INFs and jokes.

Yes. That and I tend to dissect them if they're an invalid argument. I have a good sense of humor, but I definitely can take casual jokes too seriously and I rarely find them funny. They just annoy me.
Do you ever not understand them and become insulted
because what is supposed to be a joke, what is a joke,
you are taking too seriously?

Sometimes I do not understand them, and sometimes I do but do not experience humor in having heard them, and sometimes when I do not understand that something has been intended to be a joke I take it seriously instead.

That said, I don
Sometimes I am in the mood to joke around. Maybe that is around 30% of the time, tops.

I hate it when I can't get to a serious conversation with people for more than a minute though. I have some friends from high school that live less than 300 feet away from me and I never hang out with them because they do nothing but make fun of me for being gay since I don't have a girlfriend. The irony is, that I'm actually gay and they don't know it. Joke is on them.
I hate it when I can't get to a serious conversation with people for more than a minute though.

Me too! I get really short with people that can't have a serious conversation. Small talk makes my skin crawl and gives me dreams of mass genocide.
I love my estp friend though, because she interrupts me when I get philosophical and says "but remember my philosophy, I learn facts on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS. Do I need to know this?"


"Then stop talking."

I love XD
I love jokes, especially when it's from witty people.

Because I am not witty and I dearly envy those who are :D

Sometimes the joke goes over my head though. I think that happens with a lot of people though. I'm usually pretty perceptive when someone is telling a joke versus something else so even if I don't get it I make it a point to get involved in it some way (i.e. laughing or making a sarcastic neutral remark, or going 'Yes.' by default if it was a rhetorical joke question to me).
i don't have a sense of humor. rarely i'll try to say somethin funny and it's usually not at all. chances are if i'm saying something it's serious. then most people come about and make stupid jokes about it, it just puts me off. who wants to talk in that environment? if people aren't taking what you say seriously there's no need to even open your mouth.
Do you ever not understand them and become insulted
because what is supposed to be a joke, what is a joke,
you are taking too seriously?

I think it wouldn't be a stretch to say this has never happened with me.
I can usually find humor in most anything.
Aside from human and animal suffering of course.

I think intuitive / introspective people would be more apt to pick up on humor where some others may have it go over their head.
I love making people laugh, it gives me like... a warm tingly feeling inside to know that Ive made the smile x3

As for me... I can take jokes easily, I never used to get sarcasm and now I can understand it a bit better xP Im quite sarcastic myself sometimes.... depending on who Im speaking too xP If it's sexist jokes or racist jokes, I don't like them. I wouldn't mind them so much if I wasn't being told "to go to the kitchen" every 5 minutes "to make the guys a sandwich" xD. Sometimes I can deal with it and just laugh about it, but when they're being said to much it begins to annoy me a bit XD

I can't stand "your mom" "jokes" if you can call them that. Always seem so extremely stupid and annoying to me.
I can't stand "your mom" "jokes" if you can call them that. Always seem so extremely stupid and annoying to me.

I haven't heard a "Your Mom" joke done in a serious manner since middle school :p

Usually for me I only hear them now when it's a sarcastic reference to a your-mom joke versus actually being a your mom joke.

If that makes sense :v
I haven't heard a "Your Mom" joke done in a serious manner since middle school :p

Usually for me I only hear them now when it's a sarcastic reference to a your-mom joke versus actually being a your mom joke.

If that makes sense :v

Well I didn't mean like a "your mamas so fat, blah blah blah" lol. I just meant when you say something and people say "your mom" I find it exceedingly annoying especially if I'm discussing something serious.
I don't think this is much a defining trait for INFJs as much as it is a personal thing.

For me, I crack a lot of jokes and get a lot of them, too. Snarky and sarcastic the most. xD But online I don't as much unless it's tumblr, since sarcasm isn't well recepted unless in person.
[strike]no one even notices my jokes
I obvz have the worst sense of humor of all the NFs :([/strike]
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Also, you have discovered my biggest weakness...yes forum...I am the world's worst joke teller. It's like watching a car wreck happen right in front of your eyes.
You have to compete with me for the title, I'm afraid. I really suck at it. :|

As for OP's question, I'm afraid I am one of the easily offended type. In my opinion, there are jokes that arise from ignorance / certain negative feelings about some social aspects, and most of the jokes I saw IRL were one based of this. Racism, heterosexism, name a few.

It's not the words or how they said it, but the little things and correlation with their past actions and words that makes that particular joke, when said by that particular person, becomes an expression of something negative. And I dislike those.

Some aren't even worthy to be called 'jokes'. They are more calling. Bashing. Of some sort.

But, the fact persists; I'm easily offended. :(
I had this happen to me not too long ago. Probably three days ago to be exact. There was this thread on a forum that said, "This is why I dislike the Japanese". I took offense to that. So I gave them my opinion that I didn't like it and other commenters said that it was supposed to be a joke. Honestly, I didn't see what the joke was. The OP said that he dislikes the Japanese because they can play Tetris a lot faster and better than him. I don't see this as a reason to dislike the majority of a certain ethnic group just because of that. So, sometimes I can take the joke literally when it hits home with some things that are dear to me.
I'm fucking hilarious.

Is that kosher to say......?

Perhaps it is my arrogance but I feel people don't take certain things serious enough. Jokes always have a seed of truth and seriousness, no matter how you look at them. I feel it is easy to grab that and elaborate on it. If people have an issue with the deep meaning of something, they should not have brought it up. What is the productivity in saying something if you just want to get a rise. It is the craving of stimulation.