I think trolling is behaviour, behaviour that correlates with the dark triad, machavellianism-narcissism-psychopathy, and I think deserves to be monitored and controlled.
Its ill behaviour anyone who persists in it once they're made aware of what they are doing has a problem and will be a problem for others.
If the definition of trolling is to be limited to things like death threats a person won't act upon where the person who does it thinks it will be taken seriously, or even things like someone coming into a chatroom with only the intention of harassing people and making them mad... that is, being facetious and provocative purely for the sense of power one derives from demonstrating one's ability to ruin other people's emotional balance... then that would be a mismatch with how the term is generally applied.
How it is generally applied, it contains what I is mentioned above, but also contains more innocuous things like how my GF often pretends to not understand something or twists what I say until I figure out she's taking me for a ride or I get annoyed and she can't hold her mask anymore and cracks a smile. Or things like if someone comes into a channel and starts annoying everyone in ways people find unwarranted or is just generally obnoxious, people sometimes pretend to have positions and thoughts they don't really have to make fun of the person and possibly get it to leave, embarrass the person or make it reveal itself to be even more of a dumbass or something.
The only common red thread is facetiousness knowing it can provoke, and can also be a test to see if someone will get provoked over something and how, rather than wanting the end result to be the person being provoked.
[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION], were you hoping your thread would go more this direction?
I really dislike trolls and I tend to pick them out instantly. But it's like they cover the shit they write with honey and make me unable not to respond. x)
You can tell they're intentionally twisting your words, dismissing what you say etc etc all just to hurt you and toy with your emotions. it's terrible.
I do believe trolling is a form of bullying. And I was quite upset when I realized it happens on this forum too.
When I read the articles, I recognized these personality defects in the people who trolled me in the past.
I wanted to see what people thought, what their opinions were and where the conversation would go.
I never really cared what direction the thread would go ;P I just wanted to see where people would take it and what reasoning they used.
Personally, I do think all forms of trolling are maleficent in their nature. So are jokes at the expense of another, those aren't jokes.
And someone I actually blocked for being a troll in my book even responded and took part in the conversation by trolling.
Which I find interesting.
Do you believe there is a difference between an entp who is simply getting reactions because that is there natural learning process vs someone who just likes to get peoole angry and feel the power of control over others by manipulating them?
Basically if a person gets offended or is too stupid to understand and/or participate to the topic then the OP is a troll. Either that or when you can't write anything interesting (but out of your own boredom and craving for public acknowledgment you desperately would want to) then you artificially try to position yourself above the OP hence ending any possible discussion that would present you as an intellectually insufficient person. A fact which you try so hard to conceal..
Determining which type has is the worst or is the worst at something is near trolling as it places types on pedestals.
Determining how each type handles a trait and why they have particular difficulty with various traits, is not trolling because it is just a discussion that examines the bad traits but it does not try to compare types and say which is better.
Since it is a matter of a subjectivity then it is hard to determine what is to be considered as absolute good or bad.
I don't know much about other types. But there are always differences and everything is always relative to external factors.
But I do wonder if some types are more susceptible to specific personality disorders then other types.
Like obviously all types are susceptible, but I wonder if some types are more so to specific ones then others.
Which is why asking what is the worst for these traits is near pointless; too many opinions of little consequence. Asking to get specific data on these traits and how they interact and pertain to certain types allows for each reader to come to their own conclusions while everyone gathers a deeper understanding as to how everything is actually fitting together instead of basing your opinion on others views.
The purpose of trolling is to elicit an emotional response in other people.
NT's are the best at this/do this the most IMO.
I am ENTP/INTP and I LOVE trolling people. I've been an internet troll my whole life.
This is trolling over the phone:
The purpose of trolling is to elicit an emotional response in other people.
NT's are the best at this/do this the most IMO.
I am ENTP/INTP and I LOVE trolling people. I've been an internet troll my whole life.
This is trolling over the phone:
To this end they bang on about 'logical fallacies' and 'conformation bias' whilst ignoring the information that the INFJ is presenting in good faith (and also failing to see how they themselves are committing logical fallacies and conformation bias!)
The INFJ can find themselves debating on sensitive isues such as vaccinations where people are dying and being injured because they care about the issue whilst the NT will be busy trying to pick the INFJ's argument apart...but not because they care that people are being killed or injured (they will never express any concern for other human beings), but purely for sport (their own sick selfish pleasure)
Basically what they do is enter into a battle of wills where they try to elicit a response from the feeling type so that they can then feed off the emotions which they themselves lack
lack of empathy is one of the hallmarks of psychopathy and some NT's exhibit traits of being fairly high on the psychopathy scale (maybe not american psycho high but still up at unhealthy levels of basically not caring)
When these types come to an INFJ forum and then attack INFJ's and try to provoke responses from them for their own sport i most definately see it is trolling but worse than that i see it as a form of emotional vampirism
Often these NT types i debate with occupy corporate positions and seem to be drawn to positions of power and influence which explains why the world is so messed up because people in power should be able to empathise otherwise the world descends into unfeeling cruelty
NT's seek truth - regardless of personal values. I think that a lot of the time, more sensitive people perceive this truth seeking as personal attacks, with the intention of hurting, when in fact the intention is simply seeking of the truth.