give them names
But yes all this name making and categorisation does help reinforce the world of duality but no one can hold a state of samadhi forever
''before enlightenment gather sticks to make a fire to keep warm, after enlightenment gather sticks to make a fire to keep warm''
We don't have MBTI to comfort us we have it because people have discearned patterns and gleaned generalised truths from them.
Like a sledgehammer it's not a precision tool but it will get the job done
1. Wasn't this guy a member here at one point?
2. His other videos are hilarious.
I can't even hear the guy because I'm so distracted by the mess in his flat.
It's not a good sign if you can't laugh at yourself.
A few of you take yourselves entirely too seriously.
He's got his bitch face on.