Yep. That's excatly what I meant! One of my best friends is an ENFJ who uses buddhist methods in her work helping people and believes in enlightenment. She is basically trying to liberate people from hinders more profound than you'd think. It's like a covert enlightenment op...
And she's very much interested how people feel. Believes in everyone! That's what I'm guilty of too. I always see what people could do, in their personal life, societally and spiritually and I do chip chip away in my own way to build a utopia, a heaven on earth. Light some sparks in people. I have tremendous belief in individuals. I don't know...
You are both aligned with a certain current....let's call it the 'universal brotherhood'
There are two persistant currents that run through humanity
One current is a drive to control everyone and own everything, let's call this the 'black lodge'
The other current believes in personal freedoms, let's call this the universal brotherhood
These two currents flow through society, but they also flow through us as individuals and we must decide which current we want to align with both within ourselves as we recognise the internal struggle and outwith ourselves as we recognise how these currents are affecting the behaviour of people around us and even world events!
I have belief in individuals as well. I don't hate the black lodge i see them as ignorant and living in fear. The desire to control everything comes from a deep seated insecurity.
Although many of us would like to live in peace we have to unfortunatley react against the controlling current otherwise we find ourselves increasingly controlled (see for example the effect that a centrally controlled banking system is having on our economy right now!)
That is why power must reside with EVERYONE not with a small elite and that means a system change is needed to something like anarchist communism.
This means skipping any intermediate 'dictatorship of the proletariat' phase as that will just see another dictatorship. For example USSR or China, neither of which achieved a state of communism falling foul instead of dictatorship and a centralised market economy (state capitalism)
I was pre-emptively accused in another thread of being about to call some one 'stupid', but i had no intention to do so! I don't use the term 'stupid' however as that implies a state beyond redemption. I use the term 'ignorant' which means that someone is not fully cogniscent.
A person who is not fully cogniscent of the truth can however become cogniscent and thereby dispel the ignorance. Even the black lodge are not beyond redemption in theory but in practise the possibility that they will in large numbers evolve their perceptions to a point whereby they recognise that their power games are destructive is sadly unlikely.
The aim therefore should be for the universal brotherhood to focus their efforts on dispelling the ignorance of the masses so that they can become cogniscent of their condition and can make an informed choice of how they want to engage with this reality.
I'm not interested in ideas about the superiority of a person(s) over another person(s) as that is divisive and a false perception. The reality is that we are all equally valid and should work towards creating an environment that recognises that and recognises the different strengths of each type and provides for everyone accordingly.
It doesn't matter who is the most 'idealistic' between INFJ's and INFP's it only matters that these two groups work togther to create an enviornment in which their strengths are recognised and allowed to blossom for the common good.
Some people might call me idealistic but the reality is that if enough people don't switch to this perception then the trajectory we are all on at the moment with the black lodge steering things is, i think we can all agree, not a good one