Does anyone have anything to say about enfp/intj interactions?

I ask because my two friends feel really uncomfortable around each other. Could this be a manifestation of "oh man, that intj is a monster" because of what they see as proper tact is different? Yeah, probably. It's strange to see this enfp's lightbulb crackle around him and other intjs when, for the most part, his body the strongest vessel for universal love with most others.

Actually I know 2 of them who are supposedly best friends. Intj isn't far from Infj and infj is supposedly their perfect match. So I imagine intj actually could also fair well with them.
So I guess I'll be an INTJ someday! I suppose the same would be true for you - your Feeling function will develop more fully later on.
I can't imagine myself being logical and reasonable!

I've actually taken the MBTI tests quite a few times in my life and every time but one I have gotten the INFJ score. Then only other time, I got an INTJ score, which sort of threw me off, but after thinking about it, at the time I was operating on an INTJ level.

I still feel like I am more of an INFJ however.
Does anyone have anything to say about enfp/intj interactions?

I ask because my two friends feel really uncomfortable around each other. Could this be a manifestation of "oh man, that intj is a monster" because of what they see as proper tact is different? Yeah, probably. It's strange to see this enfp's lightbulb crackle around him and other intjs when, for the most part, his body the strongest vessel for universal love with most others.
The only frame of reference I have is the guy I'm seeing and my ENFP best friend.. They could not stand each other.. ENFP was "too loud and hyper" and INTJ was "callous and abrasive." (Not to reinforce sterotypes, I'm sure not all are like that for either type. But that is what each said of the other.)

The INTJ only decided to respect the ENFP when she stood up to him.
Which, I guess INTJs like to be stood up to? I've heard that before.
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Nothing makes me cringe when I read profiles about my type. I find most of them surprisingly accurate.

The misconceptions comes from the fact that the profiles are often examples of extreme, one-sided preferences, while people will usually have one or more areas in which they exhibit more of a middle ground.

In my case, my I and N test out very strong, but the T and J don't, so I have plenty of common ground with the profiles of the INFJs and INTPs types as well.

(i.e. I'm not quite as cold-hearted/logical or steadfast/rigid as the typical INTJ profile makes me sound.)
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