INTJ bully or villain

It's debatable if this guy is even NT. Sounds like more SJ to me. Anyway I was more operating from the reasoning that bullies tend to be spineless squids and if you knock them on their ass in front of enough people they'll be too embarrassed to continue their stupidity.

Although I've never decked a bully myself, I did once do the emotional equivalent to a girl bully I had. Public humiliation does wonders for this sort of situation.
Most of them are spineless. I've punched a fair few in the throat or squeezed their larynx until they and all their friends gave me a wide berth.

But that's a difference between wankers and NTs. You don't fuck with us.
So, when I wrote :"so I think, it should be better give money to some guys and get him womp.", I didnt know that it can look that I wish him to get hurt physical. I dont wish him broken legs or something. I am only suggest, that someone should propably tell him few harsh words. My dictionary translate me Slovak word "zastrasit" as womp. Better word would be abash.
Mmmm...I love me some good ol' NTs. Especially when they're upset.

Totally random, but...yes. Smoldering, plotting, and planning NTs turn me on.

As to the question at hand, I think Eniko's right. This bully sounds more like an Sensor. If you make an enemy of an NT (especially INTJ) you won't see the revenge coming. And even after it happens, you'll be all - WTF just happened? You still might not know who did it.
Well, Phantomx, your description INTJs as enemies is really impressive.

Can you tell me how exactly masterminds treat their enemies?
Have you any concrete and practical advice for INFJ girl how she can humiliate her enemy?
I feel that humiliation or revenge from some NT type would be more cruel- thats the reason because I ask you.

How can I humilite people who hate me for example? My mother is one of them. She starts abuse me after I have had mental disease. My psychiatrist told me, that I have schizoid personality and have had social phobia.I have got pills and I was home for six months.My mother becames very nervous, because I wasnt going in school and either I was unemployed. She was nervous that I didnt eat or sleep. I felt really weird and she was very annoyed and pissed, that I have been ill.She called me bitch, stupid whore, lazy prick etc.She told me, that am only lazy, not ill.Also in these days she doing it again.She telling me swears, occasionally beats me, slaps me,.... She can be dangerous-anytime I tell her, that she humiliates me, she begin sreams, slaps me or smash glass. When she has better day, she simply ask me if I dont forgot take my pills or she say: "You really are dickhead" or " You have serious mental disease" or " You should go to madhouse." My father is more afraid of her than me and my brother acts similar to her. I dont know what I should do. I havent any family or firiends who can help me. I told my psychiatrist that my mother is hurting me, but she didnt believe me and ask me :" And your mother really hurts you or its your own personal feeling?"

I assume, that my psychiatrist is idiot.And I doubt that any psychiatrist here would believe me that my mother is abusive because of my schizoid disease. I was going to various counselors, too. Last counselor was curious, if my mother confessed, that she hurts me. Another idiot.

Later, I have been less friendly to my mother . But my brother asked me why I hate them and my mother assume that I am hostile against them.

She few times asked me leave home, but I dont have employment, I dont have finish college yet and I dont have any money or flat. And I cant got some employment because I still have social phobia- I am desperately afraid of people. In these days, I am searching after new psychiatrist and counselor.But my mother assume, that wonder drug doesnt exist and I shouldn be so lazy and instead of searching medical care I should seerch for some employment because my greatest illnes is my laziness.

How strategy would you recommend to me?How should I treat my mother? I am sure, that my mother deserve humiliation, that she discovere how it feels.By the way, she is ISTJ, my brother is ESFJ and dad is ISFP.
Have you any advice to me?
Rory, I am a member of INTJ forum (although a new one...), and if you want, I can ask on your behalf if you want further perspective.

I would have to agree with the other posts in that I have a very hard time seeing an INTJ as a bully...when I think of a bully, ESTJ comes to mind :p. Maybe that is because I am borderline INTJ, and I was the one being bullied. Most I's want to be left alone and don't go actively seeking people to "pick on." Regardless of type, anyone who feels like they have to put down other people are extremely insecure. They feel they have to make other people feel horrible so they can feel good about themselves. A lot of people grow out of it, but sadly, most people who bully have a bit of sociopath in their personality.

I am not sure of how things are in Eastern Europe, but is there another counselor you could see? Are there crisis centers you could go to for help? Your mother sounds extremely abusive.
Never known an INTJ to be a bully. That would require we dealt with people.

You asked why INTJs are bullies on the INTJ forum and they banned you?

Not all INTJs are bullies. Some are quite nice. Some appear to be bullies to us because they will sometimes ruthlessly cut down your thoughts and damage your sense of self, but that seems to be a habit some of them fall in to.

