A thought occurred to me as I was reading my daughter a bed-time story a few minutes ago. Do you find that as a female others have expectations of how you should communicate that differ from how others expect males to do the same thing? Double standards are replete in nearly all cultures, I suppose. I think that males are given a lot more leeway in this area, but I am guessing that since you are an INTJ female, you already know this firsthand.
Forgot to answer this part. For me, I always felt like I was forced to become more social and to filter my natural tendencies to not cloak stuff in layers of bullshit. Natives in general aren't really overly communicative and outgoing in formal social situations--especially when involved in Ceremony. However, more casual settings can become quite lively. There isn't anything considered "abnormal' about being quiet but not participating is frowned upon. However there was/is tremendous pressure to be "social"--to go to events, to interact, to be with others quite a bit. Also, I was constantly criticized for being "too blunt"--there is a great deal of emphasis on "harmony" and acting "right" (proper) in more "formal" social situations which doesn't involve stating your opinion.