This thread brings these lines from the movie
First Knight to mind
Quoted from
Formatting and character names added by me
I think those lines illustrate exactly the scenario a jealous lover fears and I understand it. What also needs to be understood is that people do choose to love with their heart and their will. Guinevere was unfaithful, however, not everyone is. Some people (#1) will have close friends and continue to love their partner with both and heart and soul. Some (#2) won't. However, if you cage #1 because you fear they will be a #2 then in my opinion, you do an injustice to this person you love and are just as guilty of betrayal as Guinevere.
As an aside, there is a thread about literary characters that you identify with. Well, those lines from Guinevere's lips could have been mine but so far I'm not a cheat like she is. Who knows what the future holds? I can still learn. LOL