

Community Member
The first person that comes to your mind after this question:

"Who has made a huge impact in your life?"

and why?

Where is this person presently and what is your relationship with them like?
Dennis. He was a kid who was in my neighborhood, who rode the bus at a different stop. I never saw him again after the first year, and almost all the time I wonder what happened to him. Did he die? Is he married? Is he gay? Is he a rapist? His "dissapearance" (probably just moved... lol) is what led me to question stuff as a child.
I don't know. My parents, obviously. I think some friends at school inspired me to discover my artistic side. Matt Bellamy inspired me to get good at guitar. Maxxie from skins gave me the courage to finally admit to myself that I'm gay.
Dennis. He was a kid who was in my neighborhood, who rode the bus at a different stop. I never saw him again after the first year, and almost all the time I wonder what happened to him. Did he die? Is he married? Is he gay? Is he a rapist? His "dissapearance" (probably just moved... lol) is what led me to question stuff as a child.

were you friends with him?
No, I didn't even know him. I only know his name, because once someone said "Dennis!" and he turned around, but no one was talking to him, it was someone else. No one really ever talked to him.
I don't know. My parents, obviously. I think some friends at school inspired me to discover my artistic side. Matt Bellamy inspired me to get good at guitar. Maxxie from skins gave me the courage to finally admit to myself that I'm gay.

How did your parents? I wouldn't say obviously to that because it's a different reason for most people. Unless you just mean "Of course they would have an impact on me" =b
No, I didn't even know him. I only know his name, because once someone said "Dennis!" and he turned around, but no one was talking to him, it was someone else. No one really ever talked to him.

Before his dissapearance, did you ever wonder "Why doesn't anyone tak to him?" "Is his name really dennis or was he just wondering who was screaming?" "Did he know someone named Dennis?" "What does he like to do in his spare time?"
No, I noticed him. But I noticed everyone, I just sat in the back watching. And when people were gone, I would wonder where they went.
The Buddha.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

He is long dead. It's funny that these people in despite of being no longer with us can have a much bigger impact than people who are still living.
The Buddha.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

He is long dead. It's funny that these people in despite of being no longer with us can have a much bigger impact than people who are still living.

and, you never met him too--aside memories to the ones who knew them, they become quotes to us. Quotes have big impacts on us.
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"Who has made a huge impact in your life?"

and why?

Where is this person presently and what is your relationship with them like?

My grandfather, because he was the one who believed in me most when I was young. He was the one who taught me things, the one who treated me like any other normal kid, which is what I most needed and wanted.

My relationship with him is friendly, but we're not so close anymore because I'm not close to any family member anymore. He was absent from a lot of my teenage life and it sort of put a barrier between us.
My grandfather, because he was the one who believed in me most when I was young. He was the one who taught me things, the one who treated me like any other normal kid, which is what I most needed and wanted.

My relationship with him is friendly, but we're not so close anymore because I'm not close to any family member anymore. He was absent from a lot of my teenage life and it sort of put a barrier between us.

Have you ever told him how he effected you?
Have you ever told him how he effected you?

no, because mostly he'd tell me to shut up and stop talking crap out of embarrassment.
My Grandpa: he taught me how to have levity in any situation and how to be playful. He's probably the kindest, sweetest, happiest most caring individual I've ever met. He has a lot of traditional values and a strong work ethic yet isn't afraid to let sides of himself out that could be misconstrued.

My Dad: The hardest working man I've ever met, he has a drive that astounds me and is a perfectionist in the truest sense of the word, he plays a myriad of instruments and has inspired my deep love for music and has inspired me to self educate. Most everything tactile that I've learned I've learned from my father.

My Mom: My mother has inspired compassion and strength in me, she has been through a lot of hardships in her life and I can't believe how unbelievably well she's been able to handle them. She's an incredible woman and cares about people to a point that I sometimes find unreasonable on a very real level though, not on a level where that care is about reciprocation as I see so many others do.

My Sister: My sister has taught me the importance of having fun and has inspired me to be more physically fit, she is by far the most high energy "party, party, go, go" person I've ever met, and due to her drive has competitively figure skated at a junior level (That's second from the top in the ice skating scheme).

My Best Friend Brian: Brian has taught me tolerance, I can't believe the things he's put up with from me and he's helped me change so many habits that could have been destructive to me. He's in another state for the air force right now and I truly miss having him around.

My Best Friend Joel: Joel has taught me to let go of my insecurities and not give a shit what anybody thinks about me, he's a guy with a constant sense of humor and a willingness to do anything, that truly inspires me. To give you an idea of his sense of humor this is a guy who likes to walk around campus with a t-shirt on that has his face printed on it and a guy I've seen play a rock shows in the snow wearing a man thong.

My Best Friend Whittnie: Whitt has taught me about accepting others, she has many religious beliefs that I do not share but we have a tolerance of one another's beliefs and accept each other for who we really are. There are a few times that she's been there for me when no one else was.

And lastly although there are many others that influenced me in small ways.

My 5th/6th Grade Teacher: This guy was one of the most incredible people I've ever met in my life and was a big influence on me, he taught me a lot about the way that I learn and how it differs from the way many others do.

anyways, I may have got carried away here but this is how I feel and these are the people I've been influenced most by.