INFP: the most judgmental type?

knight in battle

Well-known member
INFP: Most Judgmental Type?

INFPs are so capable of looking past the facades of others for the very reason that INFPs are so capable of putting up their own facades. INFPs, in self-defense, often don’t want others to be able to read them.

I wonder. I really do. Is it healthy for me to be associated with an INFP? And if they desire authenticity above all, why not show or tell?

More than likely, they do show themselves. They do portray their mood in many cases.

However, they make commitments that have a 50% reliability rate. Nothing is set in stone—even from the mouths of the most honest ones. Because what they meant yesterday is no longer meant tomorrow. What they said even isn't what they necessarily meant, because there was a "tone of voice" that was more accurate than the actual word or promise made—and you were supposed to read that!

They are genuine but not open about it. There's always something "beneath". This is very apparent to me. They fall silent. To me, that means introspection.

If they're so geared on authenticity, why do they withhold their attitudes about me or others? Why talk about superficial things with me? Everything about them is suspicious and untrustworthy.

And yet... many INFJs are rather INFP-like. :(
but they'er not even Js
Wow.. another INFP bashing thread by @knight in battle .

He (or she, I care not to take the time to look) has a knack for having problems with every type and then posting the resulting drama and his negative opinions over the internets.
He (or she, I care not to take the time to look) has a knack for having problems with every type and then posting the resulting drama and his negative opinions over the internets.

I'll say @knight in battle seems to do a good share of his own judging and generalizing.
I agree, and I admit that I am prone to delighting in others drama.
That was an observation, not to be confused with a judgment. Or was it? Damnit. I don't know who I am anymore! Tell me knight in battle!
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That was an observation, not to be confused with a judgment. Or was it? Damnit. I don't know who I am anymore! Tell me knight in battle!

Whats God gonna do now that [MENTION=3791]knight in battle[/MENTION] is doing His job for him?
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Good point, but the article seems to allude to the idea of judgmentalism, and not necessarily Judging.


Ha. If they were theoretical, I really wouldn't have much of a personal opinion.
what is your personal opinion based on? Knowing maybe 2 or 3 Infps that you don't get along with and applying that to make generalizations on all Infps. I agree with Rogo, based on a lot of your threads you seem to not get along with people in your life. Maybe it's you.
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..My, we turn into bashing?
that being said,
there -are- truth in what [MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] and [MENTION=731]uberrogo[/MENTION] said. I have to admit; the direction in which you make your thoughts are...

In a way, creating the general from the personal. Which in a way, we tend to do so, but....'s concerning.
Not that the original topic is even relevant anymore, thread crashers, but I find myself to be MUCH more judgemental than my INFP beau... or most people, really.
infjs and infps are very different. i think the only thing in common is they can both gush with emotions.

and, both are swell at helping me with math
Haha, I don't think INFJ has anything to do with math abilities.

God did not bless me with those.