Intellectual Bulllying

Yes, there is in fact a word for this:

Coercion (n.): persuasion of (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats; to obtain something by such means.
Isn't this quite similar though? As in, there's still the promise of physical harm.
Intellectual bullying doesn't make sense to me. All bully is influence through emotional or physical pain. Influencing someone with fear is emotional bullying.

A person who has a lot of ability in cognitive empathy will likely be more successful at emotional bullying and abuse.
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Now. Since you seem of the intellectual (but not bullying) type, may I ask of you another question? Who is to be felt the more compassion for? The bullier or the bullied?

I never understood the point of comparing. Compassion for an individual shouldn't contingent on outside factors. I think it a false belief that by being compassionate to one person you are diminishing your compassion for another. They are and should be viewed as independent variables.
Intellectual bullying doesn't make sense to me. All bully is influence through emotional or physical pain. Influencing someone with fear is emotional bullying.

A person who has a lot of ability in cognitive empathy will likely be more successful at emotional bullying and abuse.

I took the idea of intellectual bullying as someone being forceful with their 'intellectual' argument; unwilling to budge or consider other viewpoints; acting as if they are intellectually superior to the person they are bullying. It could get intertwined with emotional or physical bullying, but if it is not directly targeting emotions and only the 'intellectual argument' then it could be a different type of bullying.
Or maybe you're right and there is always an emotional component to bullying.
I've got skills in these:

Sophistry - making the illogical sound logical.
Rhetoric - making the unappealing sound appealing.

Also had skills in being cray.
Do you believe in intellectual bullying?

Can a person really force anyone to believe something they don't want to believe without using physical force?

Are some people easily intimidated by those who are verbally aggressive?

How possible is it for people of superior education or intelligence to nonphysically denigrate and humiliate those of lesser education or intelligence?

If you believe in intellectual bullies, then how do you imagine would be the most appropriate way of dealing with one?

Yes, I believe it is one of the many forces destroying the US education system. Professors are being effectively blackballed and strung-up for all kinds of dumb sh*t. If they don't accept Howard Zinn's History of the United States as gospel and teach it as such, it is curtains for many Humanities professors.
Yes, I believe it is one of the many forces destroying the US education system.

To expand on that, can we call Bill Gates intellectual bully? He is promoting common core but his own kids don't go to school that uses common core. Is it good example of intellectual bulling on a large scale or just double standard?
Is it not possible to bully someone with great disrespect of themselves, based on a trait they might have that reminds you possibly of a bad time in your life when you were wronged? Are we wrong to allow it? What if we sort of understand it: then are we wrong to let it slide, even to the hurting of one's own soul?
To expand on that, can we call Bill Gates intellectual bully? He is promoting common core but his own kids don't go to school that uses common core. Is it good example of intellectual bulling on a large scale or just double standard?

I think the definition should be limited to ego narcissistic attitudes. While Bill Gate's political stance may be damaging to children it isn't done to diminish their ego and uplift his.