Free Mind
I'm a Dragon! Rawr!
- INFJinity
Are you reserved? How and when? How do people respond to this aspect of your personality?
I am reserved to a certain extent, only around people I don't trust so much, people respond by probably looking at me as 'boring.' but if they got to know me it would be a different story, I don't open up to many people.
Are you someone needs a lot of personal space or private time? How much much and when? How do you think this affects your relationships - whether positively or negatively?
I really do need a lot of private really helps to keep me in a happy mind state, when im out and what not, I get really frustrated sometimes and just want to get back into my personal space where no one can bother me. With relationships, I am fine if it's with a special person, which in my case it is. I basically feel like I am in my personal space around this women. So there isn't a problem with that. So it affects my relationship positively more than negatively.
I am trying to find out my true type, so any thoughts are welcome to how you would 'type me'.
I am reserved to a certain extent, only around people I don't trust so much, people respond by probably looking at me as 'boring.' but if they got to know me it would be a different story, I don't open up to many people.
Are you someone needs a lot of personal space or private time? How much much and when? How do you think this affects your relationships - whether positively or negatively?
I really do need a lot of private really helps to keep me in a happy mind state, when im out and what not, I get really frustrated sometimes and just want to get back into my personal space where no one can bother me. With relationships, I am fine if it's with a special person, which in my case it is. I basically feel like I am in my personal space around this women. So there isn't a problem with that. So it affects my relationship positively more than negatively.
I am trying to find out my true type, so any thoughts are welcome to how you would 'type me'.