._. What personal feelings and beliefs?
He thinks things like this box people in and limit them. It almost seems like a fear. I tried to use a map analogy but he was having none of that. But to me, his type is so apparent that if he tested and it came out anything other than INTJ, I would question the test rather than my assertion.
I still think it's a toss up whether he's INTJ or ISTJ. He's definitely IXTJ though. In any case, I was curious about differences some may have noticed in ISTJs for INTJs. Both are usually quite strong or forceful about their views.
Easy way to tell them apart. Punch him in the face. If he punches you back he's an ISTJ. If he stands there with a confused look, thinking of an appropriate response he's an INTJ.
Honestly, instead of generalities, quirks and the profiles, I'd focus on the Si/Se difference. Despite its inferior position in INTJs, Se still influences them and it utilized for their purposes.

Having Si aids its users to see how things have always been, how the past can apply to today. Se in the INTJ focuses more on the here, now and why. Si, is more focused on physical comfort. Just relaxing, whatever works. Old couch? Yep, that's fine. Let's reuse! In contrast, Se users are fascinated by physical novelties. Beauty is much more aware of, and incidentally, its users may dress nicer. However, being inferior, it may not be quite so strong. Old couch? Ugh, out with the old, in with the new! Yes, black leather should do.

My ISTP (Se aux) dad likes his little, nice investments. Most recently? $55 premium headphones. Just came home with them one day. He loves listening to some of the newer pop music, Lindsey Sterling's "Elements", or anything powerful/enchanting/lots of bass. He also has these little visions, or dreams, he likes to make happen (speaking of Ni here). One is where he "always dreamed of laying back in a nice La-Z recliner, with an ergonomic keyboard on my lap, typing in my story that'd appear on the tv in nice big letters so I could see." Yes, that La-Z boy chair is black leather.
My ISTJ brother, on the other hand, is much more functional (this isn't viewed from without Te aux). He loves these old radios/radio-tvs as a gift. And noteworthy of course, is that he's such a history buff. That basically screams Si in the top. He'll reuse stuff for his own purposes. If we had duct tape around the house he'd use it, but right now, it's the Masking Tape Takeover. Characteristically, a Se user would want it to look nice. I know I can't stand it. It looks so ugly... *shakes head* And he don't even like blue!

Easy way to tell them apart. Punch him in the face. If he punches you back he's an ISTJ. If he stands there with a confused look, thinking of an appropriate response he's an INTJ.

That's quite true. Except...don't punch your dad in the face. Unless he's being emotional, then it's okay.
I don't quite know why (and I'm open to theories on this) but the S/N preference on the ITs (or can I say T types in general?) can change everything in the emotional dimension. The ISTs I know can be very reactive. They get firey quick and I'm sitting back like, "Why so emotional?"
(thumbs up if you got the Joker reference first read-through xD)
The NTs, but more (in)famously the INTs, aren't programmed with that. And have low tolerance for others, as well. As a personal example, when I have the task of watching little humans, and they began to cry for something that they can't get...well, I have them calm down and explain it to them rationally and simply/concisely (for their less developed brains to process). I can be extremely patient. But remaining efficient. If the same pattern is happening over and over, then I'll do something else and let them cry that really isn't too distracting (thank you, Se inferior!!) And I've even said, calmly, "Don't be so emotional. Shh. Deep breath."