You show a shiny new idea to an INTJ and we immediately start disassembling it. We aren't trying to be cruel, that's just what we do. If we voice it, you either had an idea that was very entertaining, or we like you and want to help... albeit without regard to how you feel about our procedure.

It's worse if you have our attention. If we like you, we want to "improve" you and your systems, starting by pointing out all of the flaws. That's just what we do.

The above, coupled with the notorious sarcasm, and complete lack of compassion can make us out to be bullies to the more sensitive types- especially if it's you or your ideas that we keep shredding.

A note about compassion: We don't do emotional stuff. We ignore our own emotions, why would we give weight to yours? And in the event that we are sympathetic, we know we suck at compassion; so, rather than make you feel worse (however unintentional) we just do nothing.
My sister's an INTJ and is pretty rational. She just seems more openly opinionated than others (most people keep stuff to themselves). She's the most honest (from her point of view) person I know, which is a big asset! Honest people, even if they're blunt, are the best :)
She can seem 'cold' in the way she doesn't let her emotions get the better of her, and is quick to judge an idea (not always a good thing ^^").
I'd say INTJ's we balanced with good and bad like most other people, but I guess it depends what kind of people annoy you.
So, I'd say neither bully nor villain, but maybe 'truthseeker' or 'judge'. XD
I am an intj, I am not a bully, a bully is an individual uses their strengths to intimidate and/or harm the weak.
What would be the purpose of that, what would I gain?
It is an illogical use of my time.
Bullying people would involve interacting and paying attention to people, once more unacceptable, it would be a dull activity for me.
The point to the bullying would be I assume to have the weak perform for me, the weak cannot do anything useful in my experience so I would not waste time trying to get them to produce.
Or the point may be to make myself feel superior by making the frail cower, waste of energy I am well aware of myself and not interested in seeing cowering weakness.

What people should understand when dealing with me, and perhaps other intj's, is although I am not (like some) socially retarded, I am really not interested in most of what many have to say. Movies, new cars in a superficial capacity, sports, all that mundane shit bores me, to avoid having to stand and nod and suffer pretending to be interested I dive in dominate the chatter by saying whatever needs to be said hopefully to amuse and get me out of the situation. Bullying no, self preservation yes. Normally I leave the person perplexed and amused sometimes their self esteem may be laying in a puddle around their feet, not intended nor my problem.

People should also be aware that I (we) are very busy even if we appear to be doing nothing. Never ever assume that a quietly sitting intj is free to converse, that is never the case, if we want to converse we will do not interrupt us! If an intj is in a situation where they are amongst others, classroom, work and the other's are so dense that they constantly break in rudely and disrupt what we are doing by speaking to us. I mean saying stupid irrelevant shit to us on an ongoing daily bases. Shit that many e's find need to be said to brighten ones day or steal our energy, we will very quickly become irritated and of course you are at that point fucked. And be aware that you started it, not me (us), we just wanted to be left alone but you did not respect us.

I will now graphically illustrate it for you, if you saw a couple fornicating happily away would you approach them and say 'hey how's it going?' or 'hey did you see that show on tv last night?' obviously not, but if you did what would the couple say "not too bad, how are you doing?' or 'oh yeah lets waste three percent of our waking hours rehashing ever lame detail.'? No, they would say 'it was going really well until you showed up and interrupted to say absolutely nothing you inconsiderate stupid shit." and they would abuse you and abhor you for eternity. That is exactly how it is for an intj, we sit very happily with our brain's working on something we feel quite passionate about, so leave us alone.

Now it sound like you did not do that, you have irritated one of us, what do you do now?
Continue to irritate the intj by power struggling with them?
Try to humiliate them after annoying them in the first place?
Just leave the intj alone, the intj will always hate you but you at least stand a chance of survival if you back off and do what you should have in the first place and leave them alone. You do not start a fire and pour gas on it!

So if this person is an intj that is how to handle the situation. Back off, duck run or hide just leave us alone, don't even apologize, we don't care about your stupid feelings, just go away.

I am a nice person, but I am a dangerous and ruthless person when I have to be, I do not understand you. I do not understand fear or weakness. I do not understand can't and I am extremely respectful of other creatures, overly respectful because I expect the same consideration. This is my planet as well and I will walk and interact on it as best serves me while not disturbing anyone else's path so do not cross mine, I do not or will not ever understand lame social convention, that too I will destroy! No christmas, no greeting cards (I fucking hate those things), no presents, no female hen pre child, per marriage or other pre stupidity events, no fun family times or lame business parties either. I drink and party when I choose too but I do it like other things, my own way, to excess if I like and for pure pleasure.

