[MENTION=681]Milon[/MENTION] hey a fellow upstate nyer? cool man, wonder why it didn't test me off the rochester server im in oswego. and yeah i help my neighbors get the most from their money by using their wifi when theyre gone or sleeping, and by the looks of it they need me. but it all balances out bc i use these resources for good ya know. http://www.freerice.com/
[MENTION=2263]bagelriffic[/MENTION], wow, an easy and free way to help the world's hunger problems from my computer?! You, sir, are doing a good thing!
haha thanks for the props, its pretty addicting and a cool concept id agree, but i've gotta admit the vocab test is pretty easy and a good ego boost for me too ya know. so maybe i should see it as an unselfish website with selfish incentives lol.
The reason it's this low is that they had underestimated the amount of bandwidth each person needed, so we were getting 503 errors, so they capped each person's speed to 1.5 mb/s or less, until next semester when they will have more bandwidth.