And please remember that we are doing good, I have handled situations, solved problems than many or most are not capable of, and I am not saying that I am smarter or better, I am different, my brain computes and works differently. For example, if I have sunk my teeth into something, and I always do, I wake and begin working on it before I even rise from the bed, this continues until I hit the pillow again, actually it goes on longer, many intj's need medication to sleep. We may pause to take meals and converse with significant other's, but those person's only got as close as they did by understanding when to back off. I cannot not do this, I must always be trying to understand, learn or produce something, it is impossible for me not to. That is another reason people may see us as bullies, not being able to do what I need or work on what I am interested in makes me quite volatile, once again just back off.
So if this person is an intj that is how to handle the situation. Back off, duck run or hide just leave us alone, don't even apologize, we don't care about your stupid feelings, just go away.

I am a nice person, but I am a dangerous and ruthless person when I have to be, I do not understand you. I do not understand fear or weakness. I do not understand can't and I am extremely respectful of other creatures, overly respectful because I expect the same consideration. This is my planet as well and I will walk and interact on it as best serves me while not disturbing anyone else's path so do not cross mine, I do not or will not ever understand lame social convention, that too I will destroy! No christmas, no greeting cards (I fucking hate those things), no presents, no female hen pre child, per marriage or other pre stupidity events, no fun family times or lame business parties either. I drink and party when I choose too but I do it like other things, my own way, to excess if I like and for pure pleasure.

And please remember that we are doing good, I have handled situations, solved problems than many or most are not capable of, and I am not saying that I am smarter or better, I am different, my brain computes and works differently. For example, if I have sunk my teeth into something, and I always do, I wake and begin working on it before I even rise from the bed, this continues until I hit the pillow again, actually it goes on longer, many intj's need medication to sleep. We may pause to take meals and converse with significant other's, but those person's only got as close as they did by understanding when to back off. I cannot not do this, I must always be trying to understand, learn or produce something, it is impossible for me not to. That is another reason people may see us as bullies, not being able to do what I need or work on what I am interested in makes me quite volatile, once again just back off. I think you'd like it.
Thank you for reminding me, I had the satanic bible on my reading list but when I was unable to easily get my hands on it and it slipped by the wayside.
Thank you on the search for truth it is good to explore other's journey's,
finding bright glimpses of sense and reason also serve to pacify me and so protect the ignorant masses from my wrath.
In media, INTJs are the villian type because villians are reserved outcastes, carefully plotting the demise of mankind or perhaps ways to "improve" the world while forgetting the "human" aspect.

In the real world, villains need to get people to follow them - and so villains are often very charismatic and outgoing (on the surface).

Bullies are people who seek control over others. They rise to power by playing nice, but treating those blow them like shit because they know they can get away with it.

It's possibly for any type to master the necessary skills to be both a villain and a bully.

As for humiliating your mother - what purpose will that serve? Do you think she'll stop abusing you? Revenge is a pointless exercise.

That sounds like a toxic environment you are in, I agree with previous posters, if there is a crisis service or friend you can move in with, do that. You're mother has no right to treat you like that.
I just watched the first 3 episodes of Dexter today. Dear God, my ENFP heart could not take it :|

INTJs are jars of honey with grenades inside. I know I shouldn't open the jar but agh! I can't help it!
Yea, Emily's post kinda reminded me of my "not in the best of moods and you better step carefully" self.
go to INTJ forum discuss with them about their opinions. Well, I was on INTJ forum and they banned me- thats quite ironic, because if I would be close- minded person, I could say, that are so harsh as everyone said.

So, if you had any experience with not very nice INTJ or if you are INTJ- why reasons must INTJ to have that he or she start to bully others?

First point....

That forum is rife with self righteous assholes. Sorry but it's true. They might be INTJ there but a lot of them are just pricks plain and simple.

Second point....

Our inability to create a rapport with someone based on feeling function is what makes us come across as cold. We are not, but others lack of understanding about our primary communication tool, Te, gives us that label. Rationalism doesn't make decisions based on 'human factors' which is why it's easy to make a rational a villain. Someone who advocates a solution based on something other than 'human factors' is very likely going to seem off to a lot of people.

Third point....

Bullies are people with rampant insecurity issues. That's why they feel the need to push others around, to feel some power when essentially they feel powerless. An INTJs uphill battle to find rapport with a lot of people can breed insecurity about the worth of the self, a personality that is intolerant of anything less than perfection of the self and others + major insecurities will create that kind of lashing out.